1. Which God was known as 'Purandar' to the Vedic people? 

(A) Lord Siva

(B) Indra

(C) Baruna

(D) Agni 

2.Battle of Ten Kings' was described in 

(A) The Rig Veda

(B) The Sama Veda

(C) The Jajur Veda

(D) The Atharva Veda.


1.What were villages granted to Brahmins and inhabited by Di Junius known as? 

(A) Devadana

(B) Brahmadeya

(C) Agrahara

(D) Mangalam 

2.The Vedas were

(A) Artefacts

(B) Language 

(C) Sacred Book of the Aryans

(D) Genealogical History

3. The Central Asian theory of the home of the Aryans was propounded by

(A) Rakhaldas Banerjee

(B) Friedrich Max Muller

(C) Nirad Chaudhary

(D) Risiey

4. The river mentioned most frequently in the Rig Vedic hymns was

(A) Sutlej (Satadru)

(B) Ganga

(C) Yamuna

(D) Saraswati

5. The oldest Veda was

(A) Atharva Veda

(B) Rig Veda

(C) Sam Veda

(D) Avesta

1.The river mentioned most frequently in the Rig Vedic hymns was

(A) Ganga

(B) Yamuna

(C) Sutlej (Satadru)

(D) Saraswati

2.What were villages granted to Brahmins and inhabited by Di Junius known as?


(B) Brahmadeya

(C) Agrahara

(D) Mangalam

1.Who, of the following, opined that the original homeland of the Aryans was the Artic region ?

(A) Bal Gangadhar Tilak       

(B) Max Muller             

(C) Dayanand Saraswati       

(D) A. C. Das

2.The learned lady who is said to have debated with the famous law-giver Yajnavalkya was

(A) Gargi      

(B) Maitreyi       

(C) Kamala     

(D) Kalindi

3.The river Chenab was known in the Vedic period by the name of

(A) Askini       

(B) Purushni  

(C) Vitasta      

(D) Shutudri

4.Which of the following was the basic unit of Vedic society ?

(A) Jana          

(B) Vidatha       

(C) Parivar    

(D) Sangh

5.Who was the most important God in the Rigveda ?

(A) Agni     

(B) Indra              

(C) Varun        

(D) Vishnu

6.Who among the following scholars declared that the 'Saptsindhava' region was the homeland of the Aryans ?

(A) Dr. A. C. Das        

(B) Prof. Max Muller  

(C) Prof. Karl Penta    

(D) Dr. K. K. Sharma

7.The river most mentioned in the Rigveda is

(A) Sindhu     

(B) Shutudri    

(C) Saraswati              

(D) Gandaki

8.The word 'Veda',.derived from 'Vid' refers to

(A) Knowledge          

(B) Energy      

(C) Truth         

(D) Karma

9.The Vedic literature is also known as

(A) Shruti      

(B) Smriti          

(C) Sanhita     

(D) Vedanga

1.The most prominent deity in the Rigveda was

(A) Agni         

(B) Indra         

(C) Vishnu      

(D) Shiva

2.Which of the following areas were viewed as impure by the later Vedic authors ?

(A) Anga      

(B) Magadha     

(C) Vanga      

(D) All of the above

3.The most celebrated river in the Rigveda was

(A) Ganga       

(B) Saraswati            

(C) Sindhu (Indus)      

(D) Yamuna

3.Which of the following is considered to be the earliest Indian text on music ?

(A) Krishna Yajurveda           

(B) Atharva Veda      

(C) SamaVeda               

(D) Purusha Shukta

4.The earliest known stone tools in the Indian subcontinent have been discovered from-

(A) Potwar plateau in Pakistan

(B) Hungsi Valley (Karnataka)

(C) Didwana (Rajasthan)

(D) Bhimbetka (M.P.)

5.There are Four Vedas and each Veda has ---- parts.

(A) two            

(B) three         

(C) four      

(D) six

1.By whom was the most significant commentary on the Rigveda composed in the medieval Period in the Vijayanagar realm ?

(A) Chakrapanidatta      

(B) Sayana              

(C) Kannada       

(D) Sagarnandin

2.Which of the following statements is not correct ?

(A) The Rigveda consists of 1028 hymns (Suktas)

(B) The Rigveda is divided into ten books (mandalas) of unequal sizes.

(C) The Rigveda is a monolithic text.

(D) The Rigveda is,not a monolithic text and consists of several literary layers.

3.Name the chief of the Rigvedic Bharata tribe who fought against a confederacy of ten tribes (in the battle of 10 kings)

(A) Sudas       

(B) Divodasa              

(C) Atri            

(D) Gritsamada

4.Which of the following areas were viewed by the later vedic authors as impure and far away from the heartland of the Vedic culture ?

(A) Anga (Eastern Bihar)

(B) Magadha (Southern Bihar)

(C) Vanga (in the Ganga delta)

(D) All of the above

5.Which Rigvedic river is known as Ravi and also as Iravati ?

(A) Vitasta      

(B) Asikni       

(C) Parushni               

(D) Sutudri

6.The earliest reference to the division of society into four strata occurs in which of the following texts ?

(A) The Purusha-sukta of the Rig Veda Samhita

(B) Yajur Veda Samhita

(C) Katbopanishada

(D) Manu smriti

1.Which of the following Rig Vedic Gods is said to be the upholder of the Rita or Cosmic Order ?

(A) Indra         

(B) Agni         

(C) Varuna     

(D) Soma

2.Which one of the following tribal assemblies has normally involved in the election of the tribal chief ?

(A) Samiti                   

(B) Sabha       

(C) Gora         

(D) Vidata

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