The Govt. of India Act was passed in

(A) 1938




1.When was the first ICS examination held in London?

(A) 1853

(B) 1855

(C) 1857

(D) 1860

2.The demand for Home Rule, raised by Indian politicians, was conceded by

(A) Indian Councils Act, 1909

(B) Government of India Act, 1919

(C) Government of India Act, 1935

(D) Indian Independence Act, 1947

3.Which of the following is true of the Indian  Council's Act of 1861 ?

(A) It created an Imperial Legislative Council with official majority.

(B) It provided for Provincial Legislative Council with a non-official majority.

(C) It authorised the Viceroy to report directly to the Parliament on Indian affairs .

(D) All of the above

4.In which year did the Indian penal Code come into effect?

(A) 1860

(B) 1862

(C) 1865

(D) 1875

5.Which Of the following introduced elections for the Viceroys Legislative Council?

(A) India Council's Act. 1909

(B) Govt. 1918

(C) Govt. of India Act, 1935

(D) None of the above

6.Which of the following was the only made over for Indian members of the Imperial Legislative Council  under the Mont-Ford Act?

(A) Defence

(B) Horne

(C) Agriculture

(D) None Of the above

7.Which of the following was true of the India Councils Act of 1892?

(A) It allowed the Indian members the right of interpellation of the executive.

(B) It allowed a majority of Indian members in the Viceroy's legislative council.

(C) allowed Indians To Discuss The budget for the first time.

(D) All of the above

8.When was the electoral principle conceded for selection of Indian members in the ILC (Indian Legislative Council)?

(A) Indian Council's Act, 1861

(B) Indian Council's Act, 1892

(C) Indian Council's Act, 1909

(D) Government of India Act, 1919

9.In which year did the British Parliament legislate on simultaneous ICS exams in England and India?

(A) 1891

(B) 1892

(C) 1893

(D) 1894

10.When was the right of discussion of the budget given to Councillors of the Imperial Legislative Council?

(A) Queen's Proclamation

(B) Indian Council's Act, 1861

(C) Indian Council's Act, 1892

(D) Indian Council's Act, 1909

11.During the tenure of which Viceroy were the Cotton and Tariff Duties Act passed?

(A) Lord Ripon (B) Lord Lytton (C) Lord Lansdowne (D) Lord Elgin

1.Montague Chelmesford reforms which formed the base of Government of India Act, 1919, introduced which of the following in India ?

(A) Self Governance      (B) Dyarchy  (C) Indian Administrative Service               (D) Indian Police Service

2.The English East India Company ceased to be a trading company by which of the following legislations ?

(A) Pitts India Act of 1784   (B) Charter Act of 1833  (C) Charter Act of 1813    (D) Government of India Act, 1858

1.When did the Company lose its monopoly of Indian trade which was thrown open to all Britons ?

(A) 1813          (B) 1833       (C) 1853              (D) 1793

2.A Public Service Commission was established in India for the first time by

(A) The Indian Council Act 1892

(B) Act of 1909

(C) The Government of India Act, 1919

(D) The Government of India Act, 1935

1.The first women state prisoner under Regulation III of 1818 was

(A) Nanibala Devi      (B) Dukoribala Debi      (C) Kalpana Dutta        (D) Bina Das

2.Which of the following statements is/are true about Regulating Act, 1773 ?

(i) It introduced Parliamentary supervision over the company and modified its constitution both in England and in India.

(ii) It made changes in the constitution of the Court of Directors.

(iii) The Government of Bengal was vested in a Governor General and a council of 4 members.

(iv) The Governor General in council could control the subordinate Presidencies of Bombay and Madras in matters relating to War and Peace.

(A) (i) and (ii)  (B) (ii) and (iii)       (C) (iii) and (iv)      (D) All of the above

3.Which of the following do not belong to the 'Transferred Subjects' as per the Act of 1919 ?

(A) Local Self Government       (B) Education            (C) Land Revenue Administration             (D) Public Works

1.By which Act did education officially come under Indian control for the first time ?

(A) Indian Council Act of 1892

(B) Indian Council Act of 1909

(C) Govt. of India Act of 1919

(D) Govt. of India Act of 1935

2.After the creation of two new provinces of Sind and Orissa through the Govt, of India Act, 1935, the total no. of provinces in British India became

(A) 10       (B) 11          (C) 12              (D) 13

1.Who said about the Govt. of India Act. 1935 : "After all we framed the constitution ...... of 1935 because we thought it the best way ........  to hold India to the empire" ?

(A) British Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald

(B) Winston Churchill

(C) Viceroy Lord Linlithgow

(D) Sir Stafford Cripps

1.Which one of the following adumbrated principles and constitutional provisions which were later incorporated in the Montague-Chelmsford Reforms ?

(A) Nehru Report         (B) Wavell Plan        (C) Lucknow Pact          (D) Poona Pack

2.Which of the following is correctly paired ?

(A) Antipartition and Swadeshi Movements - Lord Lansdowne

(B) Factory Act of 1891 - Lord Curzon

(C) Establishment of an agricultural Research Institution at pusa - Lord Minto

(D) Rowlatt Act - Lord Chelmsford

3.Who among the following played an important role in the signing of the Gandhi Irwin pact ?

(i) Motilal Nehru           (ii) Tej Bahadur Sapru    (iii) Madanmohan Malaviya      (iv) Jayakar      (v) Chintamani

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

(A) i and ii      (B) ii and iv       (C) ii and iii      (D) iv and v

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