How did social conditions change from the early.Vedic to later-Vedic times? 10

1.Discuss the different theories about the original home-land of the Aryans. 10

1.Bring out the elements of continuity and change between the early Vedic and the later Vedic cultures. 10

1.To what extent was later Vedic society different from the early vedic one ? 10

1.Write a short note on Vedic economy. 10

1.Discuss briefly the various theories regarding the original homeland of the Vedic Aryans. 10

1.write short note on the Early Vedic Society 10

1.Write a note on the Sabha and the Samiti. 10

2.Write a short note on the Vedanta Philosophies. 10

3.What are the general explanations regarding the transformations in vedic society ? 20

1.Write a short note on the Rig Vedic Tribal assemblies. 5

2.Write a short note on Sankaracharya.  5

3.What light do the vedic texts throw on the Gender relations during the vedic period ? 10

4. Is it historically correct to say that the vedic age was a golden age for the Indian women ?  10

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