1. North-Westem part of India receives winter rainfall due to

(A) Nor'Wester 

(B) Low pressure systems in the Arabian Sea

(C) Cold waves

(D) Western Disturbance 

  1. Which State ot India has the lowest percentage of its total area under forests?

(A) dammu Kashmir

(B) Haryana

(C) Bihar

(D) Tamil Nadu

  1. Which of the following regions does have the highest population density as per 2011 Census'? 

(A) The Ganga Delta

(B) The Brahmaputra Delta 

(C) The Punjab Plain

(D) The Upper Ganga Plain

  1. The smallest Union Territory of India in terms of area is

(A) Chandigarh 

(B) Lakshadweep

(C) Puducherry

(D) Daman & Diu 

  1. Out of the total 7 Union Territories of India which one is the biggest in terms of area?

(A) Delhi 

(B) Dadar

(C) Puducherry

(D) Andamans 

1.The average annual growth rate of India's population for 1990-99 was99.8%Diamond mines of India are located in

 (A) Telangana (B) Karnataka (C) Madhya Pradesh d)Tamil Nadu

2.When was the first Census carried out in  India?

 (A)1851 (B) 1861 (C) 1871 (D) 1881

3.When was the first Census carried out in India?

 (A)1851 (B) 1861 (C) 1871 (D) 1881


 1.According to the Census Department of Government of India, a class III urban place have a population between

 (A) 10000 - 19999      (B) 20000 - 49999       (C)  50000 - 99999              (D) None of the above

2.In India which of the following criteria applied in defining a town has varied from census to census in recent decades ?

(A) Density of population         (B) Total population     (C) Administrative status     (D) Working population

3.Which of the following States in India is passing through the stage of Demographic Transition which entails low fertility and low mortality ?

(A) Assam       (B) Haryana       (C) Punjab    (D) Tamil Nadu

4.Who in census of India applied the 'ternary diagram' for the functional classification of towns in India ?

(A) P. Podmanabha     (B) A. R. Nanda      (C) Ashok Mitra  (D) Chandrasekhar

1.According to the Census of India, 2011 the sex ratio of West Bengal is  ——

(A) 947            (B) 948            (C) 938            (D) 958

 2.The HDI of India for the year 2017 is      

(A) 0.635        (B) 0.640        (C) 0.645            (D) 0.650

3.—— census year recorded a negative growth rate of -0.31 in India.                  ,

(A) 1931      (B) 1921       (C) 1941      (D) 1911

4. In the year  —— the first.Census of India was conducted.

(A) 1911      (B) 1872      (C) 1921.      (D) 1891

5. According to the Census of India 2011, the child sex-ratio of India is ——

(A) 920            (B) 914            (C) 941            (D) 921

6.According to Census of India, 2011 the crude birth rate of the country is —— per thousand.

(A) 25.8           (B) 23.8           (C) 26.8        (D) 21.8

7. ——  state of India has more females in number than males a sex-ratio of 1084/1000 according to the Census of India, 2011.

(A) Karnataka              (B) West Bengal        (C) Kerala         (D) Orissa

8.—— state has the highest literacy rate among the north-eastern states of India.

(A) Mizoram         (B) Nagaland          (C) Manipur       (D) Tripura

9.According to the Census Department of Government of India, a class Ill urban place have a population between —— .

(A) 10,000 to 19,999      (B) 20,000 to 49,999            (C) 50,000 to 99,999               (D)  None of the above

1.The first census in India was held in the year of

        (A) 1881              (B) 1872          (C) 1892        (D) 1891

2.Bulk of the Indian population is constituted by the racial group of

        (A) The Proto Australoids         (B) The      Mediterraneous          (C) The Mongoloids         (D) The Negritos

3.As per the census of India (2011) the state having the highest number of urban population is

  (A) Uttar Pradesh       (B) Maharashtra          (C) Tamil Nadu                (D) West Bengal

1.Population density of India as on 2011 is -

         (A) 372 person per square km.

         (B) 382 person per square km.

        (C) 392 person per square km.

        (D) 352 person per square km.

1.According to the census 2011, India has what percentage of the total population of the world ?

   (A) 16.64%           (B) 17.64%             (C) 18.64%            (D) 19.64%

2.Which one of the following is not the part of the definition of a town as per the census of India ?

   (A) Population density of 400 persons per Sq. Km.

  (B) Presence of Municipality Corporation etc.

  (C) More than 75% of the population engaged in primary sector

  (D) Population size of more than 5000 persons

3.The Zones and Strata theory pertaining to the origin and diffusion of human races was propounded by

  (A) Ripley          (B) Taylor      (C) Huntington           (D) Baker

4.Which one of the following Union Territories has the highest literacy rate ?

 (A) Chandigarh            (B) Dadra and Nagar Haveli       (C) Daman and Diu           (D) NCT of Delhi

5.Which one of the following states recorded the lowest literacy in 2011 ?

  (A) Andhra Pradesh      (B) Assam      (C) Jharkhand            (D) Odisha

6.between 2001 and 2011, India's population has increased by

  (A) 161 Million             (B) 171 Million        (C) 181 Million     (D) 191 Million

7.Which one of the following statements is incorrect ?

    (A) Kerala has the highest literacy rate in India 

   (B) Lakshadweep has the second highest literacy rate in the country

   (C) Bihar has recorded the lowest female literacy rate

   (D) Jammu and Kashmir has the literacy rate below the national level

8.Arrange the literacy rates of the following States in descending order -

  (a) Kerala    (b) Mizoram        (c) Tripura    (d) Goa


  (A) a, b, d, c         (B) a, b, c, d           (C) a, d, b, c          (D) a, d, c, b

1.Which year is considered as a year of great divide in the-demographic history of India ?

(A) 1921              (B) 1931      (C) 1991         (D) 2001

2.According to 2011 census, literacy rate in India is

(A) 64.83 percent        (B) 65.46 percent   

 (C) 74.04 percent       (D) 82.14 percent

3.Highest scheduled caste population is found in

(A) West Bengal         (B) Mizoram    (C) Tripura       (D) Haryana

4.Which one of the following states has the lowest sex ratio in 2011 ?

(A) Punjab       (B) Haryana    (C) Sikkim        (D) Jammu and Kashmir

5.In 2011, the number of one million cities in India was :

(A) 23              (B) 32              (C) 35      (D) 42

6.Which state or union territory of India has recorded the highest rate of population growth in the last census (2011) ?

(A) Punjab       (B) Kerala        (C) Dadar and Nagar Haveli       (D) Pondichery

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