1. Write a short note on Kaivartya rebellion in the history of Bengal. 20
  2. Write an essay on the art and architecture in South India during the Pallava period. 30
  3. Describe how Sanskrit literature and other regional languages flourished during early medieval period. 30
  4. Discuss the central administrative organisation in the Chola kingdom with special reference to local self-government.  20
  5. How did Husain Shah bring about political stability in Bengal? What were its ditch ori the cultural life in medieval Bengal? 20
  6. Discuss agricultural expansion in early medieval period with special reference to irrigation and 'Agrahar. (land grant) system. 30
  7. In what ways did the invasions of Mahmud of Ghazni differ from that of Muhammad Ghuri? How would you account for the success of the Turks? 30
  1. The development of art and literature under the Palas and Senas. 30
  1. Village administration acquired uniqueness under the Cholas - Discuss.  20
  1. How would you analyse the contribution of the lliyas Shahi Dynasty in the history of Bengal. 10
  1. Explain the causes of failure of the Hindus against the early Turkish attacks in India. 10
  2. The growth and development of art and architecture in south India under the Pallavas, Chalukyas and Cholas. 30
  3. Attempt an impartial judgement on the achievements of Maharaj Sasanka of Gauda in Bengal.  20
    1. The Urban Society and trade guilds of South India in the Sangam age. 40
    2. Bengal under Hussian shahi rule. 40
    3. Determine the significance of Mahmud of Ghazni's invasion. 10
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