WBCS MAIN PAPER V : INDIAN POLITY - Constitutional and Non-Constitutional Bodies in India

1. Who was the Prime Minister of India when a Constitutional status for the Panchayati Raj and Urban Self-Governing Institutions was accorded?

(A) Indira Gandhi (B) Rajeev Gandhi (C) P.V. Narasimha Rao (D) Atal Bihari Vajpayee 

2. ChiefMinisters of all the States are ex-officio members of the

(A) Planning Commission. (B)National Development Council. (C) Inter-state Council. (D) Finance Commission. 

3. Which committee Constitutional status to Panchayat?

(A) L. M. Singhvi Committee (B) Santhanam Committee (C) Ashok Mehta Committee (D) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee recommended 

4. A member of a State Public Service Commission can be removed on the ground of misbehavior only after the enquiry has been held by

(A) Joint Parliamentary Committee.

(B) Committee constituted by the Governor of the concerned State.

(C) High Court of the concerned State.

(D) Supreme Court of India.

5. In India, political parties are given recognition by the

(A) Election Commission (B) Speaker of Lok Sabha. (C) President. (D) Law Commission. 

6. Which committee recommended for the establishment of a State Finance Commission for the allocation of finances to the Panchayats? 

(A) Hanumantha Rao Committee (B) Dantwala Committee (C) L. M. Singhvi Committee (D) Gadgil Committee 

7. Which Constitutional Article lays down the provision for a National Commission for SC and ST?

(A) Article 337 (B) Article 334 (C) Article 338 (D) Article 339 

8. Which Article of the Constitution empowers the President to appoint a Commission to investigate the condition of backward classes in general and suggest ameliorative measures?

(A) Article 342 (B) Article 344 (C) Article 340 (D) Article 339 

9. In which year, Balwant Rai Mehta Committee was appointed to examine the working of the Community Development Programme?

(A) 195l (B) 1954 (C) 1957 (D) 1960 

10. Who of the following is the Chairman of the National Water Resources Council?

(A) Prime Minister of India (B) Union Minister of Water Resources (C) Union Minister of Agriculture (D) Union Minister of Earth Sciences 

11. Under the Panchayati Raj system Gram Sabha consists of

(A) elected executives of a village.

(B) persons who are registered in the electoral rolls relating to a village.

(C) elected executives of a village and officials nominated by him/her.

(D) the village Surpanch and the persons nominated by him/her.

1. Under which Article of the Constitution of India is the Finance Commission appointed by the President of India?

(A) 279

(B) 280

(C) 281

(D) 282


2. The Finance Commission is constituted by the President of India every

(A) 2 years

(B) 3 years

(C) 4 years

(D) 5 years

1.Who is the Legal Advisor of the Government of a State in India?

(A) The Advocate General (B) Chief Justice of India (C) Judges of Supreme Court (D) Vice-President

2 . Who appoints the Chairman of the UPSC?

(A) President (B) Speaker of Lok Sabha (C) Chief Justice of India (D) Prime Minister

3. The 101st Amendment of the Indian Constitution is related to

(A) Bodo, Dogri (Dongri), Maithili & Santhali were added in the Eighth Schedule.

(B) extend the reservation of seats for the SC & STs till 2020.

(C) Constitutional status granted to National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC).

(D) G.S.T.

4 . Duties and Powers of the Comptroller and Auditor General is mentioned in which Alticle?

(A) Article 137 (B) Article 149 (C) Article 98 (D) Article 150

5.Which Article of the Constitution of India contains provisions for a National Commission for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes?

(A) Article 356 (B) Article 365 (C) Article 338 (D) Article 337

6. The Election Commission of India is a

(A) Constitutional body (B) Statutory body (C) Private body (D) Government controlled body

7.The Election Commission holds election for

(A) the Parliament, State Legislature and the posts of the President and the Vice-President

(B) the Parliament, State Legislative Assemblies and the State Council

(C) the Parliament

(D) the Parliament and the State Legislative Assemblies

8.Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India?

(A) Sukumar Sen (B) T N Seshan (C) Sushil Chandra (D) Sunil Arora

9. Which Article mentions about the Finance Commission?

(A) Article 245 (B) Article 260 (C) Article 290 (D) Article 280

10.Article 320 of the Indian Constitution deals with

(A) functions of Public Service Commissions

(B) functions of Panchayati Raj Institutions

(C) Administrative Tribunals

(D) power of Parliament to vary or revoke

11.Whenever the government spends more than it collects through revenue; the resulting imbalance is known as

(A) Public deficit (B) Market deficit (C) Government deficit (D) Budget deficit

12.Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of India?

(A) Prime Minister (B) Vice-President (C) President (D) Chief Justice of India

13.Article 312 of the Indian Constitution deals with

(A) All-India Services (B) Annual Financial Statement (C) Administrative Tribunals (D) Gram Sabha

14.The control of the preparation of electoral rolls for Parliament and Legislature vests with the

(A) President (B) Election Commission (C) Cabinet (D) Prime Minister

1.Which Article of the Constitution of India envisages that there shall be an Attorney General of India ?

(A) Article 78       (B) Article 76           (C) Article 67   (D) Article 113

2.Who is the highest law officer of India under Article 76 of the Constitution of India ?

(A) The Solicitor General of India

(B) The Secretary General of the Dept. of Law in Centre

(C) The Attorney General of India

(D) The Vice-President of India

3.The Government of India revoked the special status, or limited autonomy granted under Article 370 of the Indian Constitution to Jammu and Kashmir — when ?

(A) August, 2019      (B) September, 2019     (C) October, 2019     (D) November, 2019

4.Finance Commission is appointed for a term of

(A) three years            (B) four years       (C) five years         (D) six years

5.Finance Commission is appointed by

(A) The Prime Minister     (B) The President    (C) The Parliament    (D) The Planning Commission


1.For the purpose of Part III of the Constitution, which of the following are not State ?

(A) Industrial and Financial Corporation

(B) Kerala Legislative Assembly

(C) National Council of Educational Research and Training

(D) Oil and Natural Gas Commission

2.Under Article 321 of the Constitution, the power to extend functions of the Union Public Service Commission has been vested in the

(A) Chairman of the Commission        (B) Ministry of Home Affairs    (C) Parliament      (D) President

3.Any sum required to satisfy any judgment, decree or award of any court or arbitral tribunal shall be charged on

(A) Consolidated Fund of India.

(B) Fund of Ministry of Law & Justice

(C) Fund of Ministry of Home Affairs

(D) Prime Minister's Relief Fund

4.Finance Commission consists of

(A) Chairman and three other members

(B) Chairman and four other members

(C) Four whole time members

(D) Five members

5.The Union Public Service Commission has advisory power in the following matters.

(A) Methods of recruitment to civil Service

(B) Disciplinary matters affecting a public servant

(C) Both of the above

(D) None of the above

6.The term of the members of a State Public Service Commission is of

(A) 5 years       (B) 6 years         (C) 10 years             (D) None of the above

7.The tenure of Gram Panchayat and Nagarpalika shall be for

(A) 3 years

(B) 4 years

(C) 5 years, unless dissolved earlier

(D) co-extensive with the term of legislative assembly

8.Election to the Gram Panchayats are

(A) to be direct on the basis of adult franchise

(B) by indirect method

(C) by Legislative of the States

(D) None of the above

9.A Union Territory is administered by

(A) the Governor of the territory.

(B) the President of India directly.

(C) the President of India through an administrator appointed by him called the Lieutenant Governor.

(D) the Chief Minister of the territory and his Council of Ministers.

10.Provisions relating to Union Public Service Commi­ssion and State Public Service Commissions are contained in

(A) Part XIV Chapter I, Articles 315-323

(B) Part XIV Chapter II, Articles 315-323

(C) Part XIV Chapter I, Articles 308-318

(D) Part XIV Chapter II, Articles 308-318

11.Who nominates the Chairman of Public Accounts Committee of the Parliament ?

(A) Chairman of Rajya Sabha             (B) President  (C) Prime Minister     (D) Speaker of Lok Sabha

12.Finance Commission is constituted by the President every

(A) 2 years       (B) 3 years      (C) 4 years         (D) 5 years

13.By virtue of its special status, the State of Jammu & Kashmir has a separate

(A) Constitution         (B) defence force         (C) judiciary      (D) All of the above

14.The Union Public Service Commission submits its annual report on its work to

(A) the Chief Justice of India               (B) the Parliament       (C) the President        (D) the Union Home Minister

15.The Election Commission is responsible for the conduct of election to

(A) Parliament             (B) State Legislature  (C) Offices of President and Vice President     (D) All of the above

1.The members of UPSC hold the office

(A) during the pleasure of President.

(B) as long as they enjoy the confidence in Parliament.

(C) for life or till they attain the age of 70 years.

(D) for the term of the six years or till they attain the age of 65 years.

2.The Election Commission is responsible for the conduct of election to

(A) Parliament

(B) State Legislature

(C) Office of President and Vice President

(D) All the above

3.The members of UPSC can be removed from the office before the expiry of the term by the

(A) Prime Minister

(B) Chairman of UPSC

(C) President on recommendation of Supreme Court

(D) Prime Minister on recommendation of Supreme Court

4.The Chief Election Commissioner is

(A) appointed by Home Minister

(B) appointed by Prime Minister

(C) elected by Parliament

(D) appointed by the President

5.The special status of Jammu & Kashmir implies the state as

(A) a separate judiciary

(B) a separate constitution

(C) a separate defense force

(D) All the above

6.Who among the following has a right to speak or otherwise participate in the proceedings of either House or in any Joint sitting of the Parliament without voting right ?

(A) Chief Justice of India

(B) Chief Election Commissioner

(C) Attorney General of India

(D) Comptroller and Auditor General of India

1.UPSC submits it's Annual Report on it's work to

(A) The Parliament     (B) The Union Home Minister    (C) The President      (D) The Chief Justice of India

2.The Chief Election Commissioner is

(A) Elected by Parliament

(B) Appointed by Home Minister

(C) Appointed by Prime Minister

(D) Appointed by President

 3.Finance Commission is constituted by the President every

(A) 2 years       (B) 3 years       (C) 5 years      (D) 7 years

4.The UPSC has to serve only

(A) Selected States     (B) Entire Nation          (C) Union Territories      (D) Depends on President's will

5.Election to the Gram Panchayats are

(A) by indirect method

(B) by legislatures of the State

(C) to be direct on the basis of adult franchise

(D) by Council of Ministers

6.National Development Council is

(A) Political body         (B) Non-political body       (C) Statutory body              (D) None of the above

7.Which of the following statement(s) is / are not true regarding 'Inter State Council' ?

(A) It is required to meet at least thrice every year.

(B) It is established under Article 265 of the Constitution of India.

(C) Decision of the Chairman is bound by the Consensus.

(D) Decision on all questions are required to be taken in Consensus.

8.The Attorney General of India holds office during the pleasure of

(A) President              (B) Prime Minister       (C) Parliament             (D) Chief Minister

9.Who among the following holds his / her office at the pleasure of the President ?

(A) Chairman of UPSC

(B) Attorney General of India

(C) Speaker of the Lok Sabha

(D) Comptroller and Auditor General of India

1.In which year was the first Panchayat election held ?

(A) 1978          (B) 1980          (C) 1982          (D) 1981

2.On the basis of the Report of the Census Commission, the biggest city in India is-

(A) Kolkata         (B) Mumbai              (C) Delhi          (D) Nagpur

3.Members of the Union Public Service Commission can function as members upto the age of —

(A) 60 years     (B) 58 years     (C) 62 years       (D) 65 years

1.—— is the Chief Law Officer of India

(A) Advocate General        (B) Attorney General        (C) Solicitor General        (D) Law Minister

2.Which is not correct statement regarding financial emergency ?

(A) President can ask States to follow a certain canon of financial propriety

(B) The States may be asked to reserve the Money Bills for the consideration of the President

(C) President can suspend the normal allocation of revenues

(D) President can reduce the salaries of civil servants and not judges

3.The members of UPSC can be removed from the office before the expiry of the term by the

(A) Prime Minister       (B) Chairman of UPSC

(C) President on recommendation of Supreme Court

(D) Prime Minister on recommendation of Supreme court

4.The Composition of UPSC

(A) Has been laid down in the Constitution                 (B) Is determined by Parliament

(C) Is determined by President         (D) Is determined by Home Ministry

5.The first Election Commissioner of India was :

(A) Sukumar Sen        (B) Dr. Nagendra Singh           (C) S.P. Sen Verma  (D) K.V.K. Sundaram

6.Which of the following funds/authorities/ bodies can be audited by the CAG ?

  1. Consolidated Funds of Union Government, State, U.Ts having legislative Assemblies
  2. Contingency Funds of India
  3. Public Accounts of States
  4. Receipts and expenditure of PPP (Public Private Partnership)

(A) 1, 2, 3 only             (B) 1, 2 only        (C) 1, 3 only    (D) All

7.Choose the incorrect statement among the following :

(A) The National Commission for S.C. is a 6 member body

(B) National Commission for S.C. is a constitutional body established with a view to provide safe-guards against the exploitation of Scheduled Castes.

(C) The first commission came into being on Aug, 1978

(D) The Commission enquires into specific complaints with respect to the deprivation of rights and safeguards of the Scheduled Castes

8.With reference to National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) consider the following statements :

  1. Only a retired Chief Justice of India can become a Chairman of NHRC
  2. The Chairman can be re-appointed

Which of the statements above is/are correct ?

(A) 1 only        (B) 2 only         (C) Both 1 & 2              (D) Neither 1 nor 2

9.Point out what is not the primary function of the Finance Commission in India

(A) Prepare estimates of consolidated fund of India

(B) Distribution of net proceeds of taxes between the Centre and the States

(C) Determine factors governing grants-in-Aid to the States

(D) Recommend to the President the measures needed to augment the consolidated Fund of a State

10.Which of the following states does not have Panchayati Raj Institutions ?

(A) Assam         (B) Nagaland             (C) Kerala        (D) Tripura

1.Which one among the following is not stipulated in the Constitution of India ?

(A) Union Public Service Commission

(B) Election Commission of India 

(C) Council of Ministers

(D) The Planning Commission

2.The term of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India is :

(A) 6 years       (B) 65 years

(C) 6 years or 65 years of age whichever is earlier

(D) None of the above

3.The special status of Jammu and Kashmir implies that the state has :

(A) separate defence forces

(B) a separate Constitution

(C) a separate judiciary

(D) all of the above

4.The Chairman and members of the UPSC hold office for a term of :

(A) Three years           (B) Four years             (C) Five years      (D) Six years or until he attains the age of 65 years

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