1.The Jallianwallah Bagh Massacre occurred in

(A) 1922 (B) 1920 (C) 1919 (D) 1921

2.The Gandhi-Irwin Pact was concluded in

(A) 1932 (B) 1933 (C) 1930 (D) 1931

3.The Chauri Chaura incident took place in

(A) 1925 (B) 1922 (C) 1923 (D) 1924

1.Which of the following was not true of the Kamagata Maru?

(A) The activists were associated with the Ghadar Party.

(B) The vessel had set sail from Canada.

(C) Revolutionaries from the stranded vessel clashed with the British near Diamond  Harbour.

(D) None of the above

2.The introduction of communal electorates was in order to

(A) allow legislation for separate communities to be advised by their own members.

(B) divide Hindus and Muslims.

(C) ensure an official majoiity in all circumstances.

(D) allow representation of all religious minorities.

3.Which British Viceroy was steadfastly Opposed to the notion of Partition of India ?

(A) Lord Linlithgow

(B) Wavell

(C) Lord Mountbatten

(D) All of them

4.Who was not among the participants at the first Round Table Conférence?

(A) Tejbahadur Sapru

(B) Baldev Singh

(C) M.A. Jinnah

(D) None of them

5.Why was the Simon Commission appointed in 1927 ?

(A) To dismiss Indian demands of Dominion Status

(B) To deliberate on Indian demands of Purna Swaraj

(C) To pronounce on Indian demands for further devolution of power after 1919

(D)To evaluate, as previously ordained under Mont-Ford Act, on Indian performance under the Dyarchy and fitness for self-government

6.Which of the following is not true about the difference between the Non-Coope ration and Civil Disobedience Movements?

(A) Khilafat Movement was overwhelmingly urban in its character, but Civil Disobedience Movement was rural.

(B) Considerable working class activity was seen in the first but not in the latter.

(C) Punjab was in the forefront of both the movement.

(D) None of the above

1.What proposal was made in the 'August Offer' of 1940 ?

(A) Dominion Status

(B) Provincial autonomy

(C) Representative Government at the centre

(D) Complete Independence for India gradually

2.The National Council for Education was set up in the year

(A) 1906          (B) 1908          (C) 1909          (D) 1911

3.The Constituent Assembly was set up under the

(A) Cripps Mission       (B) Wavell Plan       (C) Cabinet Mission Plan              (D) Nehru Report

4.The Tebhaga Movement of 1946, is associated with which of the following states of India ?

(A) Andhra Pradesh      (B) West Bengal       (C) Bihar          (D) Odisha

5. Apart from the Quit India Movement, which started on 9th August 1942, what other sensational activity of the freedom fighters took place on that date in 1925 ?

(A) Salt Satyagraha

(B) Boycott of Simon Commission

(C) Champaran Satyagraha

(D) Kakori mail train robbery

6.Who among the following was the first leader to organise Labour Movement in India ?

(A) B. P. Wadia            (B) Lala Lajpat Rai       (C) N. M. Lokhandy   (D) N. G. Ranga

7.The Non-cooperation Movement was called off due to

(A) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre      (B) Chaurichaura Incident          (C) Poona Pact      (D) Gandhi-Irwin Pact

8.The leaders of the Home Rule Movement borrowed the term 'Home Rule' from a similar movement in

(A) Ireland       (B) Scotland   (C) U.S.A         (D) Canada

9.The Cripps Mission visited India in

(A) 1927          (B) 1939      (C) 1942   (D) 1946

10.Arrange the following events in a correct sequence of the Indian National Movement —

(i) Foundation of Indian National Congress

(ii) Simon Commission

(iii) Home Rule Movement

(iv) Cabinet Mission

(A) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)      (B) (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)        (C) (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)       (D) (i), (iv), (iii), (ii)

1.The Hindustan Socialist Republican Association movement ended with the death of

(A) Bhagat Singh         (B) Ram Prasad Bismil      (C) Chandra Sekhar Azad     (D) Jogesh Chandra Chatterji

2.Arrange the following events in the correct chrono­logical order :

I.Partition of Bengal

II.Varanasi Session of the I.N.C.

III.  Calcutta Session of the I.N.C.

III.Foundation of Muslim League

(A) I     II          III         IV         (B) II    I           III         IV         (C) I     II            IV         III         (D) I   III           II          IV

3.Who were designated as Neo Nationalists ?

(A) Extremists            (B) Revolutioneries     (C) Moderates     (D) Swarajists

4.Arrange the following events in the correct chronological order :

I.Bombing on Lord Hardinge

II.Transfer of capital from Calcutta to Delhi.

III. Outbreak of the First World War.

IV.Gandhiji's arrival in India

(A) II   I    IV     III         (B) I   II III   IV               (C) III   I    II   IV     (D) II    I     III         IV

5.The Meerut Conspiracy Case, in which 27 accused persons were defended by Jawaharlal Nehru and K.N. Katju, related to the members of the

(A) Ghadar Party         (B) Hindu Mahasabha             (C) Indian National Congress       (D) Communist Party of lndia

6.The issue of discussion and stalemate at the Second Round Table Conference related to the

(A) Communal Problem

(B) Federal Structure

(C) Demand for Purna Swarajya

(D) Representation of Depressed Classes

7.Match the following events with the dates of their occurrence :

(a) August Offer

I. August 9-11,1942

(b) Arrival of Cripps Mission

II. July 14,1942

(c) Quit India Resolution

III. March 23, 1942

(d) The Great August Uprising

IV. August 8,1940






































8.The four brigades of the I.N. A. were named after :

(A) Lai, Bal, Pal, Subhas

(B) Surya, Chandra, Jatin, Bhagat

(C) Gandhi, Azad, Nehru, Subhas

(D) Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada, Kaveri

9.British Prime Minister Attlee made the historic announcement of the end of British rule of India on

(A) February 20, 1947       (B) August 16, 1946         (C) March 7,1947              (D) December 9, 1946

10.Lord Mountbatten's Declaration on the Freedom of India and its partition is known as

(A) The August Plan       (B) The June 3rd Plan        (C) The June 2nd Plan     (D) The Partition Plan

11.What approximately was the number of Princely States which legally became independent at the lapse of British paramountcy on August 15, 1947 ?

(A) 300       (B) 600      (C) 150            (D) 700

12.A Muslim organization, wjhich proposed during the First World War that Muslims should participate and try to reach an accord with the Congress, was

(A) Muslim League   (B) Ahmadiya Movement         (C) Ehrar League              (D) Deoband Movement

13.The Vaikkom Satyagraha was launched in 1924 for

(A) opening the temples to the low caste Hindus.

(B) fighting against the exploitation by the Landlords.

(C) removal of Press restrictions.

(D) democratisation of the administration of Travancore State.

14.After the Partition of Bengal, the two new provinces which came into existence were :

(A) East Bengal and Bengal

(B) East Bengal and West Bengal

(C) East Bengal and Assam

(D) East Bengal and North Bengal

15.The brain behind the bomb attack on Viceroy Lord Hardinge at Chandni Chawk, Delhi in December 1912, was :-

(A) Rashbehari Basu       (B) Bhai Parmanand          (C) Sachindranath Sanyal             (D) Shobhan Lal Pathak

1.Who among the following was not a member of the Constituent Assembly ?

(A) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel  (B) B R Ambedkar       (C) Dr. Rajendra Prasad    (D) M K Gandhi

2.Quit India Movement was launched in immediate response to the failure of

(A) Cripps Mission     (B) Cabinet Mission Plan         (C) Simon Commission Report     (D) Wavell Plan

3.Who was the Viceroy at the time of Quit India Movement ?

(A) Lord Mount Batten             (B) Lord Irwin               (C) Lord Willingdon       (D) Lord Linlithgow

4.The famous 11 point ultimatum given by Mahatma Gandhi to Irwin included

(A) 50% reduction in land revenue.

(B) abolition of salt tax.

(C) impose customs duty on foreign cloth to provide textile protection.

(D) All of the above

5.Non Co-operation movement was launched on the issues of:

(i) Remedy of Punjab wrong

(ii) Remedy of Khilafat wrong

(iii) Ammendment of Rowlatt Act

(iv) Attainment of Swaraj

(A) (i), (ii)         (B) (i), (iii)        (C) (i), (iii), (iv)        (D) (i), (ii), (iv)

6.When did the Guruvayur temple entry movement take place ?

(A) 1931          (B) 1929          (C) 1924          (D) 1930

7.All India Conference of the Depressed classes was formed in

(A) 1920          (B) 1926          (C) 1928        (D) 1930

8.In the 1880s and 1890s 'communalism' acquired an All India dimension. Two principal issues were Urdu-Devanagari controversy and cow protection. The demand for the use of Devanagari script was granted in the year ——  .

(A) 1868          (B) 1879       (C) 1898              (D) 1900

10.Muslim league was initially floated by —— in December, 1906.

(A) Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan        (B) AgaKhan        (C) Nawab Salimullah       (D) Muhammad Ali

11.Child Marraige Restraint Act' popularly known as Sarda Act was passed in the year —— .

(A) 1927          (B) 1928       (C) 1929              (D) 1942

12.Who among the following groups was not associated with the formation of the Communist Party of India ?

(A) Gadar revolutionaries        (B) Emigre revolutionaries       (C) Muhajirs               (D) Hindu Radicals

1.On August 11,1947, who told the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan — "You may belong to any religion or caste or creed — that has nothing to do with the business of state" ?

(A) The Nawab of Junagadh

(B) The Nizam of Hyderabad

(C) Mohammad Ali Jinnah

(D) Liyaqat Ali Khan

2.Lord Mountbatten's Declaration on the Freedom of India and its partition is known as

(A) The June 3rd Plan           (B) The June 2nd Plan            (C) The August Plan     (D) The Partition Plan

3.The founder president of the Gadar Party in USA

(A) Lala Hardayal        (B) Bhai Parmanand       (C) Sohan Sing Bakhna                (D) Ramchandra Bharadwaj

4.Under whose overall leadership was the 'Quit India Movement' carried on ?

(A) Mahatma Gandhi               (B) Jawaharlal Nehru               (C) Sardar Patel       (D) None of the above

5.Which of the following statements about RIN mutiny is not correct ?

(A) Socialists like Aruna Asaf Ali sympathised with the rebels.

(B) Gandhiji condemned the violence.

(C) Sardar Patel persuaded the ratings to surrender all.

(D) The mutiny started in Calcutta.

6.Of the four events mentioned below, which was the last to take place ?

(A) The Cripps Mission            (B) Simla Conference      (C) Cabinet Mission Plan      (D) The Ratings Mutiny

7.The worst communal carnage as a result of the Muslim League's call for 'Direct Action Day' took place

(A) Calcutta    (B) Bombay    (C) Dacca        (D) Lahore

8.Which of the following parties / organizations did not support the Quit India Movement of 1942 ?

(A) The Hindu Mahasabha      (B) The Communist Party of India       (C) The R.S.S       (D) All of the above

9.The Congress-Khilafat Swarajya Party with C.R. Das as its President was formed in

(A) 1922              (B) 1925      (C)  1926         (D) 1927

10.Leaders of which organizations raised objections on the Nehru Report at the All Party Convention held at Calcutta in

December, 1928 ?

(A) Muslim League      (B) Hindu Mahasabha             (C) Sikh League       (D) All of the above

11.The inaugural session of the All-India Trade Union Congress in 1920, was presided over by

(A) Lala Lajpat Rai     (B) Motilal Nehru         (C) Mrs. Annie Besant              (D) Acharya Narendra Dev

12.Mohammad Ali Jinnah left India for Karachi (Pakistan) on

(A) March 07,1947      (B) July 07,1947          (C) August 07,1947       (D) August 11, 1947

13.Which movement was suspended by Gandhiji after the Chauri Chaura incident ?

(A) Bardoli Satyagraha

(B) Champaran Satyagraha

(C) Non-cooperation movement

(D) Salt Satyagraha

14.The open mutiny in the Royal Indian Navy (RIN) took place in

(A) February, 1946     (B) February, 1945      (C) August, 1946         (D)   August, 1947

15.To which of these struggles did Gandhiji associate himself during 1916-1918 ?

(A) Champaran struggle          (B) Kheda struggle      (C) Rowlatt satyagrah      (D) Both (A) and (B)

16.Which of the following funds was started to finance the Non-cooperation Movement ?

(A) Tilak Swaraj fund

(B) Non-cooperation fund

(C) Non-cooperation-Khilafat fund

(D) None of the above

17.The historic Dandi March of Gandhi began on

(A) January 31,1930                (B) January 26,1930        (C) March 12,1930           (D) April 06,1930

18.The 'Safety Valve' theory is related to the foundation of which organization ?

(A) The Indian Association

(B) The Indian National Conference

(C) The British Indian Association

(D) The Indian National Congress

1.During the course of which movement did the incident of Chittagong armoury raid take place ?

(A) Non-co-operation movement

(B) Bardoli Satyagraha

(C) Civil Disobedience Movement

(D) Quit India Movement

2.Which of the following organizations / persons did not approve of the Quit India Movement ?

(A) Muslim League      (B) Hindu Mahasabha             (C) B.R.Ambedkar       (D) All of the above

3.The First National Planning Committee was constituted by the Congress in 1938 under the Presidency of -

(A) Ambalal Sarabhai (B) Jawahar Lal Nehru     (C) Subhas Chandra Bose   (D) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

4.The three-member Cabinet Mission that visited India between March and June 1946, was headed by-

(A) Sir Stafford Cripps           (B) Mr A.V. Alexander (C) Lord Pethick-Lawrrence      (D) Clement Attlee

5.When and where was the all India Kisan Sabha formed ?

(A) 1930-Bombay       (B) 1936-Lucknow       (C) 1938 -Calcutta       (D) 1942-Lucknow

6.Who described the Quit India movement (1942) as "by far the most serious rebellion since 1857" ?

(A) Viceroy Lord Linlithgow              (B) Franklin Roosevelt             (C) Chiang Kai Shek         (D) Winston Churchill

7.To justify one of their colonial policies, the British continued with the "Downward Filtration Theory" That colonial policy was on-

(A) Education             (B) Industry      (C) Maritime trade       (D) De-industrialization

8.The Vaikom Satyagraha was launched in Kerala to

(A) remove untouchability.

(B) ban the Devdasi Institutions for temple service

(C) force the temple authorities to appoint non Brahmins as priests.

(D) open the temples for the entry of the lower castes (avarnas).

9.In which of the following movements prominent women leaders like Sucheta Kripalani and Aruna Asaf Ali took the responsibility of coordinating the movement in the face of unprecedented police repression ?

(A) Civil Disobedience Movement      (B) Quit India Movement        (C) Both (A) and (B)              (D) RIN Mutiny

10.Which one of the following periods of trade union movement in India witnessed growing influence of communist ideology on trade unionism for the first time ?

(A) 1918-1924       (B) 1924-1934       (C) 1934-1939             (D) 1939-1945

11.The "Breakdown Plan" in 1946 for transfer of power in India had been proposed by -

(A) Winston Churchil       (B) Viceroy Lord Wavell     (C) Lord Mountbatten              (D) Clement Attlee

12.Which of the following statements is / are correct about the Civil Disobedience Movement ?

(i) There was a discernible absence of Hindu-Muslim unity.

(ii) The movement received a massive business support.

(iii) There was large scale women's participation,

(iv) From September, 1930 onwards the movement began to decline.

13.Choose the answer from codes given below :

(A) (i) and (ii)               (B) (ii) and (iv)       (C) (ii) and (iii)       (D) All of the above

14.On the basis of which formula / plan Gandhiji, in April 1944 proposed talks with Jinnah which Jinnah refused to accept ?

(A) August offer       (B) Wavel            (C) Rajaji formula        (D) 3rd June Plan

1.Who designed the National Flag of India, adopted by the Constituent Assembly on July 21, 1947 ?

(A) Badar-ud-din-Tyabji         (B) Rabindranath Tagore      (C) Abanindranath Tagore            (D) Abul Kalam Azad

2.Which of the following is correctly paired ?

(A) Panjabee - T. Prakasam and M. Krishna Rao        (B) Bharata Mata - Ajit singh

(C) Krishna Patrika - M. G. Ranade                 (D) Quarterly Journal - Lajpat Rai

3.Which of the following groups did not get separate electorates by the Act of 1935 ?

(A) Anglo-Indians        (B) Indian Christian    (C) Europeans       (D) Depressed Classes

4.Indenture regulations which bound the artisans of Eastern India to sell their products exclusively to the English company from the Late 18th Century were known as

(A) Dadni        (B) Damdupat              (C) Khatbandi         (D) Kamiya

5.Arrange the following events in chronological order

(i) Champaran Satyagraha,     (ii) Launching of the Khilafat Movement,            (iii) Reunion of the Congress   (Iv) Nagpur session of the Congress

6.Choose the correct answer from the codes given below :

(A) iii, i, ii and iv       (B) iii, i , iv and ii            (C) i, iii, iv and ii       (D) i, iv, iii and ii

1.Who among the following organized the defence in the trial of I.N.A. Officers :

(A) Bhulabhai Desai

(B) Madan Mohan Malaviya

(C) Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew

(D) Gauesh Vasudev Mavalankar

2.The Indian National Army (l.N.A.) came into existence in 1943 in:

(A) Singapore             (B) Japan           (C) Then Barma      (D) Then Malaya

3.'Gadar' party' was founded in 1913 at

(A) Bombay     (B) Punjab       (C) Calcutta       (D) Sun Francisco

4.Who led the peasant movement in Oudh during the Non-cooperation Movement ?

(A) Mahatma Gandhi       (B) Baba Ramchandra       (C) Madari pasi              (D) Sardar Ballav Bhai Patel

5.Who was the last Governor-General in India ?

(A) Lord William Bentinck

(B) Lord Canning

(C) Lord Mountbatten

(D) Chakraborty Raja Gopalachari

 6.Which of the following was not included in the Nehru Committee Report of 1929 ?

(A) India should be given Dominion Status

(B) Declatation of Fundamental Rights was made

(C) Separate Electorate for Muslims was rejected

(D) It proposed a Federal structure for India

7.When was the All-India Kisan Sabha formed ?

(A) 1991          (B) 1920            (C) 1928       (D) 1936

8.The Justice Party movement in Madras merged with the :

(A) Self respect League          (B) Dravida Kazhagam

(C) Both (A) and (B) above      (D) Depressed Classes League

9.Arrange the following events in chronological order and make the correct choice from the options given below :-

(A) Death of Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(B) Nagpur session of the Congress

(C) The Moplah Uprising

(D) The inauguration of Visva Bharati at Santiniketan

(A) 4, 3, 2, 1     (B) 3, 4, 2, 1      (C) 2, 1, 3, 4           (D) 3, 2, 4, 1

10.Which of the following sections remained at a distance during Swadeshi Movement of 1905 ?

(A) Women       (B) Peasantry            (C) Students   (D) Intelligentsia


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