WBCS MAIN PAPER V : INDIAN POLITY - Historical background of Indian Constitution

1. Which Act granted Statehood to Arunachal Pradesh?

(A) Constitution Act, 1981 (B) Constitution Act, 1987 (C) Government of India Act, 1981 (D) Government of India Act, 1987 

2. Who was elected as the Permanent President of the Constituent Assembly?

(A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (B) B. R. Ambedkar (C) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (D) Frank Anthony 

3. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution was inspired by the Preamble of the Constitution of which country?

(A) U.S. Constitution (B) Swiss Constitution (C) British Constitution (D) Constitution of Canada 

4. The original Constitution of India was handwritten by

(A) Rafi Ahmed Kidwai. (B) Prem Behari Narain Raizada. (C) Kailash Nath Katju. (D) Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi. 

5. The National Flag of Indian Union was adopted on

(A) 15th August, 1947 (B) 26th November, 1949 (C)22nd July, 1947 (D) 26th January, 1950 

6. Who among the following gave the following statement about the Indian Constitution? Indian Constitution strikes a good balance between extreme rigidity and too much flexibility."

(A) B.R. Ambedkar (B) M.V. Pylee (C) Alexanderowic (D) K.C. Wheare 

7. In India the concept of single citizenship is adopted from

(A) The French Constitution. (B) The Swiss Constitution. (C) The Constitution of the United States of America. (D) The British Constitution. 

1. Who was the Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee?

(A) Jawaharlal Nehru

(B) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

(C) Sardar Vallabhai Patel 

(D) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

2.The Constitution of India adopted the federal system from the Act of

(A) 1919 (B) 1947 (C) 1909 (D) 1935 

3.The word "procedure established by law" in the Constitution of India have been borrowed from

(A) The Constitution of Japan 

(B) The French Constitution

(C) The Constitution of UK

(D) The Constitution of USA

4.How many members were there in the Constituent Assembly?

(A) 389 (B) 289 (C) 292 (D) 192 

5.Who was the advisor of the Constituent Assembly?

(A) B. R. Ambedkar 

(B) T. T Krishnamachari

(C) B. N. Rao

(D) Alldai Krishnaswamy 

6. The Fundamental Duties in the Constitution of India were adopted from

(A) American Constitution

(B) Canadian Constitution

(C) Russian Constitution

(D) French Constitution 

7. Which of the following is not a feature of the Constitution of India?

(A) It is democratic

(B) It is presidential 

(C) It is republic

(D) It is federal

8. The Constituent Assembly was set according to the proposals of

(A) The Cabinet Mission

(B) The Mountbatten Plan

(C) The Cripps Mission

(D) None of the Above 

1. Which is the 'Soul' of the Indian Constitution?

(A) Fundamental Rights (B) Preamble (C) both (i) and (ii) (D) None of the above

2. Where are the words "Unity and Integrity of the Nation" are found?

(A) Directive Principles of State Policy. (B) Emergency Provisions (C) Fundamental Duties (D) Preamble

3.When was the Constitution of India enacted by the Constituent Assembly?

(A) 26 January, 1950 (B) 26 November, 1949 (C) 26 January, 1949 (D) 20 1949

4.Where was the first Session of the Constituent Assembly held?

(A) Madras (B) New Delhi (C) Calcutta (D) Bombay

5.Which of the following is not included in the Preamble?

(A) Sovereign (B) Socialist (C) Democratic (D) Federal

 6.How many Schedules are there in the Constitution of India?

(A) 22 (B) 97 (C) 18 (D) 12

7.When was the Indian Independence Act passed by the British Parliament?

(A) 18 July, 1947 (B) 20 July; 1947 (C) 18 1946 (D) 20 duly; 1946

8. The concept of 'Liberty' and Fraternity' in the Constitution of India was taken from

(A) Germany (B) Russia (C) France (D) USA

9.Which Schedule contains "Forms of Oath & Affirmations"?

(A) Eleventh (B) Third (C) Fourth (D) Fifth

10.Who was the temporary President in the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly on 9 December,1946

(A) Dr. B R. Ambedkar

(B) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

(C) Dr. Sachchidanda Sinha

(D) B. N. Rau

11.When were the words "Socialist" and "Secular added to the Preamble?

(A) 1970 (B) 1950 (C) 1981 (D) 1976

12.The idea of 'Single Citizenship' was taken from which country?

(A) Russia (B) France (C) Ireland (D) United Kingdom

13.When was the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly held?

(A) 9th December; 1945 (B) 9th December, 1946 (C) 9th December, 1947 (D) 9th December, 1948

14.Which is not a condition for becoming a citizen of India?

(A) Naturalization (B) Birth (C) Descent (D) Acquiring Property

15.From where has been the concept of Fundamental Rights taken?

(A) USSR (B) USA (C) France (D) Britain

16.Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee?

(A) Tej Bahadur Sapru

(B) Rajendra Prasad

(C) C. Rajagopalachari

(D) B. R. Ambedkar

17. India is a Republic in the sense that

(A) it has an elected Head of the state

(B) parliamentary form of govemment

(C) it has an elected government

(D) it has a Prime Minister

18.Which Act provided for the establishment of Supreme Court at Calcutta in 1774?

(A) Carriers Act; 1865

(B) Coroners Act, 1871

(C) India Law Reports Act, 1875

(D) Regulating Act, 1773

1.The Preamble of the Indian Constitution was inspired by the Preamble of the Constitution of which country ?

(A) U.S. Constitution    (B) Swiss Constitution    (C) Japan Constitution     (D) Constitution of Canada

2.Fill in the blank : In India the concept of single citizenship is adopted from _____.

(A) The French Constitution

(B) The Swiss Constitution

(C) The Constitution of United States of America

(D) The British Constitution

3.When was the Indian Constitution first adopted ?

(A) The Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution of India on 26th January, 1950.

(B) The Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution of India on 26th January, 1949.

(C) The Constitution of India was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26th November, 1949.

(D) The Constitution of India was adopted on 26th November, 1948.

4.Which is the longest written constitution in the world ?

(A) The Constitution of the United States

(B) The Constitution of India

(C) The Constitution of the Fifth Republic of France

(D) The Constitution of Switzerland

5.Which one among the following features of the Constitution of India is indicative of the fact that the real executive power is vested in the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister in India ?

(A) Universal adult suffrage     (B) Federalism             (C) Representative legislature     (D) Parliamentary Democracy

6.Choose the correct statement stated in the Constitution of India :

(A) India, that is Bharat, shall be a Federation of States.

(B) India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States.

(C) India, that is Bharat, shall be a Quasi federal State.

(D) India, that is Bharat, shall be a Unitary State.

7.Fill in the blank :

The Constitutional position of the President of India is comparable to ______ .

(A) The US President      (B) The British Monarch      (C) The French President         (D) The Russian President

8. Choose the correct answer:

(A) The Constituent Assembly of India took about one year to complete its work.

(B) The Constituent Assembly of India took about two years to complete its work.

(C) The Constituent Assembly of India took about three years to complete its work.

(D) The Constituent Assembly of India took about four years to complete its work.

1.The Constitution of India has borrowed its federal scheme of 'Union of States' from which countrv ?

(A) USA       (B) Canada          (C) Ireland        (D) Russia

2.The Indian Independence Act, 1947, came into force on

(A) 3rd June, 1947      (B) 18th July, 1947     (C) 26th July, 1947      (D) 14th August, 1947

3.The first session of the Constituent Assembly was held on

(A) 15th August, 1947             (B) 26th January, 1946       (C) 9th December, 1946         (D) 26th November, 1949

4.The Constitution of India was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on

(A) 15th August, 1947             (B) 25th August, 1949      (C) 26th November, 1949         (D) 26th January, 1950

1.Which of the following sought to change the character of Indian Government from unitary to federal ?

(A) Indian Council Act, 1909

(B) Government of India Act, 1935

(C) Government of India Act, 1919

(D) Indian Independence Act, 1947

2.The Indian Constitution has borrowed the ideas of Preamble from the

(A) Canadian Constitution       (B) Italian Constitution             (C) French Constitution      (D) Constitution of USA

3.From which of the countries, Constitution of India has adopted fundamental duties ?

(A) USA           (B) UK      (C) Erstwhile USSR           (D) Canada

4.The British, conceded the demand for partition of India under

(A) Cripps Mission      (B) Mountbatten Plan, 1947  (C) Simla Pact, 1945    (D) Cabinet Mission Plan

5.The first Session of the Constituent Assembly was held on

(A) December 9,1946             (B) November 26, 1949           (C) August 15, 1947          (D) January 26, 1946

6.Which of the following was not one of the features of Government of India Act, 1935 ?

(A) Bicameral legislature

(B) Dyarchy of centre and the provinces

(C) Provincial autonomy

(D) All India Federation

7.The Government of India Act, 1935 vested the residuary power in the

(A) British Parliament (B) State Legislature   (C) Federal Legislature     (D) Governor-General

8.Quit India movement was declared by the Indian National Congress in Bombay session of ACCCC on

(A) August 8, 1942     (B) August 9, 1945      (C) July 18, 1947         (D) January 26, 1947

9.Under the Government of India Act, 1935, the Federal Court had

(A) original jurisdiction only

(B) appellate jurisdiction only

(C) advisory jurisdiction only

(D) All the above

10.For the first time, the system of appeals from India to Privy Council in England was introduced by the Charter of

(A) 1608          (B) 1683          (C) 1726      (D) 1833

11.Under the Charter of 1687, a Mayor's Court was established at Madras. The Mayor had to be

(A) elected by the Alderman and the Burgesses every year.

(B) nominated by the company.

(C) senior-most Alderman to be next year.

(D) nominated by the company on the recommendation of the outgoing Mayor.

12.The East India Company was established by the British Crown in the year

(A) 1600 AD   (B) 1605 AD     (C) 1726 AD    (D) 1857 AD

13.The Chairman of the Constituent Assembly was

(A) C. Rajagopalachari            (B) Jai Prakash Narayan       (C) Dr. Rajendra Prasad        (D) Jawaharlal Nehru

14.Democracy and federalism are essential features of our Constitution and basic feature of its structure. This observation was made in S.R. Bommai case by

(A) J.S. Verma, J.        (B) S.R. Pandian, J.     (C) P.B. Sawant, J.    (D) A.M. Ahmadi, J.

15.India has borrowed the scheme of federation i.e. 'Union of States' from which country ?

(A) Ireland      (B) Canada       (C) USA           (D) Russia

16.The framers of the Constitution borrowed the concept of Directive Principles from

(A) Constitution of Switzerland

(B) Constitution of Ireland

(C) Government of India Act, 1935

(D) Constitution of USA

1. The distribution of power between Centre and the States is based on the scheme provided in

(A) Minto-Morley Reforms, 1909

(B) Montagui-Chelmsford Act, 1919

(C) Government of India Act, 1935

(D) Indian Independence Act, 1947

2. Which of the following legislation brought the character of Indian Government from 'Unitary' to 'Federal' ?

(A) Indian Council Act, 1909

(B) Government of India Act, 1919

(C) Government of India Act, 1935

(D) Indian Independence Act, 1947

3. From which of the following Constitutions the Indian Constitution is not borrowed from

(A) Constitution of USA           (B) Constitution of Germany    (C) Constitution of Canada     (D) Constitution of China

4. The Chairman of the Constituent Assembly was

(A) Jawaharlal Nehru               (B) Jai Prakash Narayan         (C) C. Rajagopalachari       (D) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

5. Which of the following sought to change the character of Indian Government from unitary to federal ?

(A) Government of India Act, 1919

(B) Government of India Act, 1935

(C) Indian Council Act, 1909

(D) Indian Independence Act, 1947

6. The First Commentary to the Constitution of India is written

(A) Dr. D. D. Basu        (B) Justice Vivian Bose      (C) Dr. Bijon Kumar Mukherjee   (D) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

7. Expression 'socialist' in the Preamble of the Constitution of India has been added by taking the views of

(A) Marx and Laski      (B) Marx and Gandhi      (C) Rousseau and Gandhi  (D) Gandhi and Hegel

1.The demand for a Constituent Assembly was for the first time authoritatively conceded by the British Government, though in an indirect way, through-

(A) Shimla Conference        (B) August Offer              (C) Wavell Plan        (D) None of the above

2.Indian Legislature became "bicameral" through which of the following ?

(A) The Morley-Minto Reforms

(B) Montague-Chelmsford Reforms

(C) Government of India Act, 1935

(D) Indian Councils Act, 1892

3.Before 26 November, 1949 which among the following was the governing law of India ?

(A) The Cabinet Mission Plan

(B) Government of India Act, 1935

(C) Government of India Act, 1919

(D) Government of India Act, 1909

4.Dr. Rajendra Prasad was not a member of which of the following committees of the constituent assembly ?

(A) Committee on the rules of procedure

(B) Finance and Staff Committee

(C) Ad hoc Committee on National Flag

(D) Order of Business Committee

5.Which among the following best supported the idea of inclusion of fundamental rights in our constitution ?

(A) Simon Commission, 1927

(B) Nehru Committee Report, 1928

(C) Swaraj Bill, 1895

(D) Sapur Committee Report on Constitutional proposals, 1945

6.The design of the National Flag was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India in-

(A) Jujy 1946       (B) July 1950         (C) July 1947                (D) August 1947

7.How many members were there in Constitutional Assembly ?

(A) 389              (B) 395          (C) 405              (D) 379

8.The Constitution was amended for the first time in-

(A) 1961          (B) 1971        (C) 1951             (D) 1981

1.Who was the chairman of the Constituent Assembly ?

(A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad        (B) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar            (C) Rajagopalachari          (D) Jawaharlal Nehru

2.Respect for the National Flag and National Anthem is

(A) Fundamental right of every citizen          (B) Fundamental duty of every citizen

(C) Directive principles of State Policy            (D) Ordinary duty of every citizen

3.Name the Chairman of the Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee of the Constituent Assembly :

(A) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar       (B) J. B. Kripalani           (C) Dr. Rajendra Prasad       (D) Gopinath Bardoloi

4.Which of the following Union Territories attained statehood in February 1987 ?

(A) Arunachal Pradesh          (B) Daman and Diu     (C) Goa            (D) Pondicherry

5.The drafting committee of the Indian Constitution was formed by the Constituent Assembly on :

(A) 29th August, 1947             (B) 30th August, 1948      (C) 29th August, 1946    (D) 30th August, 1949

6.The Constitution of India was enacted by a Constituent Assembly set-up under the recommendation of :

(A) Cabinet Mission Plan      (B) Wavell Plan           (C) Mountbatten Plan (D) Crips Mission

7.In the National Flag which colour is used in the wheel ?

(A) Black          (B) White        (C) Navy Blue       (D) Blue

1. Which one of the following chapter provisions has been described as the soul of the Constitution ?

(A) The chapter on Fundamental Rights

(B) The chapter on Directive Principal of State Policy

(C) The Preamble

(D) The provisions regarding judicial review

2. The Constitution of India provides for :

(A) Single citizenship

(B) Double citizenship

(C) Contains no provision regarding citizenship

(D) Provides multiple citizenship

3. India borrowed the idea of Directive Principle of State Policy from the Constitution of :

(A) The Weimar Republic of Germany

(B) The Republic of Ireland

(C) The South Africa

(D) None of the above

4. Montagu-Chelmsford report is associated with

(A) Govt. of India Act, 1918 

(B) Govt. of India Act, 1920

(C) Govt. of India Act, 1930

(D) Govt, of India Act, 1919

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