Lothal is located at 

(A) Rajasthan

(B) Uttar Pradesh

(C) Gujarat

(D) Haryana

1.Where was the figure of the dancing girl to be found?

(A) Indus Valley

(B) Araku Valley

(C) Kashmir Valley

(D) Nubra Valley 

2.What was importance of Lothal?

(A) Port

(B) Granary

(C) Zoo

(D) Market 

3.Mohenjodaro and Harappa belong to

(A) Egyptian civilization

(B) Sumerian civilization

(C) Mesopotamian civilization

(D) Indus Valley civilization

Which of the following statements is true of the Harappan civilisation?

1.Harappan civilisation comprised of a network of urban constellations, drawing on the agricultural surplus generated by the surrounding countryside.

2.The Harappans seem to have flourishing trade relation with Sumeria and Egypt.

3.The seals are suspected to be connected with trading activities of the Harappans.

4.Overland trade rested primarily on bullock and horse-drawn carriages,.

5.Some deities akin to the mother-goddess and Pasluipati seem to have been popular.

(A)1, 2 ,3




1.Which of the following is the biggest Harappan civilization site ?

(A) Ropar        

(B) Lothal        

(C) Kalibangan       

(D) Rakhigarhi

2."The most unique feature of this site is its dockyard; the world's first tidal port, which served as a main seaport for the Indus people". The above statement holds true for which site ?

(A) Ropar      

(B) Lothal     

(C) Rakhigarhi  

(D) Banawali

3.The Indian who was involved in the excavations of Harppa and Mohenjodaro is

(A) S. D. Rathore        

(B) K. K. Menon     

(C) R. D. Banerjee          

(D) R. D. Sharma

4.Kalibangan is located at

(A) Gujarat     

(B) Rajasthan             

(C) Himachal Pradesh 

(D) Punjab

1.Which of the following is not a feature of Lothal ?

(A) Discovery of a dockyard

(B) Rectangular and circular fire alters for animal sacrifice

(C) Depiction of a ship on a seal

(D) Evidence of the use of the plough

1.Which one among the Harappan sites was probably a trading outpost meant for procuring lapis-lazuli ?

(A) Shortugai              (B) Musa Khel             (C) Mundigak          (D) Damb Sadat

1.The ruins of Harappa were first noticed by

(A) M. S. Vats              (B) M. Wheeler            (C) B. B. Lal       (D) Charles Mason

2.Which of the following periods was considered by Gordon Childe as a period of "revolution" ?

(A) Palaeolithic            (B) Mesolithic       (C) Neolithic          (D) Harappan

3.Among the Bronze Age Civilizations which one was undoubtedly the largest in extent ?

(A) Egyptian                (B) Mesopotamian         (C) Harappan            (D) Mehargarh

4.The urban centres of the Harappan Civilisation faded out around -

(A) 2200 BC                 (B) 2100-2000 BC       (C) 2000-1900BC        (D) 1800-1750BC

5.In the long history of domestication of animals, according to Wenke which was he earliest animal to be domesticated ?

(A) Goat       (B) Pig   (C) Horse         (D) Dog

6.Microliths are typical of

(A) Paleolithic Age       (B) Mesolithic Age     (C) Neolithic Age         (D) Chalcolithic Age

7.The earliest evidence of settled agriculture in the subcontinent comes from

(A) Mehargarh            (B) Amri           (C) Kalibangan        (D) Dholavira

8.In which State of India Ataranjikheda is situated ?

(A) Bihar       (B) Madhya Pradesh     (C) U.P.           (D) Gujarat

1.Who tells us that 'India' (i.e. Indus Valley) was the 20th and most prosperous satrapy (province) of the Persian empire ?

(A) Herodotus             (B) Megasthenese       (C) Fa Hien      (D) Yijing

2.Which civilization was undoubtedly the largest in extent among the Bronze age civilizations ?

(A) The Harappan civilization

(B) Egyptian civilization

(C) Mesopotamian civilization

(D) Roman civilization

3.Which archaeologist has recently contested the identification of impressive brick-built structure at Harappa as a 'Granary' ?

(A) R.E.M. Wheeler     (B) Bridget Allchin       (C) Raymond Allchin       (D) J.M. Kenoyer

4.Who considered the Harappan crafts "technically the peer of the rest" among products of the Bronze Age ?

(A) Gordon childe      (B) Shereen Ratnagar             (C) R.S. Bisht               (D) Asco Parpola

1.Which of the following Islands of India has volcanic origin ?

(A) Car-Nicobar       (B) Barren           (C) North Andaman     (D) Little Nicobar

2.Which of the following were the main items of export of the Indus people ?

(i) Gold and Silver       (ii) Cotton goods          (iii) Terra cottas (iv) Seals               (v) Pottery

Select the answer from the codes below

(A) ii,  iii and v            (B) i,   iii and iv            (C) i,  ii,  iv and v         (D) All of them

3.Who among the following archeologists has been claiming that he was successfully deciphered the Indus script, though others have not accepted the claim ?

(A) MEM Wheeler        (B) Gordon Childe       (C) K. M. Srivastava        (D) S. R. Rao 

4.According to the latest excavations, Manda is the ...... site of the Indus civilization ?

(A) Northern most      (B) Southern most       (C) Eastern most         (D) Western most

5.Which one of the following types of Harappan pottery is said to be the earliest example of its kind in the world ?

(A) Polychrome        (B) Glazed          (C) Perforated       (D) Knobbed

6.The Harappan bricks were mainly

(A) Sawn with the help of a saw-like instrument         (B) Made in an open mouId

(C) Hand-made            (D) Cut with the help of a chisel

7.Where do we find the three phases, viz. Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Cultures in sequence ?

(A) Belan Valley         (B) Krishna Valley       (C) Godavari Valley     (D) Kashmir Valley

8.Which of the following is not a principal tool of the Early Stone Age ?

(A) Scrapper               (B) Handaxe                (C) Cleaver      (D) Chopper

9.Which of the following is the main reason for the development of towns in the Harappan period ?

(A) Development of Science and technology          (B) Development of Arts and crafts

(C) Growth of Trade and commerce          (D) Increase in Agrarian surplus

1.At which of the following places has the largest belt of painted rock shelter of pre-historic period been found  ?

(A) Bhaja       

(B) Bhimbetka            

(C) Bagor        

(D) Ajanta

2.Official stamping of weights and measures and their periodical inspection are prescribed by

(A) Manu       

(B) Narada       

(C) Brihaspati             

(D) Parasara

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