WBCS MAIN PAPER V : INDIAN POLITY - Important topics in Indian Polity

1.Which of the following official documents is related with India?

(A) White Paper (B) Green Paper (C) Yellow Book (D) Blue Book 

2.In which year did Goa become the 25th State of India? 

(A) 1987 (B) 1988 (C) 1989 (D) 1990 

3.When has demonetisation been last announced?

(A) 2018 (B) 1978 (C) 1995 (D) 2016 

4. 'Doctrine of Pleasure' was introduced in

(A) Article 317. (B) Article 312.(C) Article310. (D) Article 318. 

5.Sanskrit is the 2nd official language of which State in India?

(A) Karnataka (B) Madhya Pradesh (C) Uttarakhand (D) Himachal Pradesh 

6.From which country was the idea of concurrent list borrowed in India?

(A) Japan (B) United States of America (C) Australia (D) China 

7.Which committee recommended that there should also be reservation of seats for women in Panchayati Raj Institutions?

(A) Thungon Committee (B) L. M. Singhvi Committee (ef G.V.K. Rao Committee (D) Gadgil Committee 

8.At which of its session, did the Congress officially accept the 'Socialistic Pattern of Society"?

(A) Bombay Session of 1953 (B) Avadi Session of 1955 (C) Calcutta Session of 1957 (D) Nagpur Session of 1959 est the 

9.The Government of india revoked the special status, or limited autonomy granted under Article 370 of the Indian Constitution to Jammu and Kashmir-when?

(A) August, 2019 (B) September, 2019 (C) October, 2019 (D) November, 2019 

10.From which country was the idea of 'Concurrent List' in the Indian Constitution borrowed?

(A) Japan (B) United States  (C) Australia (D) China 

11.Which Article of Indian Constitution contains special provisions with regard to the State of Maharashtra?

(A) 371(B) 371A (C) 371 B  (D) 371D 

12.The Intellectual Property Appellate Board has been established under which Ministry?

(A) Ministry of Finance (B) Ministry of Home Affairs (C) Ministry of Commerce and Industry (D) Ministry of External Affairs 

13.Choose the correct statement stated in the Constitution of India:

(A) India, that is Bharat, shall be a Federation of States.

(B) India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States.

(C) India, that is Bharat, shall be a Quasi Federal State.

(D) India, that is Bharat, shall be a Unitary State.

1.  The members of the Council of Ministers are collectively responsible to

(A) House of the People

(B) Council of States

(C) Judiciary

(D) The President

2. The word "socialist" was added to the Preamble of the Constitution of India by which amendment?

(A) 44th (B) 21st (C) 42nd  (D) 27th 

3. The Concurrent list in the Constitution of India was adopted from

(A) Australia  (B) Russia (C) UK (D) Canada

4. Which is the correct sequence in the Preamble of the Constitution of India?

(A) Sovereign, Secular, Socialist, Democratic, Republic

(B) Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Republic, Democratic

(C) Sovereign, Secular, Socialist, Republic, Democratic

(D) Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic 

5. The Objective Resolution in the Constituent Assembly was moved by

(A) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

(B) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

(C) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

(D) Lord Mountbatten 

6. If the announcement of National Emergency has been approved by both Houses of parliament, how long will it be effective?

(A) 1 month

(B) 2 months

(C) 3 months

(D) 6 months

7. How many times has the Financial Emergency been imposed in India?

(A) Only once (B) Twice (C) Thrice (D) Never

8. The ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity in the Preamble of the Constitution of India is inspired by

(A) French revolution

(B) Mandan thoughts

(C) Russian revolution

(D) Gandhian thoughts 

9. Under which Article of the Constitution of India Financial Emergency can be proclaimed?

(A) Article 323 (B) Article 352 (C) Article 356 (D) Article 360

10. "Economic Justice° as one of the objectives of the constitution of India has been provided in (Article 38)

(A) Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles

(B) Preamble and Fundamental Rights

(C) Preamble and Directive Principles

(D) Preamble, Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles 

11. The system of Panchayati Raj involves

(A) Village, State end Union levels

(B) Village end State levels

(C) Village, Block and District levels

(D) Village, District and State levels

12. What is the third tier of government known as?

(A) Village Panchayats

(B) Local self-government

(C) State Government

(D) Zilla Parishad 

1. The States were reorganized in the year 1956 mainly on the basis of

(A) Linguistic and Cultural uniformity.

(B) Administration facility

(C) Geographic similarity:

(D) Administrative uniformity

2.The national forest policy aims to bring what percentage of total area under forests?

(A)25%  (B)33% (C)22%  (D)27%

3.What was the central theme of the Chipko Movement started by Sundarlal Bahuguna in 1973? (Chamoli Dist, Uttarakhand)

(A) Conservation of forests

(B) Conservation of river water

(C) Protection of birds

(D) Protection of cheetahs

4. Who was the First Deputy Prime Minister of India?

(A) V. R. Gill

(B) R. N. Shukla

(C) Chaudhary Devi Lal

(D) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

5.Service tax is not levied in which of the states?

(A) Nagaland

(B) Arunachal Pradesh

(C) Mizoram

(D) Jammu and Kashmir

6.Our financial system has provided for the transfer of resources from the centre to the states; the important means of resource transfer are

(A) tax sharing (B) grant-in aids (C) loans (D) All of the above

1.Who is known as the Father of the Indian Constitution ?

(A) Jawaharlal Nehru

(B) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

(C) Alladi Krishna Swami Ayyar

(D) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

2.In which year did Goa become the 25th State of India ?

(A) 1987             (B) 1988       (C) 1989          (D) 1990

3.Who is known as the Father of the Lok Sabha ?

(A) G.V. Mavalankar      (B) Rabi Ray    (C) Balram Jakhar      (D) P. A. Sangma

 4.Abolition of Zamindary system in West Bengal took place in the year

(A) 1951      (B) 1953               (C) 1960          (D) 1961

5.The Panchayat system is a

(A) two tier system     (B) three tier system   (C) four tier system      (D) five tier system

1."What cannot be done directly cannot be done indirectly" This statement epitomizes the doctrine of

(A) ancillary powers      (B) colourable legislation    (C) implied powers  (D) pith and substance

2.Which of the following is not true ?

(A) Parliament has exclusive power to make law on any matter in the Union List.

(B) Parliament and State Legislatures have power to make law on any matter in the Concurrent List.

(C) In certain exceptional circumstances, State Legislatures can make law on the subject given in the Union List..

(D) Parliament can make laws on subjects in the State List in certain circumstances.

3.Which one of the following is no longer considered an adequate ground for the issue of Proclamation of Emergency ?

(A) Armed rebellion    (B) External aggression       (C) Internal disturbance  (D) War

1.The Central Government can issue directions to the States with regard to

I.Union List      II. State List     III. Concurrent List.

Codes :

(A) I       (B) II and III      (C) I and III   (D) I, II and III

2."What cannot be done directly cannot be done indirectly". The doctrine relates to

(A) implied powers      (B) ancillary power      (C) pith and substance       (D) colourable legislation

1.The concept of 'Judicial Activism' has gained currency in India in

(A) 1960's           (B) 1980's    (C) 1990's        (D) 1970's

2.The State List contains

(A) 96 subjects       (B) 106 subjects       (C) 66 subjects       (D) 79 subjects

3.List II (Union List) in Seventh schedule contain how many items ?

(A) 76              (B) 87              (C) 97       (D) 99

1.Which of the following states in India is exempted from reservation for Scheduled Castes in Panchayati Raj institutions ?

(A) Rajasthan         (B) Assam         (C) Arunachal Pradesh     (D) Sikim

2.Choose the incorrect sentence among the following :

(A) The objective resolution passed by Pt. Nehru was what became the Preamble of our constitution.

(B) Preamble is enforceable in court of law.

(C) Preamble of Indian constitution has been amended only once in 1976.

(D) Jawahar Lai Nehru was the strongest advocate of socialism.

3.In Indian states the tribal population is largest in-

(A) Assam and Tripura

(B) Kerala and Tamil Nadu

(C) Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh

(D) Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand

3.When is the annual meeting of Gram Sabha being held ?

(A.) December                 (B) June     (C) October     (D) August

4.Consider the following specific stages of demographic transition associated with economic development-

(1) Low birth rate with low death rate

(2) High birth rate with high death rate

(3) High birth rate with low death rate

Select the correct answer using the codes given below

(A) 1, 2, 3        (B) 2, 1,3         (C) 2, 3, 1         (D) 3, 2, 1

5.January 26, 1957 is known for which of the following ?

(A) Second parliamentary term began

(B) Second general elections

(C) Second five year plan terms started

(D) Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir came into force

6.Which of the following was included as part of the land reforms initiated in India ?

(A) Abolition of intermediaries

(B) Tenancy reforms

(C) Reorganisation of agriculture

(D) All of the above

7.Who summons the meeting of the Gram Panchayat Sabha ?

(A) B.D.O           (B) S.D.O        (C) Gram Pradhan                 (D) Zilla Parishad

8.More than one-third of India's population is concentrated in the states of -

(A) Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar

(B) Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh

(C) Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal

(D) Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh

1.India is Union of States. This means

(A) That the Indian federation is not the result of an agreement between States

(B) That the original federation of States gave way to Sovereign Republic

(C) That the Constituent Assembly has created the unitary State of India

(D) That the making of the Indian Union was preceded by the prolonged struggle for freedom from foreign rule.

2.English is the official language of which one of the following States ?

(A) Nagaland              (B) Assam       (C) Manipur    (D) Tripura

3.How many subjects are found in the concurrent list in the Indian Constitution ?

(A) 52              (B) 62              (C) 42              (D) 72

4.Parliament of India has exclusive power to legislate on items in the Union list. How many subjects are in the Union list at present ?

(A) 100            (B) 80              (C) 87              (D) 99

5.What is the criteria for a regional party to be recognised as a national party ?

(A) Must be recognised in at least 4 states

(B) Must be recognised in at least 3 states

(C) To get 1/10th seats in the Lok Sabha

(D) Must get 1/10th seats in both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

6.The Constitution of India has defined which of the following ?

Select the correct answer

  1. Scheduled Caste 2. Scheduled Tribe                3. Anglo Indians

(A) 1 and 2 only             (B) 1, 2 and 3 only                (C) 3 only         (D) 2 and 3 only

7.Who was the first woman to become a Chief Election Commissioner of India ?

(A) V. S. Ramadevi    (B) G. D. Das               (C) S. K. Bedi              (D) R. M. Nikam

8.Which of the following subjects is included in the Union list ?

(A) Agriculture       (B) Extradition      (C) Public health, Sanitation, Hospitals         (D) Libraries, Museums

9.What is the special constitutional position of Jammu and Kashmir ?

(A) Indian laws are not applicable

(B) It is not part of the Indian Union

(C) It has its own constitution

(D) It is a protected territory

10.Within what time should information be provided under RTI in case of life and personal liberty of a person ?

(A) 24Hrs.        (B) One Week         (C) 48Hrs.            (D) 30 Days

11.Right to Information Act came into force in

(A) 12th Oct, 2005      (B) 12th Oct, 2006       (C) 12th Oct, 2007       (D) 12th Oct, 2008

1.The Constitution of India describes India as a :

(A) Union of states    (B) Quasi federal

(C) A federation of states and Union territories

(D) Partly unitary and partly federal

2.The States Reorganisation Commission set up in 1953 to consider the demand for linguistic states, was headed by :

(A) Saiyid Fazl Ali       (B) K. M. Panniker      (C) H. N. Kunzru          (D) M. C. Mahajan

3.The States re-organisation Act, 1956 divided the entire country into :

(A) 22 states and 9 union territories

(B) 14 states and 9 union territories

(C) 17 states and 7 union territories

(D) Four categories of states

4.Which among the following is the middle unit of Three Tier Panchayati Raj System ?

(A) Gram Panchayat        (B) Panchayat Samiti       (C) Zila Parishad        (D) Gram Sabha

5.The first Finance Commission was constituted in :

(A) 1951          (B) 1962          (C) 1947          (D) 1952

6.The Anti-Defection Law was enacted in :

(A) 1985          (B) 1980          (C) 1983          (D) 1982

7.How many types of emergencies have been envisaged by the Constitution ?

(A) 2       (B) 3              (C) 4   (D) 1

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