1.In India, local atmospheric disturbances during the summer season are associated with certain geographical areas. Which of the following pair is incorrect? 

(A) Andhi-Uttar Pradesh

(B) Nor'Wester-West Bengal 

(C) Loo-Punjab

(D) Mango Shower-Odisha

2. North-Westem part af India receives winter rainfall due to

(A) North Wester

(B) Cold waves

(C) Western Disturbance

(D) Low pressure systems in the Arabian Sea

3.Which place in India should revive the maximum INSOLATION in the month of January? 

(A) Delhi

(B) Kanyakumari 

(C) Amritsar

(D) Chennai

4. North-Westem part of India receives winter rainfall due to

(A) Nor'Wester 

(B) Low pressure systems in the Arabian Sea

(C) Cold waves

(D) Western Disturbance 

5. North-Westem part of India receives winter rainfall due to

(A) Nor'Wester 

(B) Low pressure systems in the Arabian Sea

(C) Cold waves

(D) Western Disturbance 

1.What  percent of El-Nino event are responsible for drought in India?

(A) 10 per cent  (B) 20 per ceat (C) 30 per cent (D) 43 per cent

2.Which one of the following regions has been classified as the Western Dry Region by the planning commission ?

(A) North Bihar dry region (B) Rajasthan dry region (C) NEFA region (D) West Bengal Duars

3.In the subcontinent of India the region frequently affected by tropical cyclone is the

(A) Gujarat Coast (B)Coromandel Coast (C) Konkan Coast (D) Malabar Coast

4.'Andhis' are storms of

(A) Punjab (B) West Bengal (C) Assam (D) Uttar Pradesh

5.The amount and intensity of monsoon in India are affected by

(A) Tropical depressions (B) Western disturbance (C) Tropical disturbances (D) Orographic barriers

1.The northward shift of the ITC over India leads to the onset of

(A) Northeast monsoon                     (B) Retreating monsoon     

(C) Southwest monsoon             (D) Westerly depressions

2.The tropical forest in India have been exploited more in India as

  1.         they are the only forest we have.
  2.         they provide good quality timber.
  3.         they are more accessible.
  4.         there are restrictions on cutting of temperate forests.

(A) 1 and 2 are true     (B) 2 and 3 are true    (C) 3 and 4 are true  (D) 1 and 3 are true

3.Which one records the lowest normal temperature in the month of January ?

(A) Bikaner      (B) Bengaluru              (C) Jaisalmer       (D) Firozpur

4.The temperature of Thiruvananthapuram is Iower than that of Mumbai in May and higher than that of Mumbai in January, because

 (A) Thiruvananthapuram has cold current and Mumbai is faced with warm current.

(B) Thiruvananthapuram has higher rainfall in summer and it is nearer to the equator.

 (C) Thiruvananthapuram is on the windward side and Mumbai is on the Iceward side.

 (D) Thiruvananthapuram is vegetated while Mumbai is not.

5.The full form of the abbreviation NLM is

  (A) Northern Line of Monsoon

  (B) Normal Line ol Monsoon

  (C) Northern Limit of Monsoon

  (D) Normal Limit of Monsoon

6.The area from Punjab to Kutch falls under ——— type of climate.

   (A) Bsh    (B) Bwh            (C) Awf            (D) Cwe

1.The full form of the abbreviation NLM is ——

(A) Northern Line of Monsoon

(B) Normal Line of Monsoon

(C) Northern Limit of Monsoon

(D) Normal Limit of Monsoon

2. IMD has defined severe drought when deficiency of rainfall exceeds —— of normal rainfall.

(A) 25%           (B) 40%        (C) 50%  .           (D) 75%

3. —— crosses the Himalayas and brings dry and stable weather in winter in India.

(A) Easterly Jet Streams

(B) Westerly Jet Streams

(C) Both easterly and westerly Jet Streams

(D) South Eastern Monsoon wind

4.The western disturbances cause winter precipitation in north-west regions of Indian subcontinent. It originates from —— .

(A) Mediterranean Sea           (B) Aral Sea    (C) Caspian Sea          (D) None of the above

5.According to Koppen's climatic classification, Kerala has —— climate.

(A) Tropical monsoon        (B) Tropical moist           (C) Tropical Savanna                (D) Cold Humid Winter

6. —— forecast flood in India.

(A) Indian Meteorological Department

(B) Central Flood Forecasting Organization

(C) Central Flood and Disaster Forecasting Qrganization

(D) None of the above

1.The daily weather map of India is prepared and printed at

  (A) Kolkata     (B) Mumbai     (C) New Delhi       (D) Pune

2.If 20% or more area of the country suffers from rain deficits during monsoon, it is termed as

(A) Flood year       (B) Drought year  (C) Famine year          (D) Self sufficient

3.One of the regions that receives rainfall from the NE monsoon is

  (A) West Bengal          (B) Assam       (C) Kerala        (D) Tamil Nadu

4.Which of the following is the area of lowest pressure over Indian sub continent during hot dry weather season ?

(A) Rann of Kutch        (B) Rajasthan       (C) N-W India         (D) Meghalaya

5.Delhi gets winter rainfall due to

 (A) SW Monsoon         (B) NE Monsoon          (C) Conventional rain       (D) Western disturbance

6.Nagpur gets scanty rainfall as it is located towards

(A) Windward side       (B) Seawash side        (C) Onshore side       (D) Leeward side

7.Western disturbances cause rainfall in the following Indian states during winter

      (A) Punjab and Haryana  (B) Bihar and West Bengal      (C) Kerela and Karnataka             (D) M.P. & U.P.

8.Which one of the following is the driest region in India ?

  (A) Telengana        (B) Marwar           (C) Vidarbha   (D) Marathwada

9.Which coasts of India is most affected by tropical cyclones ?

  (A) Malabar        (B) Andhra               (C) Konkan      (D) Gujarat

10.Which one of the following is the wetest place in India ?

(A) Mahabaleswar       (B) Cherapunji             (C) Udhaga-mandalam       (D) Mawsynram

11.The area with annual rainfall less than 50 cm in a year is

(A) Meghalaya        (B) Leh in Kashmir         (C) Coromondal Coast        (D) Konkan Coast

11.Mumbai receives more rainfall than pune because

      (A) Mumbai is on the windward side.

      (B) Pune is at a greater elevation.

      (C) Mumbai is a coastal city.

      (D) Pune has less vegetation.

1.The maximum variability of annual rain fall in India occurs in

(A) the Meghalaya plateau region

(B) the Ganga plain region

(C) the Thar desert region

(D) the Peninsular region

2.Which one of the following is correctly matched in terms of average annual rain fall (in mm) ?

(A) Kolkata -1200        (B) Delhi -800        (C) Bikaner -100      (D) Srinagar -400

3.A cold desert of India is

 (A) Shillong Plateau    (B) Thar           (C) Tibbet       (D) Laddakh

4.Low rainfall is experienced in Tamil Nadu during the South West / Summer monsoon because

(A) Tamil Nadu is situated in a rain shadow area

 (B) wind blows from land to sea

(C) temperature is abnormally high

(D) low moisture in the air

5.The Northern plains of India get rain fall in winter from

(A) the thunder storms

(B) the easterly depressions

(C) the western disturbances

(D) the retreating monsoon

6.Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer:

 Assertion (A) : Aman paddy is cultivated during the monsoon season.

Reason (R) : Aman requires planty of water.

(A) Both A and R are correct, and R explains A

(B) A is correct but R is wrong

(C) Both A and R are incorrect

(D) Both A and R are correct, and R does not explain A

1.Isohyet's  lines shows the distribution of ------- on map.

(A) Temperature      

(B) Rainfall       

(C) Snowfall    

(D) Humidity

2.The 'rain shadow' region in India is -

(A) the eastern part of Western Ghat

(B) Chotanagpur plateau

(C) Piedmont of Himalayas

(D) The desert

1.Which one of the following sets of conditions is necessary for a good cultivation of Wheat ?

(A) Moderate temperature and moderate rainfall          (B) High temperature and heavy rainfall

(C) High temperature and moderate rainfall          (D) Low temperature and low rainfall

2.Severe drought is called when :

(A)Shortage of annual rain fall is by more than 50%

(B)Shortage of annual rain fall by more than 80%

(C)Shortage of annual rain fall by more than 60%

(D)None of the above

3.The immediate cause for the SE Trades to cross the equator and blow as SW Monsoon winds over India is the :

(A) Intense low pressure over Tibet          (B) Heated Ganga Plain

(C) Intense low pressure are of Thar desert

(D) High temperature over Chhotonagpur Plateau

4.The EL Nino which influence the Indian monsoon is-

(A)A cold ocean current that flows Northward along the Coast of Chile

(B)A warm ocean current that flows Westwards along the Coast of Ecuador and Peru

(C)A low pressure system over Western Coast of Spain

(D)None of the above

5.Which one of the following statements is correct ?

(A)Stormy weather conditions is indicated by sudden fall in barometer reading

(B)Copernicus has for the first time stated that the Earth was spherical

(C)Cloudy nights are warmer compared to clear cloudless nights because of absorption of heat from atmosphere and send it towards Earth

(D)None of the above

1.Which statement is not true for monsoon

(A) Monsoons are large scale seasonal wind

(B) There is complete reversal of winds

(C) Rhythm is key note of the monsoonal

(D) Monsoons are not affected by ENSO

2.If the wind force is in range of Beaufort; 12, it is

(A) Tropical Depression    (B) Tropical Storm      (C) Tropical Disturbance     (D) Hurricane

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