1. Arrange the following horizontal divisions of Himalayas according to west to east. 

(1) Nepal Himalayas 

(2) U.P. Himalayas 

(3) Himachal Himalayas 

(4) Kashmir Himalayas 

(5) Assam Himalayas 

(A) (4) (3) (2) (1) (5) 

(B) (3) (4) (1) (2) (5) 

(C) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 

(D) (2) (1) (4) (3) (5) 

2. The Tropic of Cancer passes through which of the following districts of West Bengal?

(A)Murshidabad (B) Birbhum (C) Nadia (D) Malda 

3. Which of the following is the oldest part of the Himalayas?

(A) Middle Himalayas (B) Greater Himalayas (C) Lower Himalayas (D) Trans Himalayas 

4. Kaimur peak is situated in the

(A) Satpura ranges. (B) Vindhyachal ranges.  C) Aravalli ranges. (D) Rajmahal hills. 

5. Which island in the Andaman and Nicobar group is famous for its active volcano? 

(A) Barren Island (B) Ross Island (C) Neil Island (D) Havelock Island 

6. The Patkai Bum range makes the boundary between

(A) India and China. (B) India and Bangladesh.(C) India and Myanmar. (D) India and Bhutan. 

7. The Konkan Coast stretches between and 

(A) Gujarat, Goa (B) Maharashtra, Kerala (C) Goa, Kerala (D) Maharashtra, Goa 

8. Nokrek. is the highest peak of

(A) Garo hills. (B) Khasi and Jaintia hills. (C) Rajmahal hills. (D) None of the above 

9. Which mountain pass connects Leh in L adakh to Srinagar in Kashmir Vallev?

(A) Zojila Pass (B) Nathula Pass (C) Rohtang Pass (D) Shipki La Pass 

10. Mount Abu, a pilgrimage of Jainism is situated in 

(A) Guru Shikhar. (B) Mt. Maikal. (C) Kaimur range. (D) Dodabeta. 

11. Kunzum pass is located in 

(A) Sikkim. (B) Himachal Pradesh. (C) Uttarakhand. (D) None of the above 

12. Which mountain pass connects India with Tibet and is located in Arunachal Pradesh?

(A) Nathu La (B) Rohtang Pass (C) Bomdi La (D) Lipulekh Pass 

13. Which state in India has the largest coastline?

(A) Kerala (B) Tamil Nadu (C) Andhra Pradesh (D) Gujarat 

14. In which of the following areas Milam glacier is located? 

(A), Himachal Himalayas (B) Kumaon Himalayas (C) Kashmir Himalayas (D) Assam Himalayas

15. Which Indian state has the largest is cover by area?

(A) Madhya Pradesh (B) Arunachal Pradesh (C) Chhattisgarh (D) Maharashtra 

16. Which mountain peak is known as the "Savage Mountain"? 

(A) K2 (B) Kanchenjunga (C) Nanga Parbat (D) Annapurna 

17. The Aravalli Range stretches across which states in India? 

(A) Rajasthan, Gujarat and Haryana 

(B) Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh 

(C) Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra 

(D) Rajasthan, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh

1.Which of the following is an example of transverse valley?

(A) Srinagar valley (B) Assam valley (C) Kangra valley (D) Kullu valley 

2.Structurally, the Meghalaya plateau is a part ot

(A) the Himalayas (B) the Trans Himalaya (C) the Genge Plain (D) the Chotanagpur Plateau

3.The famous Vale (Valley) of Kashmir lies between 

(A) Greater and Lesser Himalaya (B) Pir Panjal and Himadri Himalaya (C) Zaskar and Himadn Himalaya (D) Lesser and Siwalik Himalaya 

4.The Andaman and Nicobar islands are thought to be the emergent peaks of a submerged mountain range of

(A) The Eastern Himalayas (B) The Lusai Hill (C) The Arakan Yoma (D) The Jayantia Hill 

5.Where is the Zaskar Range located? 

(A) Between Ladakh and North Himalayas (B) Between Central Himalayas and Nepal (C) Between Central Himalayas and Siwalik (D) In the Eastern Himalayas 

6.The 'Pat or 'Pal land' is found in

(A) Karnataka Plateau (B) Chotanagpur Plateau (C) Vale of Kashmir (D) Meghalaya Plateau 

7.Sagarmatha is the regional name of which of the following mountains?

(A) Karakoram (B) Sahyadri (C) Khasi (D) Himalaya 

8. Match the following: 

               List I (Pass Name)         List II (Location) 

I. Burzila                  1. Jammu-Himachal Pradesh 

II. Bara la cha         2. Jammu-Himachal Pradesh 

III. Niti Pass            3. Srinagar-Gilgit

IV. Dihang Pass     4. Uttarakhand-Tibet

     I II III IV 

(A) 3 1 4 2 

(B) 4 2 1 3

(C) 2 4 3 1

(D) 1 3 4 2

9. Which one of the following is the oldest rock found in India?

(A) Bauxite (B) Granite(C) Andesite (D) Khondalite

10. The north-eastern 'Syntaxial Bend' was formed near

(A) Sahyadri (B) Namcha Batwa (C) Nanga Parvat (D) Amarkantak

11. Little Andaman is separated from the Great Andaman by which of the following geographical entity?

(A) Indira Point (B) Saddle Peak (C) Pico Island (D) Duncan Passage 

12. How many landlocked States in India do not have international boundary?

(A) Five (B) Six (C) Two (D) Four

13. Geologically India is a part of 

(A) African Shield (B) Angara Land (C) Gondwana Land (D) South Asia 

14.Palghat gap is situated beüeen

(A) Oandakaranya and Bester

(B) Vindhya and Satpura

(C) Nilgiri and Anaimalai

(D) Oodabeta and Anaimudi

15. Arrange the following States of India according to their decreasing length ot mainland coastline:

(A)Andhra Pradesh: Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat

(B) Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra

(C) Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra: Gujarat

(D) Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu

16. In India sandalwood is mostly found in the State of

(A) Karnataka (B) Kerala (C) Madhya Pradesh (D) Maharashtra 

17. Which is the highest peak in the Zanskar Range? 

(A) Annapurna (B) Kamet (C) K2 (D) Everest 

18. Which one the following constitutes the largest physiographic division of the country?

(A) The Peninsular Plateau

(B) The Great Himalayan range

(C) The Northern Plain of India

(D) The Deccan trap

19. Which ot the following pass connects Shimla with Tibet?

(A) Thang La (B) delep La (C) Zozila (D) Shipki La

1.Which region of India can be considered  a shield?

(A) Deccan (B) The Himalayas (C) Aravallis (D) Purvachal

2.In Which part Of India is Dandakaranya situated?

(A) Northern (B) Eastern (C) Central (D) Western

 3.Which one of use follows the longest coast line?

(A) Tamil Nadu (B) Maharashtra (C) Gujarat (D) Kerala

4.The Himalayas as a region have always been susceptible to disaster, because

(A) human interference increases day by day.

(B) The neo-tectonic mountain building is under process.

(C) completion of mountain building

(D) highness of the mountain.

5.Which one or the following Passes connects Arunachal Pradesh with Tibet?

(A) Banihal Pass (B) Chang La Pass (C) Bom Dila Pass (D) Aghil Pass

6.What type of island is Andaman and Nicobar?

(A) Ärchipelago (B) Coral (C) Volcanic (D) River

7.Koppen denotes peninsular plateau as

(A) BShw (B) Bwhw (C) Aw  (D) As

8.Badland topography is characteristic of

(A) Teesta Valley (B) The Sundarbans (C) Ranns (D) Chambal Valley

9.Which one of the following parts of the Indian Coast is a compound coast showing evidence of both submergence and emergence?

(A) Malabar Coast  (B) Orissa Coast (C) Konkan Coast (D) Coromandel Coast

10. Pir Panjal range lies in

(A) Outer Himalayas. (B) Trans Himalayas (C) Greater Himalayas  (D)Middle Himalayas.

1.Which of the following rivers is older than the Himalayas ?

(A) Beas       (B) Sutlej            (C) Teesta       (D) Kosi

2.——— lies between the outer Himalayas and lower Himalayas.

(A) Main Central Thrust           (B) Main Boundary Thrust      (C) Owen Fracture Zone            (D) Main Frontal Thrust

3.Which of the following States in India is passing through the stage of Demographic Transition which entails low fertility and low mortality ?

(A) Assam       (B) Haryana       (C) Punjab    (D) Tamil Nadu

4.The southernmost point of India in the Nicobar Islands was formerly known as

(A) Indira Point      (B) Pigmalion Point          (C) Indira Col  (D) Parson Point

5.Duncan Passage separates the

(A) South Andamans  from  middle Andamans

(B) Little Andamans from North Andamans

(C) North Andamans from middle Andamans

(D) Little Andamans from South Andamans

 Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :

List - I

List - II

(a) Aw

1. Rain shadow zone of Karnataka

(b) Amw

2. Thar desert

(c) BShw

3. West Bengal and Bihar

(d) BWhw

4. Malabar Coast





































6.In which State does most of the Vidarbha region lie ?

(A) Karnataka       (B) Maharashtra   (C) Gujarat       (D) Madhya pradesh

7.Site refers to the

(A) external features of a place.

(B) precise location of the centre of a city.

(C) proximity to natural resources or transportation routes.

(D) internal locational attributes of a place.

8.Which river valley has Gondwana rocks ?

(A) Ganga        (B) Brahmaputra       (C) Damodar      (D) Sutlej

9.Rank the folded zones in India from oldest to youngest.

(A) Dharwar, Aravalli, Eastern Ghat, Satpura

(B) Dharwar, Eastern Ghat, Satpura, Aravalli

(C) Eastern Ghat, Satpura, Aravalli, Dharwar

(D) Satpura, Aravalli, Dharwar, Eastern Ghat

Match the following :

List - I

List - II

a. Carevas

1. Uttaranchal

b. Chos

2. Jammu & Kashmir

c. Duns and Bhabars

3. Tamil Nadu

d. Circular huts

4. Punjab





































10.The Dravidian rock system is found in ——— region.

(A) Krishna Valley       (B) Chotanagpur Plateau      (C) Spiti Valley         (D) Damodar Valley

11.The Baratang Island mangroves is located in which of the following places of India ?

(A) Lakshadweep       (B) Andaman and Nicobar      (C) New Moore    (D) Odisha

1.The Dravidian rock system is found in —— region.

(A) Krishna Valley       (B) Chotonagpur Plateau        (C) Spiti Valley      (D) Damodar Valley

2.—— valley lies in between Pir Panjai and Zaskar range.

(A) Kangra       (B) Kashmir         (C) Kulu      (D) Dun

3.The famous —— glacier is located at Nubra Valley.

(A) Baltora       (B) Punmah        (C) Siachen              (D) Kanchenjunga

4.The Zoji La Pass is located in —— state of India.

(A) Jaimnu and Kashmir       (B) Himachal Pradesh             (C) Sikkim       (D) Arunachal Pradesh

5.The Marwar plain is found in ——

(A) Rajasthan            (B) Gujrat         (C) Maharashtra          (D) Uttar Pradesh

6.—— plateau is separated from the main peninsular plateau of India by the wide gap of Garo Rajmahal Gap.

(A) Madhya Bharat Pathar      (B) Meghalaya         (C) Chotonagpur  (D) Malwa

7.—— pass is in Arunachal Pradesh.

(A) Bum La     (B) Jelep La    (C) Nathula      (D) Brazil

8.—— hill range is also known as Sahyadris.

(A) Western Ghats    (B) Eastern Ghats        (C) Vindhayas          (D) Satpura

9.—— coastal plain streches from Daman to Goa.

(A) Kerala        (B) Konkan        (C) Utkal       (D) Gujrat

10.Khar Dung La pass joins  —— .

(A) Leh and Chumbi valley

(B) Leh and Siachen glacier

(C) Uttarakhand and Tibet

(D) Valley of Kashmir and Kargil

11.—— is the oldest denudated mountain of India.

(A) Eastern Ghats      (B) Nilgiri Hills       (C) Aravalli       (D) Zaskar

12.—— is the highest peak of Maghalaya Plateau.

(A) Norkek         (B) Shilong       (C) Mirik       (D) None of the above

13.—— is the highest peak of Sahayadris.

(A) Anaimudi              (B) Mahabaleswar       (C) Pushpagiri             (D) Aroya-Konda

14.Dalma Trap is located in —— state of India.

(A) Bihar          (B) Orissa        (C) Jharkhand            (D) None of the above

15.Chandra Tal is located in —— valley.

(A) Kashmir        (B) Lahaul and Spiti.           (C) Dun            (D)  None of the above

1.Where is Panzseer Valley situated ?

(A) Lebanon        (B) Afghanistan       (C) Jammu and Kashmir, India               (D) Syria

2.Which of the following cities lies to the Western-most longitude ?

(A) Jaipur        (B) Nagpur       (C) Bhopal       (D) Hyderabad

Which foreign country is closest to Andaman Islands ?

(A) Sri Lanka       (B) Myanmar           (C) Indonesia               (D) Pakistan

3.Where are the Saltora Ranges located ?

(A) Ladakh       (B) Along the Vindhyas      (C) Part of the Karakoram Ranges           (D) Part of the Western ghats

4.Which of the following processes is responsible for producing the sand dunes in Western Rajasthan ?

(A) Wind erosion         (B) Erosion by water       (C) Wind deposition  (D) Mechanical weathering

5.Which part of the Himalayas has the maximum stretch from east to west ?

(A) Kumaun Himalayas           (B) Assam Himalayas              (C) Punjab Himalayas       (D) Nepal Himalayas

6.The standard time of a country differs from the GMT in multiples of

(A) Two hours              (B) One hour      (C) Half hour            (D) Four minutes

7.Naga, Khasi and Garo hills are located in

(A) Purvachal Ranges            (B) Karakoram Ranges            (C) Zaskar Ranges            (D) Himalaya Ranges

8.Nathu La, a place where India-China border trade has been resumed after 44 years is located on the Indian border in

(A) Sikkim       (B) Arunachal Pradesh            (C) Himachal Pradesh        (D) Jammu & Kashmir

9.Baltora glacier is located in

(A) Karakoram ranges                       (B) Pamir plateau           (C) Shivalik           (D) Alps

10.The Deccan trap was formed by the

(A) Dharwar Vulcanicity

(B) Mesozoic Vulcanicity

(C) Cretaceous Vulcanicity

(D) Paleozoic Vulcanicity

11.Guru Shikhar on the Abu Hills is the highest peak of which mountain ranges ?

(A) Sahyadri   (B) Purvanchal            (C) Anaimalai        (D) Aravallis

12.The coast that belongs to Kerala is known as

(A) Konkan coast            (B) Malabar coast               (C) Coromandal coast   (D) Canara coast

13.Central Highlands of Indian peninsular block are formed of

(A) Sedimentary and metamorphic rocks

(B) Igneous and sedimentary rocks

(C) Igneous and metamorphic rocks

(D) Sedimentary rocks

14.Which Himalayan peak is also called 'Sagar Matha' ?

(A) Nanga parbat         (B) Dhaulagiri       (C) Mt. Everest       (D) Kanchanjunga

15.A tropical deciduous plant special to the Deccan plateau is

(A) Teak          (B) Shisam        (C) Sandalwood        (D) Sal

16.A narrow strip of land that connects two larger landmasses is called

(A) Strait          (B) Peninsula               (C) Cape       (D) Isthmus

1.In terms of relief the maximum area of India is covered under

(A) mountains              (B) hills            (C) plateaus      (D) plains

2.The foot hill areas of the Himalayas are called

(A) Basic Himalayas                (B) Southern Himalayas       (C) Siwalik       (D) Doon

3.Which one of the following is a volcanic island in India ?

(A) Amindivi       (B) Dadra       (C) Narcondam          (D) Minicoy

4.The Mt. Everest is located in

(A) the Sub-Himalayan region

(B) the Lesser Himalayan region

(C) the Greater Himalayan region

(D) the Trans-Himalayan region

5. Gully erosion on soil surface is more prominent in India in

(A) the Chambal area              (B) Bikaner-Jodhpur area        (C) the Odisha plain area      (D) the Darjeeling hill are

4.'Khadar' is a younger alluvium usually found in the state of

(A) Bihar       (B) Uttar Pradesh           (C) Rajasthan              (D) Assam

5.Which one of the following is correctly matched in terms of hot springs in India ?

(A) Manikarana - Himachal Pradesh

(B) Puga Valley - Jharkhand

(C) Surajkund - Jammu and Kashmir

(D) Sahasradhara - Madhya Pradesh

6.'Pat Lands' are found in

(A) the Malwa Plateau             (B) Bundelkhand Uplands      (C) Chotanagpur Plateau            (D)   Maharashtra Plateau

7.'Jelep La' is a mountain pass located in

(A) Bhutan        (B) Nepal        (C) Arunachal Pradesh               (D) Sikkim

8.Which one of the following rivers had shifted its course frequently ?

(A) The Brahmaputra               (B) The Ganga             (C) The Teesta       (D) The Koshi

9.Most of the highest peaks of the Himalayas are located in

(A) the Trans Himalayas        (B) the Central Himalayas       (C) the Middle Himalayas        (D) the Outer Himalayas

10.The earliest rock formation in India can be found in

(A) the Deccan plateau region

(B) the Himalayan region

(C) the Ganga-Brahmaputra plain region

(D) the Deltaic region

11.The 'Deccan Trap' can not be found in the state of

(A) Gujarat       (B) Maharashtra          (C) Karnataka        (D) Tamil Nadu

12.'Charnockite' found in India is

(A) an igneous rock  (B) a sedimentary rock            (C) a metamorphic rock     (D) an alluvial deposit

13.Which pair of the following are twin-cities in India ?

(A) Mumbai-Pune       (B) Hyderabad-Secunderabad       (C) Howrah-Kolkata            (D) Bengaluru-Mysuru

14.Which one of the following was not situated in the Ganga plain ?

(A) Kosala Kingdom        (B) Asmaka Kingdom        (C) Vatsya Kingdom               (D) Magadha Kingdom

15.According to ISI Seismic Risk Zones the South Bengal Plains lie within

(A) Zone I        (B) Zone II       (C) Zone III       (D) Zone IV

16.'Sagarmatha' in the Himalayas is also known as

(A) Dhaulagiri              (B) Kanchenjunga       (C) NangaParvat       (D) Mt. Everest

17.The most important rice producing district of Andhra Pradesh is

(A) Guntur       (B) Vellore         (C) East Godavari       (D) West Godavari

18.Kadars are the dwellers of

(A) Palni hills              (B) Nilgiri hills              (C) Anaimalai hills       (D) Travancore hills

19.Geologically arsenic in groundwater has its original source in

(A) the chotonagpur plateau

(B) the marine sediments of the Bay of Bengal

(C) the Himalayas

(D) the Ganga plain itself

1.Which of the following coast has greatest number of lagoons ?

(A) Malabar coast        (B) Konkan coast       (C) Coromondal coast      (D) Kathiawar coast

2.The highest peak of South India is -

(A) Annamalai hill        (B) Palini hill                (C) Dodabetta         (D) Anamudi

3.The oldest mountain range of India is -

(A) Satpura      (B) Vindhyas        (C) Aravalli             (D) Himalayas

4.The highest peak of India in Himalayan range is -

(A) Mt. Everest            (B) Nanda Devi       (C) Kanchanjunga          (D) Godwin Austine

5.Baralachala pass is in -

(A) Punjab       (B) Uttar Pradesh        (C) Uttaranachal       (D) Hlmachal Pradesh

6.Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?

(A) Dhupgarh : Satpura

(B) Panchmarhi : Mahadev

(C) Dodagiri : Nilgiris

(D) Mahendragiri : Eastern Ghats

7.Zojila is a pass between -

(A) Kashmir valley and Laddakh

(B) Lahaul valley and Spiti

(C) Chumbi valley and Sikkim

(D) Arunacha! Pradesh and Tibet

8.Which one of the following mountain range is latest in its origin ?

(A) Greater Himalayas             (B) Vindhyas              (C) Siwaliks     (D) Satpura

9.Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?

(A) Karnapura coalfields - Jharkhand

(B) Singareni coalfieids - Madhya Pradesh

(C) Raniganj coalfields - West Bengal

(D) Talcher coalfields - Orissa

10.Which one of the following river is no trans Himalayan ?

(A) Sutlej         (B) Brahmaputra         (C) Indus         (D) Ganga

11.In which state silent valley is located ?

(A) Tamil Nadu            (B) Assam        (C) Kerala       (D) Rajasthan

12.Southern most point of Indian territory is-

(A) Tamil Nadu            (B) Lakshadeep           (C) Trivandrum        (D) Andaman and Nicobar islands

13.Saramati is the highest peak of -

(A) Naga          (B) Aravalli       (C) Himalaya               (D) Nilgiri

14.Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?

(A) Kaziranaga-Assam

(B) Shivpuri-Madhya Pradesh

(C) Chandraprabhya-Bihar

(D) Corbett National Park-Uttaranchal

15.The Peninsular Plateau of India extends to -

(A) Mizo hills                (B) Himachal Himalayas        (C) Meghalaya hills                (D) Assam valley

16.The Garo, Khashi, Jainto hills were formed in the same age as -

(A) Himalaya       (B) Malwa Plateau              (C) Siwalik       (D) Himachal Range

1.The Western Ghats in Maharashtra is known as

(A) Nilgiris        (B) Cardamom Hills    (C) Annamalai        (D) Sahyadris

2.The upliftment of the Himalayas was first initiated during the period of-

(A) Middle Pliocene    (B) Middle Oligocene       (C) Middle Eocene        (D) Middle Miocene

3.Structurally, the Great Himalaya is -

(A) An autochthonous zone    (B) A par-autochthonous zone

(C) An allochthonous zone         (D) A Suture zone

4.Indian's Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats meet at the -

(A) Cardamom Hills    (B) Annamalai Hills        (C) Nilgiri Hills         (D) Palani Hills

5.Which one of the following is at the lowest height above the Mean Sea Level ?

(A) Delhi          (B) Jodhpur        (C) Kota        (D) Nagpur

6.Which one among the following statements is incorrect ?

(A) Sikkim, West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir are having boundary touching maximum no. of Countries

(B) West Bengal has the highest population density

(C) Mumbai City is the largest District

(D) Bihar has the lowest literates

7.The highest peak of the Himalayas in India is in

(A) Uttar Pradesh        (B) Kashmir     (C) Sikkim        (D) Himachal Pradesh

8.Which one of the following places is located at the confluence of Alakananda & Bhagirathi ?

(A) Vishnu prayag        (B) Deva prayag         (C) Rudra prayag       (D) Karna prayag

9.The Amarkantak Hill is the source of two River flowing in two different directions (West and East), they are -

(A) Narmada and Tapi             (B) Narmada and Mahanadi                (C) Tapi and Betwa        (D) Tapi and Son

1.The Hindustan Tibet Road connecting Shimla with Gartok in western Tibet passes through -

(A) Shilpi La pass        (B) Zoji La Pass         (C)  Thaga La pass     (D)  Jelep La pass

2.The Zaskar is one of the main ranges of

(A) The-great Himalayan Systems

(B) The Trans Himalayan Systems

(C) The Central Himalayan Systems

(D) The Middle Himalayan Systems

3.The Bhabar is composed of

(A)  Old alluvium          (B) New alluvium       (C) Gravel and Unassorted sediments      (D) None of the above

4.'Silent Valley' is located in

(A) Karnataka         (B) Kerala              (C) Himachal Pradesh           (D) Uttarakhand

5.The Little Rann of Kutch is the only home of the

(A) Great Indian Bustard         (B) Blackbuck              (C) Flamingo       (D) Indian Wild Ass

6.The shola grasslands are found in

(A) The Himalaya        (B) The Vindhyan       (C) The Western Ghats    (D) The Eastern Ghats

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