WBCS MAIN PAPER V : INDIAN POLITY - Important Article, Part & Schedule

1.Who is the highest Law Officer of India under Article 76 of the Constitution of India?

(A) The Solicitor General of India

(B) The Secretary General of the Dept. of Law in Centre

(C) The Attorney General of India

(D) The Vice-President of India

2. Which Constitutional Article defines the Panchayat Raj?

(A) 243O  (B) 243 (C) 243A (D) 243I

3. What does the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution deal with?

(A) Administration of Tribal Areas (B) Panchayat Raj  (C) official Languages (D) Municipalities

4. How many schedules are there in the Indian Constitution?

(A) 22 (B) 17 (C) 97 (D) 12 

5. Which part of the Constitution of India describes citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution?

(A) PartI (B) Part II (C) Part III (D) Part IV 

6. The 10th Schedule of the indian Constitution talks abut

(A) Municipalities (B) Roms of Oaths Validation of Regulations (D) Anti Defection Act 

7. Which Article of the Constitution of India envisages that there shall be an Attorney-General of India?

(A) Article 78 (B) Article 76 (C) Article 67 (D) Article 113 

8. How many Articles were writen on the Constitution when it came into effect?

(A) 410 Articles (B) 415 Articles (C) 365 Articles (D) 95 Articles 

9. Which Article provides for procedure in Parliament with respect to Estimates?

(A) Article 110 (B) Article 111 (C) Article 113 (D) Article 114 

10. Article 78 of the Constitution deals with

(A) President's power to get information from the Council of Ministers.

(B) Prime Minister's duty regarding keeping the President informed about the government's decisions and policies.

(C) emergency powers of the President.

(D) President's power to send advisory messages to the Parliament.

11. The Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India does not provide Administration for

(A) Assam (B) Meghalaya (C) Tripura (D) Manipur 

12. Which Schedule of the Constitution of India prescribes the Forms of Oaths or Affirmations?

(A) 1lth Schedule (B) 4th Schedule (C) 3rd Schedule (D) 5th Schedule 

13. Which among the following languages was included in the eighth schedule by Constitution (21st) amendment Bill on 10 April 1967?

(A) Assamese (B) Sindhi (C) Gujarathi (D) Konkani 

14. Which community gets special provision for Central Services in Article 336?

(A) Sikh Community (B) Muslim Community (C) Hindu Community (D) Anglo-Indian Community 

15. Which schedule contains Fornms of Oath and Affirmations'?

(A) Eleventh Schedule (B) Fourth Schedule (C) Third Schedule (D) Fifth Schedule 

16. The original Constitution of India had how many Articles and Schedules?

(A) 392 Articles and 7 Schedules

(B) 395 Articles and 8 Schedules

(C) 395 Articles and 6 Schedules

(D) 396 Articles and 4 Schedules 

1.The Constitution of India describes India as a (Article 1)

(A) Federation of Independent States

(B) Union of States

(C) Quasi federation

(D) Dominion of States 

2.How many scheduled languages are there in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India?

(A) 12 (B) 17 (C) 22 (D) 24 

3.Which schedule of the Constitution of India deals with administration and control of Scheduled Areas as well as Scheduled Tribes?

(A) Third Schedule

(B) Fifth Schedule

(C) Seventh Schedule

(D) Ninth Schedule

4.Which one of the following items\subjects belongs to the Concurrent List of the VIIth schedule of the Indian Constitution?

(A) Public Health and Sanitation

(B) Forests

(C) Stock Exchanges

(D) Agriculture

5.The concept of Complete Justice is enshrined under

(A) Article 21

(B) Article 32

(C) Article 142

(D) Article 143

6."Power of Parliament to amend the Constitution and procedure therefore" is laid down in the Constitution in —

(A) Part XX  (B) Part XXI  (C) Part XXII  (D) Part XXIII

7.Which Part of the Constitution of India deals with "Emergency Provisions"?

(A) Part XX  (B) Part XVIII (C) Part XXII (D) Part XVII


1.What is Article 5 of the Constitution of India related to?

(A) Fundamental Duties (B) Voting (C) Citizenship (D) Formation of new states

2.Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals with (22 Languages)

(A) Panchayats (B) Tribunals (C) Rajya Sabha (D) List of Recognized Languages

3. Fill in the blank.

Article_________pertains to the amendment of the Constitution of India.

(A) 365 (B) 372 (C) 368 (D) 268

4.Under which Article of the Constitution is the President's Rule promulgated in any state in India?

(A) Article 326 (B) Article 370 (C) Article 380 (D) Article 356

5.Financial Emergency is contained in Article

(A) 352 (B) 360 (C) 356 (D) All of the above

6.Public Accounts Committee has Members from

(A) House of the People

(B) Council of States only

(C) State Legislatures

(D) Both Houses of Parliament

7.Which of the Lists are in the Constitution of India?

(A) State List

(B) Union List

(C) Concurrent List

(D) All of the above

 8.Which Article relates to the Panchayati Raj in India?

(A) Article 243 (B) Article 245 (C) Article 242 (D) Article 244

9.Which Schedule contains the Union List?

(A) Fourth Schedule (B) Fifth Schedule (C) Seventh Schedule (D) None of the above

10.Which Schedule of the Indian Constitution prescribes the distribution of seats in Rajya Sabha?

(A) 10th Schedule (B) 4th Schedule (C) 8th Schedule (D) 2nd Schedule

11. Article 352 of the Indian Constitution relates to

(A) Centre-State relations (B) Supreme Court jurisdiction (C) State Emergency (D) National Emergency

12. Article 80 deals with

(A) composition of Lok Sabha (B) composition of Rajya Sabha (C) composition of State Legislative Assembly (D) composition of State Legislative Council

13. Original Jurisdiction of Supreme Court is contained in

(A) Article 131 (B) Article 129 (C) Article 132 (D) Article 136

14.The High Court has the power to issue writ under Article

(A) 32 (B) 220 (C) 226 (D) 344

15.Which Article was given effect to by the 73rd Amendment?

(A) Article 47 (B) Article 40 (C) Article 45 (D) Article 46

1.Hindi in Devanagari script is the official language of the Union according to which Article in the Indian Constitution ?

(A) Article 342             (B) Article 383   (C) Article 343          (D) Article 344

2.Who is the highest law officer in the States of India under Article 165 ?

(A) Secretary General of the State

(B) Advocate General

(C) Chief Justice of the State High Court

(D) The Governor of the State

3.Under which Article of the Indian Constitution the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction to deal with any dispute between the Centre and the State, the Centre and a State on the one side and another State on the other or between two or more States ..........?

(A) Article 131      (B) Article 132        (C) Article 133             (D) Article 134

4.Which part of the Constitution of India describes citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution ?

(A) Part I       (B) Part II           (C) Part III        (D) Part IV

5.The qualifications for a person to be appointed as the Judge of the Supreme Court under Article 124(3) are

(A) He must be a citizen of India.

In the opinion of the Ministry of Law a distinguished jurist.

Has been a Judge of a High Court for at least five years, or

Has been an advocate of a High Court for five years.

(B) He must be a citizen of India.

In the opinion of the President a distinguished jurist.

Has been a Judge of a High Court for at least five years ..., or

Has been an advocate of a High Court (or two or more such courts in succession) for at least ten years.

(C) He must be a citizen of India.

Has been a Judge of the High Court for ten years

Has been an advocate of the High Court.

(D) He must be a citizen of India.

6.In the opinion of the President a distinguished jurist.

He must be a sitting judge of a High Court for ten years.

The Provision of Declaration of National Emergency is mentioned in which of the following Article ?

(A) Article 352            (B) Article 356             (C) Article 360             (D) Article 365

7.According to Article _____ 'Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, Parliament may in exercise of its constituent power amend by way of addition, variation or repeal any provision of the Constitution in accordance with the procedure laid down in this Article'.

(A) 365      (B) 366       (C) 367      (D) 368

1.Which of the following Articles describe about the person voluntarily acquiring citizenship of a foreign state not to be citizens ?

(A) Articles 5   (B) Article 6    (C) Article 7       (D) Articles 9

2.Article 14 guarantees equality before law and equal protection of laws to

(A) all persons living within the territory of India

(B) all citizens living in India

(C) all persons domiciled in India

(D) all persons natural as well as artificial

3.Which provision of the Constitution provides for the adjudication of disputes relating to waters of inter-State rivers ?

(A) Article 258             (B) Article 260       (C) Article 262       (D) Article 264

4.'Doctrine of pleasure' was introduced in

(A) Article 310            (B) Article 312             (C) Article 317             (D) Article 318

5.Which Article lays down that the laws declared by the Supreme Court would be binding on all Courts in India ?

(A) Article 131      (B) Article 141        (C) Article 142             (D) Article 143

6.Article 227 of the Indian Constitution deals with

(A) High Court's power of superintendence

(B) judicial review

(C) powers of the Speaker

(D) election of the Vice President

7.The Tenth Schedule of the Constitution deals with

(A) defections            (B) the Election Commission  (C) the Finance Commission    (D) Other Backward Classes

8.Which Article provides for procedure in Parliament with respect to Estimates ?

(A) Article 110             (B) Article 111      (C) Article 113        (D) Article 114

9.The Constitutional provision relevant for solving questions of repugnancy between a Central Law and a State Law is found in

(A) Article 156      (B) Article 254        (C) Article 300             (D) Entry 42, List III

10.Judicial review of proclamation under Article 356 would lie on any one of the following grounds.

(A) The proclamation has been made upon the consideration which is extraneous of irrelevant.

(B) Exercise of the power under Article 356 is malafide,

(C) A statutory order which lacks bona fide characteristics.

(D) All of the above

11.At the presentation of the Annual Financial Statement before Parliament, a Finance Bill is also presented in fulfilment of the requirement of Article —— of the Constitution, detailing the imposition, abolition, remission, alteration or regulation of taxes proposed in the Budget.

(A) Article 110 (1)(a)      (B) Article 111(1)(a)             (C) Article 112(1)(a)  (D) Article 113(1)(a)

1.Xth schedule of the Indian Constitution deals with

(A) the Finance Commission

(B) the Election Commission

(C) Other Backward Classes

(D) defections

2.The Constitutional provision relevant for solving question of repugnancy between Central Law and the State Law is found in

(A) Article 156      (B) Article 254        (C) Article 300             (D) Entry 42, List III

3.Which Article of the Constitution provides for the appointment of Comptroller and Auditor General ?

(A) Article 78      (B) Article 148          (C) Article 178             (D) Article 238

4.Which Article of the Constitution provides for the adjudication of disputes relating to waters of inter-State rivers ?

(A) Article 258             (B) Article 260      (C) Article 262        (D) Article 264

5.How many languages are present in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution ?

(A) 16              (B) 18              (C) 20       (D) 22

6.Under Article 321 of the Constitution, the power to extend functions of the Union Public Service Commission has been vested in the

(A) Ministry of Home Affairs

(B) Parliament

(C) Chairman of the Commission

(D) President

7.Which of the following Articles describe a person voluntarily acquiring citizenship of a foreign state not to be a citizen ?

(A) Article 9   (B) Article 8     (C) Article 7     (D) Article 5

8.Against which of the following, writs cannot be issued under Article 32 for the enforcement of fundamental rights ?

(A) High Court (B) Port Trust      (C) Income Tax Tribunal    (D) Delhi Municipal Corporation

9.The term "law in force" in clause (3) of Article 13 means

(A) only statutory law

(B) customs and usages only

(C) Both (A) & (B)

(D) newly formed public order only

10.Which one of the undermentioned right is guaranteed to citizens as freedom of religion under Article 19 ?

(A) Right to vote

(B) Right to contest election

(C) Right to assemble peacefully without arms

(D) Right to citizenship

11.Articles 20 - 22 relate to the fundamental right to life and personal liberty. These rights are available to

(A) citizen only.

(B) citizens and non-citizens.

(C) natural persons as well as artificial persons.

(D) all persons who have juristic personality.

12.The following are not included in the light to personal liberty :

(A) Right to free legal aid

(B) Right not to be tortured

(C) Right to equality of wages

(D) Freedom from arrest

13.Which section of Preventive Detention Act, 1950, was declared ultra vires by the Supreme Court in case of A.K. Gopalan v. State of Madras ?

(A) Section 11     (B) Section 14         (C) Section 17 (D) Section 19

14.According to Article 22(4), no detention of any person is possible without the intercession of the Advisory Board for a period exceeding

(A) two months            (B) less than two months      (C) three months              (D) twelve months

15.Right to freedom of religion cannot be restricted on the ground of

(A) public order     (B) security of state          (C) health        (D) morality

16.Under Article 30(1), the right to establish and administer educational institution belongs to

(A) all citizens of India.

(B) all people of India.

(C) religious and linguistic minorities.

(D) minorities as well as majority.

17.Petitions to the Supreme Court under Article 32 are subject to the rule of Res judicata except

(A) Quo warranto      (B) Habeas corpus        (C) Certiorari    (D) Prohibition

Which Article of the Constitution provides that the Parliament will determine the extent of fundamental rights for the members of the Armed Forces ?

(A) Article 31D             (B) Article 32A      (C) Article 33         (D) None of the above

18.According to Article 35, in respect to any of the matters under Articles 16(3), 32(3), 33 and 34, who has the power to make laws ?

(A) The Parliament     (B) The State Legislature        (C) Both (A) & (B)  (D) None of the above

19.Match the following:

Articles: (a) 39A           (b) 40      (c) 41            (d) 44


(i) Uniform Civil Code

(ii) Equal justice and free legal aid

(iii) Organisation of village panchayat

(iv) Right to work



























20.In Article 45, the State shall endeavour to provide early childhood care and education to children below the age of

(A) 6 years      (B) 8 years       (C) 12 years    (D) 14 years

21."Article 74(1) is mandatory and therefore, the President cannot exercise the executive power without the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers", was observed by the Supreme Court in:

(A) Samsher Singh v. State of Punjab

(B) U.N.R. Rao v. Indira Gandhi

(C) Both (A) & (B)

(D) None of the above

22.Power of the Governor to grant pardon, etc., and to suspend, remit or commute sentence in certain cases is a statutory power. It is given in

(A) Article 159       (B) Article 161       (C) Article 162             (D) Article 163

1.Sexual harassment of working women amounts to violation of the rights guaranteed by

(A) Articles 14,15, 23             (B) Articles 14,15, 21   (C) Articles 14,15,16   (D) Articles 13,14,15

2. Xth Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals with

(A) the Finance Commission  (B) the Election Commission      (C) defections   (D) Other Backward Classes

3.Article 340 of the Constitution of India deals with

(A) Finance Commission

(B) Election Commission

(C) Backward Classes Commission


4.The Constitutional provision relevant for solving questions of repugnancy between Central Law and the State Law is found in

(A) Article 254            (B)  Article 300            (C) Entry 42, List III     (D) Article 156

5.Which of the following articles of the Indian Constitution deals with the uniform civil code for the citizens ?

(A) Article 44  (B) Article 21   (C) Article 37  (D) Article 45

6.Taxes not to be imposed save by authority of law appears in

(A) Article 246      (B) Article 265        (C) Article 266      (D) Article 268

7.Which of the following pair of articles of the Indian Constitution deals with the oath or affirmation and impeachment of the President of India ?

(A) Article 60 & Article 61

(B) Article 62 & Article 63

(C) Article 99 & Article 100

(D) Article 72 & Article 73

8.The 1st Amendment to the Constitution of India inserted

(A) Article 31A, 31B and 9th Schedule

(B) Article 32 and 226

(C) Amended Article 246

(D) Abolished the jurisdiction of Privy Council

9.Which of the following section of Indian Penal Code has been declared unconstitutional by The Supreme Court of India ?

(A) Section 121          (B) Section 303           (C) Section 307           (D) Section 366

10.The power to issue appropriate writs for enforcement of rights conferred by PART - III of the Constitution of India may be given to any other court to exercise within the local limits of its jurisdiction by

(A) exercise of legislative power of the Parliament

(B) promulgamation of an Ordinance

(C) passing a resolution in both the Houses

(D) parliament in consultation with the Supreme Court of India

11.In the event of changing the name of the State or for creation of a new State, the Constitution of India is required to be amended by Parliament by a

(A) simple majority as required under Articles 107 and 108.

(B) majority of total members of both the Houses under Article 368.

(C) special majority under Article 368.

(D) special majority after obtained opinion of the concerned State under Article 3 of the Constitution.

12.Which of the following articles of the Indian Constitution deals with the power of Governor to promulgate Ordinances during recess of Legislature ?

(A) Article 206      (B) Article 208       (C) Article 213     (D) Article 212

13.In Part IVA of the Constitution of India every Indian citizen has how many Fundamental Duties ?

(A) 9       (B) 10       (C) 11       (D) 8

14.The expression 'Prosecution' under Article 20(2) contemplates

(A) the proceeding should not be under a law which creates offences.

(B) a person must be accused of an offence.

(C) guilt is nor criterion for prosecution.

(D) prosecution is possible only after the final verdict from the Court.

15.Which of the following are prohibited without the Consent of the President of India according to Article 18

(A) conferment of title.

(B) accepting any title from any Foreign State.

(C) accepting any gift or office of any kind from or under any Foreign State,

(D) receiving title with money.

16.The provision of Article 368 of the Constitution of India as it stands today deals with

(A) power as well as procedure for amendment of the Constitution.

(B) authority of Parliament to amend the Constitution of India.

(C) procedure for Amendment of the Constitution to be followed by the Parliament.

(D) passing and Ratification of Amendment Bills by State Legislature.

17.Nothing in Article 13 shall apply to any amendment made in this Article was inserted in Article 368 by

(A) Constitution Act (25th Amendment)

(B) Constitution Act (24th Amendment)

(C) Constitution Act (45th Amendment)

(D) Constitution Act (42nd Amendment)

19.Under Article 321 of the Constitution of India the power to extend functions of the Union Public Service Commission has been vested in the

(A) President of India   (B) Parliament  (C) Chairman of the Commission    (D) Ministry of Home Affairs

20.Power of Governor to grant pardon etc. and to suspend, rent or commute sentence in certain cases is a statutory power. It is given in

(A) Article 159       (B) Article 161       (C) Article 162      (D) Article 163

1.Which Article of the Constitution directs the State to ensure that the wealth and means of production do not get concentrated in few hands ?

(A) Article 38       (B) Article 39          (C) Article 41   (D) Article 42

2.Which Article of the constitution seeks to promote the educational and economic interests of weaker sections of people, specially the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes ?

(A) Article 42        (B) Article 46          (C) Article 39               (D) Article 44

3.Which among the following was the first programme launched by Government of India to implement the Article 47 of the directive principles of state policy ?

(A) Integrated Rural Development Programme

(B) Community Development Programme

(C) National Rural Employment Programme

(D) Desert Development Programme

4.Which among the following Article deals with the rights of citizenships of certain persons of Indian origin residing outside of India ?

(A) Article 6    (B) Article 7    (C) Article 8        (D) Article 9

5.The Article 243F deals with-

(A) disqualification from being a member of panchayat under any law.

(B) every panchayat is continued for a period of 5 years.

(C) the panchayat can impose taxes and raise funds.

(D) some seats are reserved for SCs and STs in the states.

6.The administrative relation between the centre and the state are outlined in-

(A) Articles 256-263        (B) Articles 245-254           (C) Articles 264-300      (D) Articles 250-260

7."The Council of Ministers shall be collectively responsible to the house of people", which Article states this ?

(A) 75(2)          (B) 75(1)          (C) 75(4)        (D) 75(3)

8.Operation Barga in West Bengal was introduced in-

(A) 1977          (B) 1978        (C) 1979             (D) 1980

9.Which one of the following articles deals with the appointment, duty and tenure of the Advocate General of State ?

(A) Article 155        (B) Article 165      (C) Article 175       (D) Article 185

10.Which among the following article is specifically excluded from the purview of the procedure of amendment as prescribed in Article 368 ?

(A) Article 54               (B) Article 55               (C) Article 214       (D) Article 169

11.Which among the following is not correctly matched ?

(A) Schedule Two- Salaries and Allowances

(B) Schedule Five- Scheduled Areas

(C) Schedule Six- Tribal Areas of Assam, Meghalaya and Mizoram

(D) Schedule Ten- Panchayats

12.Article 280 of the Indian Constitution lays down the establishment of the -

(A) Planning Commission        (B)  Inter-State Council

(C) River waters Tribunal         (D) Finance Commission

13.Under which Article of the Constitution is protection and interests of the minorities is envisaged ?

(A) Article 32   (B) Article 19       (C) Article 29        (D) Article 22

14.The Untouchable Law was enacted in-

(A) 1950          (B) 1952          (C) 1951          (D) 1953

(Note : The Untouchability Offence Act was enacted in 1955)

15.Which of the following parts of Indian Constitution has only one article ?

(A) Part XVII   (B) Part XVIII               (C) Part XIX       (D) Part XX

16.Which among the following pair is not correctly matched ?

(A) Part Ill — Fundamental Rights.

(B) Part XI — Relationships between the Union and States.

(C) Part XII — Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits.

(D) Part XIX — Amendment of the constitution.

1.Doctrine of pleasure was introduced in :

(A) Article 310            (B) Article 312             (C) Article 317             (D) None of the above

2.Which Article of the Constitution of India provides that it should by the endeavour of every State and every local authority to provide adequate facility for instruction in the mother tongue at the primary stage of education to linguistic minority groups :

(A) Art 349       (B) Art 350          (C) Art 350-A           (D) Art 351

3.The Constitution of India provides that "it shall be the duty of the Union to promote the spread of the Hindi language". It is found in

(A) Art 49         (B) Art 149         (C) Art 351   (D) Art 355

4.The residuary powers of legislation are vested in Parliament in India. The residuary provisions are found in which Article ?

(A) Art 245         (B) Art 248                (C) Art 250       (D) Art 251

5.Provisions regarding the Panchayats are incorporated in which articles ?

(A) Art 243 to Art 243 L           (B) Art 243 to Art 243 M

(C) Art 243 to Art 244        (D) Art 243 to Art 243 O

6.The Panchayats are enshrined in which Part of the Constitution of India ?

(A) Part IX       (B) Part IX A                (C) Part X        (D) Part XI A

7.Reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is dealt within :

(A) Part XII of Constitution of India     (B) Part XIII of Constitution of India

(C) Part XIV of Constitution of India        (D) Part XVI of Constitution of India

8.Which of the following articles correctly matched ?

(A) Election Commission - Art 324               (B) Finance Commission - Art 200

(C) Attorney General - Art 176         (D) National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Tribes -Art 320

9.Who was the first woman to become a Chief Election Commissioner of India ?

(A) V. S. Ramadevi    (B) G. D. Das               (C) S. K. Bedi              (D) R. M. Nikam

10.The Supreme Court retains its jurisdiction over the Administrative Tribunals under :

(A) Art 356       (B) Art 132       (C) Art 134        (D) Art 136

11.Article 368 very clearly lays down situations in which State Legislatures have to ratify a piece of Legislation before the Bill can receive the assent of the President. Choose the provision/provisions from the following that requires ratification by 1/2 of State Legislature

(A) Women's reservation

(B) Amendment of provisions regarding Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

(C) Fundamental Rights         (D) Supreme court and High Court

12.High Courts are instituted as Constitutional Courts by

(A) Part IX Chapter 2               (B) Part VII Chapter 6            (C) Part V Chapter 3        (D) Part VI Chapter 5

13.Consolidated Fund of India is provided in

(A) Art 234       (B) Art 265       (C) Art 239        (D) Art 266

14.The provisions regarding the Union and the State relations are contained in which part of the Constitution of India ?

(A) IX               (B) X                (C) XII        (D) XI

15.Which Schedule of the Constitution of India distributes power between the Union and the States ?

(A) First Schedule       (B) Second Schedule              (C) Sixth Schedule        (D) Seventh Schedule

16.Which article of the Constitution of India provides personal immunity to the head of the State for his official act from legal action including proceedings for contempt of Court ?

(A) Article 361            (B) Article 362             (C) Article 368             (D) Article 369

17.Which schedule deals with the Anti Defection Act ?

(A) Fifth           (B) Eighth        (C) Seventh         (D) Tenth

18.Which new provision was added to the Indian Constitution which provided that "no person shall be deprived of his property saved by authority of law" ?

(A) Art 300 A        (B) Art 300 B          (C) Art 301 A        (D) Art 301 B

19.The manner of the election of the President in India is found in :

(A) Art 64         (B) Art 55        (C) Art 56         (D) Art 57

20.Which Article of the Indian Constitution contains the power of the president to grant pardons ?

(A) Article 72               (B) Article 73         (C) Article 74         (D) Article 75

21.Which one of the following Articles empowers the president to appoint the Prime Minister of India ?

(A) Article 74        (B) Article 75          (C) Article 76   (D) Article 77

22.Fill in the Blank :- The Union Territories are specified in the ——

(A) 2nd Schedule        (B) 1st Schedule         (C) 3rd Schedule         (D) 4th Schedule

23.Under which constitutional Article newspapers do not have the right to publish reports of the proceedings of a secret session of either of the Houses of parliament or Legislative Assembly and Legislative Councils in India ?

(A) Art 361       (B) Art 361 A               (C) Art 361 B               (D) Art 361 C

24.Which Article of the Indian Constitution enumerates Fundamental Duties of an Indian Citizen ?

(A) Art 50 A      (B) Art 50 B        (C) Art 51 A        (D) Art 51 B

1.Under which Article of the Indian Constitution can the Parliament legislate on any subject in the state list ?

(A) Article 229         (B) Article 249                 (C) Article 239             (D) Article 259

2.Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution of India makes a specific mention of village Panchayats :

(A) Article 19               (B) Article 21        (C) Article 40          (D) Article 246

3.The right to Constitutional remedy in the Indian Constitution is provided for under :

(A) Article 19        (B) Article 32          (C) Article 15               (D) Article 39

3.Which Article of the Constitution provides the Parliament the power to amend the Constitution ?

(A) 370    (B) 368         (C) 390            (D) 376

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