1.Which of the following is a poverty alleviation programme?

(A) MGNREGA Scheme (B) Bharat Nirman (C) SSA (D) NRHM 

2. MGNREGA mandates participation of Women by at least

(A) 50 percent (B) 40 percent (C) 30 percent (D) 33 percent 

3.Which of the following is not a poverty alleviation programme?

(A) Integrated Rural Development Programme

(B) Ayushman Bharat Yojana

(C) Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojana

(D) National Rural Livelihood Mission 

4. Which of the following programmes helps to promote rural development in India?

(A) Bharat Nirman (B) Pradhan Mantri Gramin Aawas Yojana (C) MGNREGA (D) AIl of the above

5. Which of the following programmes is meant exclusively for women?


1.The Employment Guarantee Act underlying the MGNREGS is a

(A) Supply-driven scheme.

(B) Demand-driven scheme.

(C) Both demand as well as supply driven scheme.

(D) None of the above 

2. FEMA was introduced in which year?

(A) 2002

(B) 2004 

(C) 2000

(D) 1999

3. The Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY)

(A) is a women empowerment scheme.

(B) poverty eradication scheme.

(C) is a placement-linked skill development scheme for rural youth who are poor.

(D) is a youth development program for the urban sector.

4. Consider the following statements regarding Bharatmala Programme:

(A) It includes development of State roads along coastal areas.

(B) It includes backward areas, religious, Tourist Places Connectivity Programme.

(C) It includes Setu Bharatam Pariyojana which is for the construction of about 1500 major bridges.

(D) (B) and (C) only 

5. Under MGNREGS, guarantee is provided for

(A) Every person for 100 days in the family in a year. 

(B) one person in the family for the whole year.

(C) every person for the whole year.

(D) at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year to every rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work.

6. Which of the following is dedicated to empowerment of girl students in India?


(B) Mid-day Meals 

(C) Beti Bachao Beti Pad hao

(D) Sarva Siksha Abhiyan 

7. PM SVANidhi Scheme is a Scheme recently in light to

(A) reduce poverty by organizing the rural poor women into Self Help Groups.

(B) provide working capital loan to urban street vendors to resume their businesses.

(C) provide loan to COVID-affected people. 

(D) provide concessional credit to famers.

1.The Minimum Needs Programme aims to

(A) provide means for greater mechanization of agriculture.

(B) improve the living condition of the poor and also promote their education and health.

(C) provide necessary resources by way of refinance to primary lenders.

(D) None of the above

2.The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act mandates at least what fraction of the beneficiaries to be women

(A)25%  (B)30%  (C)40%  (D)50%

3.The Food for work programme was renamed as:

(A) Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme (RLEGP)

(B) National Rural Employment Programme (NREP)

(C) Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY)

(D) Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)

4.National Food Grain Movement Plan is primarily related to which among the following

(A) Development of new seed varieties of food grains.

(B) Opening food grain seeds village.

(C) Modernization of public distribution system.

(D) All of the above

5.The major objective of TRYSEM was

(A) to train rural youth for self-employment.

(B) to train urban youth for self-employment.

(C) Both of (A) & (B)

(D) None of the above

6.Consider the following statements and identify the right ones:

(i) The National Food Security Mission aims to increase production through area expansion

(ii) This programme was launched to enhance the production of rice, wheat and pulses.

(Oct 2007)

(A) (i) only

(B) (ii) only

(C) both (i) and (ii)

(D) None of the above

7.India’s foreign exchange rate system is

(A) free float  (B) fixed  (C) managed float (D) fixed target of bond

1.Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) Yojana or in other words, 'Save the Girl Child' has been launched to generate awareness and improve the efficiency of welfare services intended for girls in India.

The prime concerns of BBBP are

(A) prevention of gender based sex selective elimination.

(B) ensuring survival and protection of the girl child.

(C) ensuring education and participation of the girl child.

(D) All the above concerns.

2.National Rural Employment Guarantee Act provides employment to,

(A) skilled rural workers.     (B) semi skilled rural workers.    (C) unskilled workers.         (D) Both (A) and (B)

3.Structural Adjustment Programme in India required

(A) fiscal deficit zero

(B) fiscal deficit very low

(C) fiscal deficit very high

(D) fiscal deficit moderately high

4.The programme 'Operation Barga' was undertaken with quick success in

(A) Punjab.      (B) West Bengal.        (C) Maharastra.           (D) None of the above

1.In Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY), the timeline of how many months is set for settlement of claims by insurance companies after the completion of crop cutting experiments/harvesting period ?

(A) One       (B) Two   (C) Three         (D) Four

2.According to the data released by the Central Statistics Office (CSO), the Indian economy is likely to grow at what percent in the financial year (2018-19) ?

(A) 6.7 percent            (B) 6.9 percent       (C) 7.2 percent     (D) 7.4 percent

3.According to the World Economic Forum's (WEF) report titled 'Future of Consumption in Fast-Growth Consumer Market - India', what will be India's ranking as the world's largest consumer market by 2030 ?

(A) Second      (B) Third         (C) Fourth        (D) Fifth

4.Consider the following statements :

(i) Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister is a non-constitutional, permanent and independent body.

(ii) It advises the Prime Minister on whole heart of economic issues like inflation, microfinance, industrial output etc.

Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct ?

(A) (i) only      (B) (ii) only       (C) Both (i) and (ii)       (D) None of the above

5.It is an urban renewal and retrofitting program with a mission to develop 100 cities all over the country making them citizen friendly and sustainable.What is it ?

(A) Start up India         (B) Skill India  (C) Swachh Bharat Abhijan      (D) Smart City Mission

6.Aims to achieve an Open-Defecation Free (ODF) India by October 2, 2019. It is —

(A) Ujala Yojana

(B) P. M. Mudra Loan Bank Yojana

(C) Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

(D) Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana

7.Find the odd one in the list of Navaratnas (IT)

(A) Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)

(B) Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL)

(C) National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)

(D) Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)

8.An investment plan in which the Company pays return to investors from the new capital coming in from new investors instead of the profits of the business known as

(A) Underwriting      (B) Ponzi scheme           (C) Mutual fund           (D) Para Banking

9.The Gold Monetization Scheme introduced by the Government of India in

(A) 2015          (B) 2016          (C) 2017          (D) 2018

10.The scheme encourages parents to build a fund for the future education and marriage expenses for their female child, backed by Government of India. The scheme is

(A) Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

(B) Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao

(C) Atal Pension Yojana

(D) P. M. Jan Suraksha Yojana

11.Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana was launched in

(A) 2014          (B) 2015      (C) 2016  (D) 2017

12.The chief promoter of National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) is

(A) NABARD   (B) NSCCL       (C) NSE           (D) BSE

13.The corpus of funds and its duration is fixed in case of —— fund.

(A) Open ended       (B) Close ended             (C) Balanced       (D) Income

14.What is the name of the mega pension scheme announced in Interim Budget 2019 under which Rs.3,000 per mouth pension for 10 crore unorganised sector workers has been proposed for contribution of Rs. 100/55 per month ?

(A) Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan

(B) PM Kisan Samman

(C) PM Jan Suraksha Bima Yojana

(D) Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

15.Which State Govt, has announced interest free loans of up to three lakh rupees for women self-help group (WSHGs) in the state ?

(A) West Bengal          (B) Rajasthan              (C) Chattisgarh       (D) Odisha

16.Rythu Bandhu Scheme is implemented in which State ? The state govt. provides an income support: of Rs.4000 per acre per season to farmers .under the scheme :

(A) Odisha       (B) Assam       (C) Telengana             (D) Kerala

17.Which State Govt, recently announced two welfare initiatives for farmers as part of the 'Krishi Krishak Bondhu' Scheme ?

(A) Odisha          .(B) West Bengal     (C) Uttar Pradesh        (D) Bihar

18.The man's unique feet: unveilling e-Choupal with an aim to change India's rural economy by empowering farmers. He died on May 11, 2019, Who is he ?

(A) Yogesh Chander Deveshwar (YCD)        (B) Meera Sanyal        (C) Masazo Nonaka          (D) Atal Behari Vajpayee

19.Which one of the following was launched with the objective of helping the poor in rural areas for become self employed through training ?

(A) DPAP         (B) IRDP       (C) TRYSEM      (D) DDP

20.It aims to fast track taxpayer's grievance redressal ensuring early resolution by integrating all the online and physical grievances received by the department and keeping track of it until it reaches in logical conclusion. What is it ?

(A) Aayakar Seva Kendra        (B) Aayakar Setu         (C) e-Nivaran               (D) TDS SMS alert scheme

21.'Housing for All by 2022', what is that scheme ?

(A) START UP INDIA       (B) AMRUT             (C) SKILL INDIA          (D) DIGITAL INDIA

1.The Government launched the UDYAMI helpline for which among the following ?

(A) Large capital industries

(B) Female entrepreneur

(C) Farmers introducing technology in farming

(D) Micro, small & medium size enterprises

2.National Small Savings Fund is a part of which among the following ?

(A) Consolidated Fund of India

(B) Public Account of India

(C) Contingency Fund of India

(D) Prime Minister's Relief Fund

3.Public Distribution System (PDS) means distribution of essential commodities to a large number of people through a network of Fair Price Shops on a recurring basis. The Commodities distributed under PDS are

(1) Wheat        (2) Rice            (3) Sugar         (4) Pulses        (5) Kerosene.

Select the correct option:

(A) 1, 2 and 4  (B) 1,2, 3 and 4      (C) 1,2, 3 and 5      (D) All of the above

4.Which is a nodal ministry for Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) scheme ?

(A) Ministry of Home Affairs

(B) Ministry of Women and Child Development

(C) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

(D) Niti Aayog

5."Golden Handshake Scheme" is associated with

(A) Inviting foreign companies

(B) Private investment in public enterprises

(C) Establishing Joint Enterprises

(D) Voluntary retirement

6.The main objective of TRYSEM was

(A) to train rural youth for self-employment.

(B) to train urban youth for self-employment.

(C) Both of the above

(D) None of the above

7.JAM trinity refers to the Government of India initiative to plug the leakage and deliver direct benefits to India'a poor in form of Direct Subsidy Transfer. The 'J.A.M.' stands for

(A) Jan-Dhan, Aadhaar, Mobility

(B) Jan-Dhan, Aadhaar, Mobile

(C) Jan-Dhan, Ayush, Mobility

(D) None of the above

8.Consider the following statements and identify the right ones :

i) National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture has been conceptualized to recognize the challenge of climate change to Indian agriculture.

ii) It is one of the eight missions under the NAPCC.

(A) (i) only        (B) (ii) only       (C) Both of the above            (D) None of the above

9.Which of the following statement is not correct about INDIRA AWAS YOJNA ?

(A) It was launched in 1985-86.

(B) Now it became the part of Bharat Nirman Programme.

(C) A minimum of 60% fund  is used for the constructions of houses of SC/STs.

(D) Its financial burden is shared by the states in the ratio of 50:50.

10.National Rural Development Institute is situated at

(A) Delhi          (B) Shimla       (C) Hyderabad            (D) Mumbai

11.The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act mandates at least what fraction of the beneficiaries to be women ?

(A) 25%      (B) 30%    (C) 40%           (D) 50%

1.National Agricultural Insurance Scheme was implemented on

(A) Oct. 1997       (B) Oct. 1998       (C) Oct. 1999      (D) Oct. 2000

2.Which of the following sector is not covered under the Bharat Nirman Programme ?

(A) Health & Nutrition            (B) Irrigation    (C) Road          (D) Housing

3.National Agricultural Insurance scheme replacing comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme was introduced in the year

(A) 1997          (B) 1998       (C) 1999              (D) 2000

4.The objective of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 is

(A) enhance the livelihood & security of rural people by generating wage employment through works that develop infrastructure base of that area

(B) to provide financial assistance and technical advice for generation of employment in rural areas

(C) to impart new technical skill and upgrade the traditional skill of rural people

(D) to generate employment in health, primary education, drinking water, housing and rural roads in rural areas

1.Sampoorna Grameen Swarozgar Yojana was introduced from -

(A) April 1999       (B) September 2001          (C) January 2002        (D) February 2003

2.Krishi Vikas Yojana was introduced in the ———

(A) Tenth Five Year Plan          (B) Eleventh Five Year Plan

(C) Twelfth Five Year Plan       (D) Second Five Year Plan

3.Which one of the following was launched with the objective of helping the poor in rural areas to become self employed ?

(A) DPAP         (B) IRDP          (C) TRYSEM                (D) DDP

4.New National Food Security Mission (NFSM) with an expenditure of Rs. 4882 crore in the 11th plan aims at ensuring adequate supply of -

(A) rice, cereals, pulses         (B) wheat, cereals, pulses

(C) rice, wheat, pulses          (D) rice, cereals, wheat

1.Under PL 480 scheme India entered into this programme

(A) Import of oil product        (B) Import of food grains         (C) Export of tea  (D) None of the above

1.Child Labour Eradicatioa Scheme was introduced in -

(A) 2nd December, 2011           (B) 15th August, 1994       (C) 15th August, 2001               (D) 14th November, 1971

2.In LERMS (Liberalisation Exchange Rate Management System) -

(A) 60% of Foreign currency holding was permitted to be converted on the market rate, whereas remaining 40% on official rate

(B) 40% on Market rate and 60% on official rate

(C) 100% on official rate

(D) None of the above

3.Which of the following plan is meant for constructing houses for rural people

(A) Indira Awaas Yojana

(B) Ambedkar Awaas Yojana

(C) PURA Awaas Yojana

(D) None of the above

4.Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan Yojana is associated with -

(A) The development of Bihar

(B) Community toilets in slum areas

(C) Construction of houses for low income groups

(D) None of the above



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