1.Bal Gangadhar Tilak was the editor of

(A) Hindoo Patriot

(B) Kesari

(C) Anandamath

(D) Hind Swaraj

2. The theory of Radical Humanism was put forth by

(A) Subhas Chandra Bose

(B) Karl Marx

(C) Nehru

(D) M.N.Roy

1.Who among the following was not associated with the economic critique of British rule?

(A) R. C. Dutt(B) Dadabhai Naoroji (C) M.G.Ranade(D) Gokhale

2.Who among the following was not associated with the Aligarh Movement?

(A) Sayyid Ahmed of Rai Bareilly (B) Theodore Beck(C) Raja of Banaras(D) None of the above

3.The foundation of which university associated with the Khilafat agitation?

(A) Aligarh Muslim Univasity(B) Osmania University(C) Lucknow(D) Jamia Milia Islamia 

4.Who among the following was the President of the INC during the launch of Quit IndiaMovement?

(A) Gandhi(B) Nehru (C) Maulana Azad(D) Vallabhbhai Patel

5.Who among the following opposed the Lucknow Pact?

(A) Jinnah (B) Azad (C) Shamsul Huda (D) Fazlul Hug

6.Who was the founder of the Khudai Khidmatgar?

(A) Suhrawardy (B) Chaudhury Khaliquzzaman (C) Jinnah (D) Abdul Gaffar Khan

7.Which Party fought the 1937 elections in Bengal with the agenda of land reform?

(A) Congress(B) Mulsim League(C) Kisan Sabha(D) Krishak Praja Party

8.In the All Parties Conference, who was the staunchest advocate of separate elections ?

(A) M.A. Jinnah(B) E.V. Ramaswamy(C) B.R. Ambedkar(D) Baldev Singh 

9.Who favored the strategy of the general electorate with seats reserved for Muslims?

(A) Muhammad Ali (B) Shauqat Ali (C) Jinnah(D) Maulana And

10.Who was the first Indian to become Law Member to the Viceroy's Executive Council?

(A) W. C. Bannerjee (B) Dadabhai Naoroji (C) G. K. Gokhale (D) Lord Sinha

1.The Ghadar Party was founded (November 1913) at San Francisco, USA by

(A) Madam Bhikaji Cama      (B) Lala Har Dayal        (C) Shyamji Krishna Verma              (D) Both (A) and (B)

2.Who founded the Indian Independence league (1942) in Tokyo ?

(A) Taraknath Das       (B) Raja Mohendra Pratap      (C) Subhas Chandra Bose     (D) Rash Bihari Bose 

3.Khilafat Movement was organised by

(A) Jinnah        (B) Maulana Abul Kalnm Azad      (C) Ali Brothers    (D) Agha Khan

4.Who was the founder of the All India Communist Party (AICP) in 1924 ?

(A) Satyabhakta         (B) C. R. Das               (C) M. N. Roy      (D) N. D. Majumdar

5.Which of the following organisations was not established by B. R. Ambedkar ?

(A) Zero club  (B) Depressed classes Institute          (D) Samaj Samata Sangh              (D) Peoples Education Society

6.The members of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan's Red Shirt Movement were known as

(A) Khidmatgars          (B) Insan-i-Khidmatgar       (C) Khuda-i-Khidmatgar   (D) Angels of Freedom

7.Which of the following is correctly matched ?

(A) Rabindra Nath Tagore — 'Nil Darpan'

(B) Dadabhai Naoroji — 'Indian Unrest'

(C) Dinabandhu Mitra — 'Gora'

(D) Ramesh Chandra Dutt — 'Economic History India'

8.In which year was Lala Lajpat Rai deported to Mandalay for organising the agrarian movement in Punjab ?

(A) 1905          (B) 1907      (C) 1909  (D) 1911

1.What was the solution found by B. R. Ambedkar in later years after Independence to end the hardship of scheduled class people ?

(A) More Representations       (B) Separate Electorate    (C) Embracing the Buddhism            (D) Organized Movement

2.Aurobindo Ghosh was brilliantly defended

(A) Chittaranjan Das              (B) W. C. Banerjee      (C) Motilal Nehru               (D) Tej Bahadur Sapru

3.Mahatma Gandhi first experimented with his technique of Satyagraha in

(A) Champaran             (B) Khera       (C) Ahmedabad Mill Strike      (D) Anti Rowlatt Act Agitation

4.A senior congress leader, who held that the Quit India Movement was misguided and detrimental to India's long term interests, was

(A) Tej Bahadur Sapru            (B) Jayaprakash Narayan       (C) C. Rajagopalachari         (D) J.B. Kripalani

5.Match the papers of periodicals with the National leaders who Published them.


Abdul Kalam Azad


Bombay Chronicle


Pheroze Shah Mehta


Al Hilal


Mrs. Annie Besant


Young India


M.K. Gandhi


New India





































Match the founders of the following revolutionary organisations :


Anushilan Samiti


V.D. Savarkar


Abhinava Bharata


Barindra Kumar Ghosh


Ghadar Party


Lala Hardayal


Hindustan Socialist Republical Army


Sachindra Nath Sunyal and Bhagat Singh





































6.Who is regarded as 'the Mother of Indian Revolution' ?

(A) Mrs. Annie Besant             (B) Snehlata Wadkar               (C) Sarojini Naidu       (D) Madam Bhikaji Rustom Cama

7.Who of the following was not hanged in the famous Kakori Train Dacoity Case ?

(A) Pandit Ramprasad Bismil              (B) Roshan Lal            (C) Ashfaqulla Khan        (D) Surya Sen

8.The Chittagong Armoury Raid had been planned by

(A) Surya Sen             (B) Chandra Dutta       (C) Vidhan Ghosh        (D) Jatin Das

9.The two greatest women revolutionaries of the National Movement — Pritilata Wadedar and Kalpana Dutta were the revolutionary co-workers of

(A) Surya Sen             (B) Bhagat Singh         (C) Batukeshwar Dutt              (D) Chapekar Brothers

10.Who murdered Sunders, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Lahore, for assaulting Lala Lajpat Rai ?

(A) Bhagat Singh       (B) Batukeswar Dutt      (C) Sukh Dev        (D) Raj Guru

11.Why did Bhagat Singh and Batukeswar Dutt throw bombs on the floor of the Central Assembly in New Delhi and in the Process got themselves arrested ?

(A) After the murders of Sanders at Lahore, the people were suffering terribly at the hands of the Police.

(B) A feeling had slowly gained around that the people had to suffer the consequences of the crimes committed by Bhagat Singh, etc. to remove such a feeling H.S.R.A. decided to send two members to commit a crime and then to count arrest,

(C) To create a sensation all over India in order to remove political lethargy.

(D) All of the above.

12.Jatin Das, an accused in the Lahore Conspiracy Case, on whose death the family of the Irish martyr, Teren Macswiney sent condolence message to the family of Das, died after undertaking a fast of —— days.

(A) fifty six        (B) sixty three.           (C) seventy two           (D) eighty one

13.Subhas Chandra Basu was unanimously elected President of the I.N.C. at the Haripur Session held in February :

(A) 1936            (B) 1937        (C) 1938       (D) 1939

14.What was the fundamental difference between Subhas Chandra Basu and Gandhi-Nehru group, which led to the defeat of Gandhiji's candidate for the Presidentship of the I.N.C. ?

(A) Gandhiji had a personal dislike for Basu.

(B) Basu had radical and socialist ideas.

(C) Basu wanted to exploit the war between Germany and Britain to India's advantage and said: "England's necessity is India's opportunity".

(D) Insinuations made by Basu against Gandhiji that he was not keen on carrying on the National Struggle.

15.After Leaving the Congress, Subhas Chandra Bose organized the Forward Block in

(A) 1939          (B) 1938          (C) 1940       (D) 1941

16.The first Provisional Government of Free India was inaugurated by Subhas Chandra Basu at

(A) Imphal        (B) Kohima        (C) Singapore           (D) Rangoon

17.Ridiculing the idea of Swarajya in 1903 : who said, "Only mad men outside lunatic assylums could think or talk of independence" ?

(A) Lord Carzon           (B) Lord Hardinge        (C) Gopal Krishna Gokhale               (D) Pheroze Shah Mehta

18.Bal Gangadhar Tilak was given the epithet of Lokmanya during :

(A) Swadeshi Movement         (B) Revolutionary Movement     (C) Home Rule Movement          (D) His Imprisonment in 1908

19.The only Indian Prince, who actively participated in the revolutionary movement within and outside India, was

(A) Raja Mahendra Pratap      (B) Kunwar Singh       (C) Chhatrapati Sahu               (D) Raja Ripudaman Singh

20.Dadabhai Naoroji was elected to the British House of Commons as a member of the —— party.

(A) Conservative       (B) Liberal       (C) Labour           (D) Labour-Liberal Combine

21.Who gave the title of Rani to the Naga woman leader Gaidinliu ?

(A) Subhas Chandra Basu       (B) Jawaharlal Nehru            (C) Thakkar Bapa   (D) Mahatma Gandhi

22.Who was the first to unfurl the first Indian National Flag, the parent and precursor of the Flag of Independent India ?

(A) Madam Bhikaiji Cama      (B) Dadabhai Naoroji           (C) Raja Mahendra Pratap        (D) Taraknath Das

23.Gopal Hari Deshmukh is popularly known as Lokhitwadi because :

(A) He was a great philanthropist and social worker.

(B) He distributed money and medicines to the poor and the needy.

(C) He edited a monthly magazine the 'Lokhitwadi'.

(D) All of the above.

24.Madan Lal Dhingra murdered Curzon Wylie in London, who was a / an —

(A) Adviser to the Secretary of State for India.

(B) Secretary of State for India.

(C) Former Governor of the Punjab.

(D) Law Member of the Viceroy's Executive Council.

25.He was a. great Indian revolutionary who was a Profe­ssor of Sanskrit and Philosophy in the Universities of Berkeley and Standford and died as a sanyasi in Philadelphia. He was :

(A) Shyamji Krishna Verma               (B) Lala Hardayal        (C) Bhai Parmanand      (D) Ram Chandra Bhardwaj

26.The day M. K. Gandhi launched the Non-Co-operation Movement, a great National leader died he was :

(A) Gopal Krishna Gokhale       (B) Bal Gangadhar Tilak       (C) Pheroz Shah Mehta        (D) C.R. Das

27.The founder President of the Harijan Sevak Sangha, founded by M.K. Gandhi, was

(A) Mahadev Desai       (B) G.D. Birla             (C) Amrit Lal Thakkar     (D) B. R. Ambedkar

28.Who killed Michael O' Dyer, the Governor of Punjab, who had ordered the brutal firing on the innocent people at Jalianwala Bag ?

(A) Madan Lal Dhingra       (B) Sardar Udham Singh       (C) Sohan Singh Bhakra             (D) Kanai Lal Dutt

1.Subhash Chandra Bose became the supreme leader of Indian National Army in

(A) 1940          (B) 1941          (C) 1942       (D) 1943

2.The genesis of the demand for Pakistan as a separates state can be traced to

(A) Sir Muhammad Iqbal         (B) Fazlul Huq             (C) Muhammad Ali Jinnah       (D) Chowdhury Rahamat Ali

3.The sudden emergence of the samities or 'national volunteer' movement was one of the major achievements of the Swadeshi Age. Who founded Swadesh Bandhan Samity ?

(A) Aswini Kumar Dutta         (B) Pulinbihari Das      (C) Sarala Devi               (D) Barin Ghosh

4.Who among the following was one of the prominent leader of the Justice Movement ?

(A) Chander Menon     (B) C N Mudaliar          (C) K Ramakrishna Pillai       (D) E V Ramaswami Naicker

5.Sri Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogum (SNDP) was founded by

(A) Sri Narayana Guru      (B) Dr. Palgu         (C) N Kumaran Asan  (D) All of them

6.Who was the first women legislator ?

(A) Basanti Devi          (B) Urmila Devi        (C) Muthulaxmi Reddy                (D) Krishnabai Ram

1.The society of 'Khudai Khidmatgars' organized by the Pathans under the leadership of Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan is popularly known as

(A) Blue Shirts             (B) Green Shirts       (C) Red Shirts   (D) Pathan Shirts

2.In 1903, which leader ridiculed the idea of Swaraj by saying— "Only mad men outside lunatic asylums could think or talk of independence" ?

(A) Gopal Krishna Gokhale               (B) Pheroz Shah Mehta           (C)  A. O. Hume      (D) Mrs, Annie Besant

1.Who raised patriotism to the pedestal of mother worship and said : "I know my country as my mother. I adore her. I worship her" ?

(A) Swami Vivekananda          (B) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee     (C) Aurobindo Ghosh      (D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

2.Name the European who worked ardently for the Indian national movement and criticized the British rule by saying : "The British empire is rotten to the core, corrupt in every direction and tyrannical and mean" -

(A) Sister Nivedita      (B) A.O. Hume             (C) William Wedderburn               (D) Mrs. Annie Beasant

3.In 1940 January, in his letter to C. F. Andrews, who was described by Gandhiji as "my son"- but a "spoilt child of the family" ?

(A) Jawaharlal Nehru               (B) Minoo Masani        (C) Muhammad Ali Jinnah      (D) Subhas Chandra Bose

1.Subhas Chandra Bose fought the presidential elections in 1939 on the ground that

(A) He did not like the nomination of Sitaramayya

(B) He pleaded for elections instead of nominations

(C) He was opposed to Gandhiji

(D) He favoured an aggressive policy which was opposed by the Congress Leaders

2.The lower castes tried to assert themselves by borrowing and imitating customs and manners of the upper castes. This was termed as Sanskritisation by

(A) M. K. Gandhi          (B) Bernard Cohn        (C) B. R. Ambedkar       (D) M. N. Srinivas

3.Who among the following was not a member of the Congress Socialist Party, although he encouraged and blessed its formation ?

(A) Achyuta Patwardhan       (B) Jawaharlal Nehru        (C) Jayaprakash Narayan             (D) Acharya Narendra Dev

4.Who described Bal Gangadhar Tilak as the 'father of Indian unrest' ?

(A) Valentine Chirol   (B) Disrachi     (C) Minto - II                (D) Chelmsford

5.Keshab Chandra Sen

(i) Adopted a radical and comprehensive scheme of social reforms

(ii) Infused the concept of Bhakti into Brahmoism

(iii) Influenced the socio-religious reformer in Bombay and Madras.

(iv) Opposed the introduction of western education in India

Which one is correct

(A)  i, ii and iii             (B) ii, iii and iv              (C) i, iii and iv    (D) All of them

6.Who said : 'This orderly disciplined anarchy should go, and if as a result there is complete lawlessness I would risk it' ?

(A) Jawaharlal Nehru        (B) Mahatma Gandhi        (C) Rajagopalachari               (D) Ballav Bhai Patel

7.Who said : 'The Muslims were fools to ask for safeguard and the Hindus were greater fools to refuse them' ?

(A) Jawaharlal Nehru        (B) Abul Kalam Ajad         (C) Muhammed Ali        (D) Subhas Bose

1.Who gave the slogan 'Inquilab Zindabad' ?

(A) Bhagat Sing       (B) Hasrat Mohani          (C) S. C. Bose    (D) M., K. Gandhi

2.The chief advisor and confident of Syed Ahmad Khan was :

(A) W.W. Hunter       (B) Theodore Beck       (C) Theodore Morison               (D) Nassan Lees

3.Who did the Tribune of Lahore refer to in its-  observation " If ever a man died a hero and martyr to a noble cause, that man was" ?

(A) Bhagat Singh       (B) Jatindra Nath Das              (C) Chandra Sekhar Azad    (D) Surya Sen

4.Whom did B.G Tilak call 'the Diamond of India' ?

(A) Rabindranath Tagore         (B) Dadabhai Naoraji     (C) Gopal Krishna Gokhale          (D) Lala Lajpat Rai

5.Which is the correct pair  ?

(A) Malavya and Jayakar

(B) Vithalbhai and Malavya

(C) Motilal Nehru and Malavya

(D) C. R. Das and Motilal Nehru

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