WBCS MAIN PAPER V : INDIAN POLITY - Parliament and State Legislature

1. Which of the Articles deals with the grants in aid by the Union Government to the States?

(A) Article 270 (B) Article 280 (C) Article 275 (D) Article 265 

2. Which of the following statements is not Correct?

(A) The President is the head of military forces in India.

(B) The President can appoint 2 Commission to investigate into the conditions of SCs and ST's.

(C) The President can declare any area as scheduled Area.

(D) The President of India chooses the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. 

3. Impeachment of the President of India can be initiated

(A) only in the Lok Sabha

(B) only in the Rajya Sabha

(C) in either House of Parliament

(D) in the Supreme Court

4. For the Members of Parliament in India. who determines the salaries and allowances from time to time?

(A) Union Cabinet (B) Ministry of Parliament Affairs (C) Cabinet Secretariat (D) Parliament by Law 

5. As per the Constitution of India, the Legislative Assembly of a State consists of not more than 500 and not less than 60 Members, but which one of the following states has 32 Members?

(A) Delhi (B) Sikkim (C) Goa (D) Puducherry 

6. A Bill cannot become an Act of Parliament in India, unless and until

(A) it is passed by the Lok Sabha.

(B) it is passed by the Rajya Sabha.

(C) it is passed by both the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

(D) The President of India gives his assent to the Bill. 

7. Under whose direct supervision is the Lok Sabha Secretariat?

(A) Cabinet Secretary (B) Ministry of Parliament Affairs (C) Speaker of Lok Sabha (D) Prime Minister of India

8. How many Indian States have both the House of Parliament?

(A) 9 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 6 

9. Who becomes empowered to make laws when the President's rule is imposed in a State?

(A) The Governor (B) The President (C) The Prime Minister (D) The Parliament 


1. The maximum number of seats for Lok Sabha may go up to

(A) 542 (B) 545 (C) 552 (D) 567

2. Which of the following Indian States does not have a Bicameral Legislature?

(A) Littar Pradesh

(B) Bihar

(C) Chhattisgarh

(D) Jammu and Kashmir

3. The number of the Anglo Indians nominated to the House ot People is

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 

4. Who has the right to decide that who will be included in the list of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes?

(A) President

(B) Supreme Court

(C) Governor ot the State

(D) Parliament

5. How soon should the imposition of National Emergency should be approved by the Parliament?

(A) 1 month (B) 2 months (C) 3 months (D) 6 months

6. The Council of States in India has how many elected members?

(A) 245 (B) 230 (C) 250 (D) 238 

7. Disqualification of membership of either House ot the Parliament is provided under

(A) Article 100 (B) Article 101 (C) Article 102 (D) Article 103

8. Who presides over the joint sitting of the Parliament?

(A) Speaker (B) Vice-president (C) President (D) Chief Justice of Supreme Court

9. The number of nominated members to the Council of States is

(A) 18 (D) 20 (C) 16 (D) 12 

10. Minimum age required to become a member ot Council of States is

(A) 18 years

(B) 30 years

(C) 25 years

(D) 35 years

11. A Money Bill can originate

(A) Only in the Rajya Sabha

(B) In both the Houses simultaneously

(C) Only in the Lok Sabha

(D) At the joint session ot both the Houses

12. Which Indian State has the largest number of seats reserved for the Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha?

(A) Rajasthan

(B) Andhra Pradesh

(C) Arunachal Pradesh

(D) Madhya Pradesh

13. Joint sitting of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha is provided in the Constitution of India under 

(A) Article 101

(B) Article 102

(C) Article 138 

(D) Article 108

14. The Parliament of India consists of

(A) House ot the People and Council of States

(B) Vice-President, House of the People and Council ot States

(C) President, House of the People and Council of States

(D) President, Vice-President, House of the People and Council of States

15. With reference to election of the President under Article 55 ot the Constitution of India, every elected member of the legislative assembly shall have as many votes as there are multiples of one thousand in the quotient obtained by dividing the population of the State by

(A) Total number of the elected members ot both the Houses

(B) Total number of the elected members of the assembly

(C) Total number of nominated members of the Rajya Sabha

(D) None of the above

1. Prorogation of the House means Mode

(A)   The House has been brought into Session

(B)   The House itself stands terminated

(C)   The Session of the House has been terminated

(D)   None of the above

2.    The Speaker of Lok Sabha is

(A)   elected by Members of Parliament.

(B)   Prime Minister.

(C)   elected by majority party in the Lok Sabha.

(D)   None of the above

3.      The Council of Ministers in a Parliamentary type of Government can remain in office till it enjoys the support of the

(A)   Minority of Members of the upper House of Parliament

(B)   Majority of the Members of the upper House of Parliament

(C)   Minority of the Members of the Lower House

(D)   Majority of the Members of the Lower House of Parliament

4. The Union Council of Ministers are collectively responsible to

(A)   Judiciary

(B)   House of the People

(C)   Council of States

(D)   The President

5. The Members of the Council of States in India are elected for a period of

(A)   4 years (B)   5 years (C)   6 years

(D)   Lifetime

6.  Money Bill is given under which Article of the Constitution of India?

(A)   Article 110 (B)   Article 210 (C)   Article 101 (D)   Article 201 

7. The maximum strength of Rajya Sabha is

(A)   220 (B)   250 (C)   230 (D)   240

8. Rajya Sabha can delay the Money Bill for

(A)   Indefinite period (B)   6 months (C)   30 days (D)   14 days

9.   Who is the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha?

(A)   President (B)   Vice-President (C)   Prime Minister (D)   None of the above

10.  What is the Council of States known in India?

(A)   Lok Sabha

(B)   Parliament

(C)   Rajya Sabha

(D)   Vidhan Sabha

11. The Indian Budget includes

(A)   revised estimates for the current year.

(B)   budget estimates for the following year.

(C)   actual figures of the preceding year

(D)    All of the above

1.Who is a Pro-tem Speaker in the Lok Sabha ?

(A) The first meeting after general election in which the Speaker is elected by the members of Lok Sabha, is held under the senior most member of Parliament is commonly known as Pro-tem Speaker.

(B) A temporary Speaker elected by the House when the Speaker has taken a leave of absence.

(C) The Speaker elected by the House when both the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker are absent.

(D) The Speaker who presides over a joint session of Parliament.

2.Which Article in the Indian Constitution contains provisions dealing with a Money Bill ?

(A) Article 100      (B) Article 110        (C) Article 122             (D) Article 125

3.Under the Indian Constitution it is necessary to be a member of a house after 6 months of becoming a minister. In what way should a minister become a member of the house ?

(A) By nomination        (B) By election      (C) Either by election or nomination     (D) None of the above

4.The members of Rajya Sabha are elected for a term consisting of how many years ?

(A) 3 years       (B) 4 years       (C) 5 years      (D) 6 years

5.Who chooses the representatives of the state in the Rajya Sabha ?

(A) Chief Minister of the State

(B) Elected members of the State Legislative Assembly

(C) Governor

(D) President

6.During the Proclamation of Emergency the term of Lok Sabha may be extended at a time for a period not exceeding

(A) 2 years       (B) 1 year        (C) 1.5 years   (D) depends on the discretion of the President of India.

7.How many seats are reserved for women at all levels in the Panchayati Raj System in India ?

(A) 1/2 of seats of Panchayati Raj institutions.

(B) 1/3 of seats of Panchayati Raj and 1/3rd offices of Chairperson at all levels of Panchayati Raj institutions.

(C) 1/4 of offices of Chairperson of Panchayati Raj institutions.

(D) 2/3 of seats of Panchayati Raj institutions.

8.Who is the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha or Council of States ?

(A) The Vice-President of India is the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

(B) The leader of the majority party in the Rajya Sabha.

(C) The leader of the opposition party in the Rajya Sabha.

(D) The person elected from among the elected members of the Rajya Sabha by a simple majority of members present and voting.

9.As per the Constitution of India how many members are elected in the Lok Sabha from the Union Territories ?

(A) 20              (B) 22              (C) 30              (D) 35

10.Choose the correct alternative :

Art. 368 deals with the Constitution amending bills.

(A) A Bill to amend the Constitution may be introduced only in the Lok Sabha.

(B) A Bill to amend the Constitution may be introduced in either the Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha. Prior recommendation of the President is not required.

(C) A Bill to amend the Constitution may be introduced only in the Rajya Sabha.

(D) A Bill to amend the Constitution may be introduced only in a joint sitting of Parliament after receiving the assent of the President.

11.Choose the correct option :

(A) A Money Bill may be introduced only in the Lok Sabha.

(B) A Money Bill may be introduced only in the Rajya Sabha.

(C) A Money Bill may be introduced in both Houses of Parliament.

(D) A Money Bill cannot be endorsed by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.

12.Choose the correct alternative :

(A) The Lok Sabha alone may vote on expenditure charged upon the Consolidated Fund of India.

(B) The expenditure that is charged upon the Consolidated Fund of India is not votable in either House of Parliament.

(C) The expenditure that is charged upon the Consolidated Fund of India is votable in either House of Parliament.

(D) The Rajya Sabha alone may vote on expenditure charged upon the Consolidated Fund of India.

13.A motion of no confidence against the Government can be introduced in

(A) Rajya Sabha          (B) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha      (C) Lok Sabha     (D) Neither (A) nor (C)

14.As per the Constitution of India, what is the maximum strength (number of members) of the Lok Sabha ?

(A) 530            (B) 540      (C) 550       (D) 552

15.What is the name of the motion to draw the attention of the Lok Sabha to a recent matter of urgent public importance ? If admitted it leads to setting aside the normal business of the House for discussing a definite matter of urgent public importance.

(A) Privilege Motion     (B) No Confidence Motion      (C) Calling Attention Motion      (D) Adjournment Motion

16.According to Article 85(1) of the Constitution of India, the Lok Sabha must meet at least how many times ?

(A) Three times each year with no more than four months between sessions.

(B) At least once a year.

(C) Four times each year.

(D) Twice a year with no more than six months between sessions.

17.Who may by law provide for the abolition of the Legislative Council in a State under the Indian Constitution ?

(A) Parliament may by law abolish a Legislative Council in a State after the Legislative Assembly of the State passes a resolution to that effect.

(B) The State Legislative Assembly may by law provide for the abolition of the Legislative Council in a State.

(C) The Rajya Sabha may by a resolution provide for the abolition of the Legislative Council in a State.

(D) The President on the advice of the Council of Ministers may by law provide for the abolition of the Legislative Council in a State.

18.Choose the correct option :

India has adopted the Parliamentary form of democracy also called the Westminister model. The Parliament consists of

(A) the President and the Lok Sabha

(B) the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha

(C) the President and the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

(D) the Lok Sabha only

19.When can the Parliament in India make a law on a matter enumerated in the 'State list' ?

(A) When a joint sitting of Parliament passes a resolution to that effect.

(B) When the Lok Sabha by a 2/3rds majority of members present and voting passes a resolution saying that it is necessary or expedient in the national interest.

(C) When both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha separately passes a resolution that it is necessary and expedient in the national interest.

(D) When the Rajya Sabha passes a resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting that such legislation is in the national interest.

20.Choose the number of representatives of the Rajya Sabha from the States and the Union Territories :

(A) 238            (B) 212            (C) 200            (D) 250

21.The Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament is appointed by the

(A) Speaker of the Lok Sabha.

(B) Prime Minister of India.

(C) President of India.

(D) Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

22.Choose the most appropriate alternative :

Parliamentary Government is also known

(A) Responsible Government

(B) Cabinet Government

(C) Westminister forms of Government

(D) All of the above

23.When was the first general election to the Lok Sabha in India held ?

(A) 1950 - 51      (B) 1951 - 52            (C) 1953 - 54               (D) 1954 - 55

24.Who can extend the jurisdiction of a High Court ?

(A) The Parliament of India

(B) The President of India

(C) The Supreme Court of India

(D) The Governor of the State

1.In the event of the occurrence of vacancies in the offices of both, the President and Vice-President of India, who among the following shall discharge the functions of the President till new President is elected ?

(A) Chief Justice of India

(B) Leader of the majority party in the Parliament

(C) Senior-most amongst the Governors of States

(D) Speaker of the Lok Sabha

2.Rajya Sabha has a term of

(A) five years       

(B)  six years     

(C) ten years

(D) It is a permanent body in which one-third of the members retire after every second year

3.The Parliament of India consists of

(A) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

(B) Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha

(C) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and the President

(D) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and the Prime Minister

4.Rajya Sabha can withhold Money Bills for a period of

(A) fourteen days       (B) one month             (C) three months         (D) six months

5.The Council of Ministers at the Union remains in office as long as it enjoys the confidence of

(A) Lok Sabha            (B) Parliament       (C) President         (D) Prime Minister

6.The quorum requirement in the Rajya Sabha is

(A) 25              (B) 50              (C) 100            (D) 126

7.Which of these Houses is presided over by a non-Member ?

(A) Lok Sabha       (B) Rajya Sabha.              (C) Vidhan Sabha          (D) All of the above

8.A person can be a member of the Council of Ministers without being a Member of Parliament for the maximum period of

(A) one month             (B) three months       (C) six months              (D) one year

9.The Legislative Council in a State can be abolished by the Parliament on the recommendation of

(A) the State Legislative Assembly (B) the Governor          (C) the President         (D) None of the above

10.Decisions regarding disqualification of members of Lok Sabha are taken by the

(A) Parliamentary Secretary

(B) Minister for Parliamentary Affairs

(C) Prime Minister

(D) Speaker

11.On receipt of a Constitution Amendment Bill, having been passed by both Houses of the Parliament, the President

(A) may give his assent

(B) may withhold his assent

(C) may return the Bill for reconsideration

(D) shall give his assent

12.What can be the maximum interval between two sessions of each House of the Parliament ?

(A) Three months       (B) Six months            (C) Nine months            (D) One year

13.Who among the following can establish additional courts for better administration of any existing law with respect to a matter concerned in the Union List ?

(A) Chief Justice of India     

(B) Concerned State Legislative     

(C) High Court of the concerned State

(D) Parliament

14.The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court may be enlarged by

(A) the Parliament by law

(B) the Parliament by resolution

(C) the President

(D) the President in consultation with Chief Justice of India

15.Both Parliament and State Legislatures can legislate on

(A) criminal, law and procedure

(B) economic and social planning

(C) marriage, contracts and torts

(D) All of the above

16.The Union Government can assign any function in the States.

(A) on the recommendation of the Parliament.

(B) on the directive of the President.

(C) on its own discretion.

(D) with the consent of the concerned State Government.

17.The constitution reserves the residuary powers in the

(A) President       (B) Parliament        (C) Union         (D) States

18.The Parliament has the power to legislate on the subjects of all three Lists in respect of

(A) Backward areas      (B) Hill areas              (C) Scheduled areas      (D) Union Territories

19.A resolution ratifying a Proclamation of Emergency requires to be passed

(A) by either House of Parliament.

(B) by Lok Sabha.

(C) by both Houses of Parliament in a joint sitting.

(D) by each House of Parliament in separate sittings with majority of total membership of each House and by majority of not less than 2/3rd of members present and voting.

20.A Constitutional Amendment shall also be ratified by Legislatures of not less than one-half of the states by resolution if it is meant to make any change in

(A) Fundamental Rights          (B) Directive Principles            (C) Fundamental Duties      (D) Special Provisions

1.The largest committee of Parliament of India is

(A) Public Accounts Committee

(B) Estimates Committee

(C) Committee on Public Undertaking

(D) Joint Parliamentary Committee

2.The Parliament of India consists of

(A) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

(B) Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha

(C) Rajya Sabha and Vidhan Sabha

(D) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and the President

3.Total strength of the Council of States consists of

(A) 260 members

(B) 238 members representing States and Union Territories and 12 nominated by the President

(C) 305 members

(D) 300 members representing States and Union Territories

4.Elections to the Vidhan Parishad are held by

(A) Direct elections

(B) Indirect elections

(C) the system of proportional representation.

(D) the system of proportional representation by means of single transferable vote.

5.The power of allocation of seats in the House of the People to the States and the constituencies is vested with

(A) Election Commission     (B) Parliament    (C) State Legislatures              (D) President

6.Rajya Sabha can withhold Money Bills for a period of

(A) 14 days     (B) 3 months    (C) 6 months  (D) None of the above

7.Prorogation of a House means

(A) a House has been brought in session.

(B) the session of the House has been terminated.

(C) the House itself stands terminated.

(D) None of the above

8.Which of the following emergencies has been declared the maximum number of times ?

(A) National Emergency

(B) President's Rule in a State

(C) Financial Emergency

(D) All three, equal number of times

9.How many members in the House of the People are chosen by direct election from territorial constituencies in the States ?

(A) 520       (B) 530      (C) 540            (D) 550

10.When the offices of both the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha are vacant, who will appoint the person to perform the functions of the Speaker ?

(A) The President       (B) The Chief Justice of India              (C) The Prime Minister             (D) The Council of Ministers

11. After what time period may a House declare the seat of any member vacant, when he absents from all meetings without permission of the House ?

(A) 30 days      (B) 45 days       (C) 60 days    (D) There is no time period

1.Parliament can legislate matters in the State List :

(A) When a party enjoys ⅔rd majority in the House.

(B) By the consent of the legislature of the State conncerned.

(C) When Rajya Sabha passes a Resolution by ⅔rd majority.

(D) With the consent of the President and Chief Justice of India.

2.A 'No-confidence Motion' in the Lok Sabha can be introduced by the support of at least

(A) 10% of the Lok Sabha members.

(B) 50% of the Lok Sabha members.

(C) By all the opposition members.

(D) By any single member of the Lok Sabha.

3.Who nominates the Chairman of Public Accounts Committee of Indian Parliament ?

(A) Prime Minister       (B) President  (C) Chairman of Rajya Sabha      (D) Speaker of Lok Sabha

4.Seats to Lok Sabha are not reserved for

(A) Schedule Castes

(B) Schedule Tribes

(C) Schedule Tribes in Autonomous Districts of Assam

(D) Anglo-Indian

5.The Constitution Amendment Bills are initiated in

(A) Lok Sabha             (B) Rajya Sabha       (C) Either House           (D) Rajya Sabha with prior approval from Lok Sabha

6.The Certificate to a Money Bill is signed by

(A) The Prime Minister of India

(B) The Leader of Opposition of the House of the People

(C) The Finance Minister of India

(D) The Speaker of the House of the People

7.Which among the following states has only one House i.e. Legislative Assembly :

(A) Assam      (B) West Bengal          (C) Arunachal Pradesh            (D) Bihar

8.Minimum how many days notice is required to move the resolution to remove the deputy Chairman of the Council of

States ?

(A) 10 days      (B) 14 days     (C) 20 days      (D) 30 days

9.The President nominates ------- Anglo-Indian members to the Lok Sabha.

(A) 5       (B) 1       (C) 2       (D) 7

10.The Constitution of India provides special procedure for

(A) Financial Bills       (B) Money Bills            (C) Both Money and Financial Bills              (D) None of the above

11.Rajya Sabha can withhold Money Bills for a period of

(A) 14 days     (B) 3 months   (C) 6 months  (D) None of the above

12.Money Bill can be

(A) Invalid by Rajya Sabha

(B) Invalid by both the Houses

(C) Rajya Sabha can reject the bill

(D) None of the above

13.The Rajya Sabha has 12 nominated members. They are nominated by the President from amongst the persons having special knowledge or practical experience in

(A) Literature, science, art and social science

(B) Literature, art and law

(C) Literature, science and philosophy

(D) Literature, science and art

14.Council of Ministers can be suspended during session

(A) By Prime Minister of India

(B) By Speaker of Lok Sabha

(C) By Chairman of Rajya Sabha

(D) None of the above

15.The Ordinance issued by the Governor are subject to the approval by

(A) President   (B) Chief Minister       (C) State Legislature  (D) None of the above

1.A proclamation of emergency must be placed before the Parliament for its approval-

(A) within one month       (B) within two months         (C) within six months            (D) within one year

2.With the approval of the Parliament the National Emergency can be continued for-

(A) a maximum period of three years.

(B) a maximum period of one year.

(C) an indefinite period.

(D) a maximum period of six months.

3.In which year the metropolitan Council of Delhi was replaced by a 70 member legislative assembly ?

(A) 1990        (B) 1992             (C) 1993          (D) 1994

4."A rule of legislative procedure under which further debate on a motion can be stopped" is known in parliamentary terminogy as-

(A) Session        (B) Closure               (C) Resolution        (D) De jure

5.The maximum strength of Lok Sabha (552) was fixed according to-

(A) 1981 Census         (B) 1961 Census         (C) 1951 Census       (D) 1971 Census

6.The time allowed to the members of a house to ask question to the minister concerned, is called-

(A) The Question Hour          (B) Zero Hour              (C) Adjournment Motion             (D) Call Attention Motion

7.What is the minimum strength of a State Legislative Assembly ?

(A) 40      (B) 60          (C) 50              (D) 70

8.Which among the following is a correct combination of members in Joint Committee on Office of Profit ?

(A) 15 from Lok Sabha and 10 from Rajya Sabha

(B) 15 from Lok Sabha and 15 from Rajya Sabha

(C) 20 from Lok Sabha and 10 from Rajya Sabha

(D) 15 from Lok Sabha and 7 from Rajya Sabha

9.What is Zero Hour ?

(A) When the proposals of the opposition are considered.

(B) When matters of utmost importance are raised.

(C) Interval between morning and afternoon sessions

(D) When a Money Bill is introduced in Lok Sabha.

10.Which of the following is the implementing agency for National Agricultural Insurance scheme ?

(A) Food Corporation of India

(B) Commission for Agricultural costs and Prices

(C) Agricultural Insurance Company of India Limited


11.Which one of the following powers of the Prime Minister in relation to the Council of Ministers has been wrongly listed ?

(A) The members of the Council of Ministers are appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister

(B) He allocates portfolios among the members of the Council of Ministers

(C) He presides over the meetings of the Council of Ministers

(D) He can dismiss the Council of Ministers if he finds that the members are not cooperating with him

12.Which among the following statements is not correct ?

(A) All money bills can originate in Lok Sabha only

(B) Resolution of removal of Vice President can originate in Rajya Sabha only.

(C) Resolution to create new all India services can be initiated in Lok Sabha only.

13.The financial functions of the Council of Ministers include the right of—

(A) to certify whether a bill is a money bill or not.

(B) to prepare and introduce the budget in the Parliament.

(C) to control expenditure out of the Contingency Fund of India.

(D) to appoint Finance Commission from time to time.

14.The Council of Ministers can be removed from office -

(A) by the President at his discretion.

(B) by the Rajya Sabha if it passes a vote of no confidence to this effect.

(C) by the Lok Sabha if it passes a vote of no confidence to this effect.

(D) by the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha jointly by passing a vote of no confidence against it.

1.With reference to defections consider the following statements

  1. An independent member of Lok Sabha becomes disqualified if he joins any party after 6 months from the date on which he takes his seat.
  2. A nominated member of Lok Sabha becomes disqualified if he joins any party any time

Which statement is/are true ?

(A) 1 only         (B) 2 only         (C) Both 1 & 2        (D) Neither 1 nor 2

2.Which one of the following Bills must be passed by each House of the Indian Parliament separately by special majority ?

(A) Ordinary Bill           (B) Money Bill              (C) Finance Bill        (D) Constitution Amendment Bill

3.The minimum age for holding office in the Rajya Sabha is

(A) 18 years    (B) 21 years    (C) 25 years       (D) 30 years

4.What is the maximum strength (number of members) of the Lok Sabha envisaged by the Constitution of India ?

(A) 552            (B) 540            (C) 555              (D) 550

1.The Vice President of India is elected by an electoral college consisting of the members of :

(A) Rajya Sabha

(B) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

(C) State Legislatures and Lok Sabha

(D) None of the above

2.In which article of the Constitution of India has the joint sitting of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha been provided ?

(A) Article 104        (B) Article 108     (C) Article 133             (D) Article 143

3.Unlike that of the Lok Sabha what is the period of the Rajya Sabha ?

(A) 6 years       (B) 5 years         (C) It is a Permanent House         (D) 2 years



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