1.Which Mahajanapada of 6th century BCE was an aristocratic-oligarchic republic (a confederacy of eight clans governed in accordance with republican principles)? 

(A) Magadha

(B) Vaiji

(C) Kashi

(D) Koshala 

2.Which was the Capital City of Magadha during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya? 

(A) Amaravati

(B) Pataliputra

(C) Ujjain

(D) Kannauj 

3.During Alexander's invasion, who was the then ruler of Magadha? 

(A) Dhanananda

(B) Chandragupta Maurya

(C) Puru

(D) Ambhi 


1.The following was a Mahajanapada:

(A) Pragjyotishpur

(B) Sialkot

(C) Magadha

(D) Saurashtra

2.The capital of the Magadhan Empire under Bimbisara was

(A) Gauda

(B) Girnar

(C) Girivraja

(D) Gujarat 

3.The Garuda Pillar at Besnagar was endowed by

(A) Bimbisara

(B) Heliodorus

(C) Megasthenes

(D) Ajatasatru


1.Which ruler of Magadha was called ”Amitrochates” (Amitraghata—SIayer of Enemies) in Greek records?

(A) Bimbisara

(B) Ajatashatru

(C) Bindusara

(D) Asoka

1.Which geographical region of India witnessed the maximum concentration of the Mahajanapadas in the 6th century BC ?

(A) North India           

(B) Godavari valley     

(C) Malwa plateau     

(D) North-West frontier of the subcontinent

1.Name of which Indian ruler is inseparably associated with the first known International treaty made in Indian history ?

(A) Mahapadma Nanda       

(B) Chandragupta Maurya       

(C) Bindusara 

(D) Asoka

2.Which Magadhan ruler launched final military assault on the Gana rajyas of Kasi-Kosal with the help of new weapons like rathamushala and mahasilakantaka ?

(A) Bimbisara             

(B) Ajatasatru             

(C) Prasenjit         

(D) Sisunaga

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