WBCS MAIN PAPER V : INDIAN POLITY - Supreme Court in India and High Court of States

1. Who can extend the jurisdiction of a High Court?

(A) The Parliament of India (B) The President of India (C) The Supreme Court of India (D) The Governor of the State 

2. Disputes between States in India comes to the Supreme Court under its

(A) Advisory jurisdiction. (B) Appellate jurisdiction. (C)Original jurisdiction. (D) None of the above 

3.Who administers the oath of office to the President of India before he enters upon the office?

(A) Chief Justice (B) Speaker (C) Vice-President (D) Prime Minister 

4.Who acts as the President of India when neither the President nor the Vice President is available?

(A) Senior most Governor of a State (B) Chief Justice of India (C) Speaker of Lok Sabha (D) Auditor General of India 

5.Who was the First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India?

(A) M. Patanjali Sastri (B) H. J. Kania (C) Bijan Kumar Mukherjea (D) Mehr Chand Mahajan 

6. Who can extend the jurisdiction of a High Court?

(A) The Parliament of India (B) The President of India (C) The Supreme Court of Indía (D) The Governor of the State 

7. Article 227 of the Indian Constitution deals with

(A) High Court's Power Of superintendence. (B) judicial review. (C) powers of the Speaker. (D) election of the Vice-President. 

8. Which is the oldest High Court established in India in 1862?

(A) The Bombay High Court (B) The Calcutta High Court (C) The Madras High Court (D) The Allahabad High Court 

9. Which one of the following High Courts has the Territorial Jurisdiction over Andaman and Nicobar Islands?

(A) Calcutta High Court (B) Orissa High Court (C) Andhra Pradesh High Court (D) Madras High Court 

10.Who administers the oath of office to the President ofIndia before he enters upon the office?

(A) Chief Justice (B) Speaker (C) Vice-President (D) Prime Minister 

11. Which High Court was established on 1st January, 2019?

(A) Tripura High Court (B) Telangana High Court (C) Manipur High Court (D) Jammu and Kashmir High Court 

12. Which Article lays down that the laws declared by the Supreme Court would be binding on all Courts in India?

(A) Article 131 (B) Article 141 (C) Article 142 (D) Article 143 


1. The Constitution gives the powers of superintendence over all subordinate courts to the High Courts under Article

(A) 32  (B) 226  (c) 227  (D) 228

2. How many sanctioned judges are there in the Supreme Court of India?

(A) 25  (B) 28  (C)  30  (D) 31

Ans : 32

3. The age of retirement of the Judges of the High Court is

(A) 60 years (B) 62 years  (C) 65 years  (D) 70 years

4.  Judicial Review function of the Supreme Court means the power to

(A) Review the functioning of judiciary in the country.

(B) Undertake periodic review of the Constitution.

(C) Examine the Constitutional validity of the laws.

(D) Review its own judgment

5. Power of the President to consult Supreme Court has been stated under

(A) Article 144

(B) Article 142

(C) Article 143

(D) Article 141

6. How long a person should have practiced in High Court to be eligible to appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court of India?

(A) 7 years  (B) 10 years  (C) 12 years  (D) 15 years

7. Supreme Court of India is a court of record under

(A) Article 32  (B) Article 129  (C) Article 136  (D) Article 141

8. How long High Courts are there at present in India?

(A) 21  (B) 23  (C) 25  (D) 27

1.Where is the permanent seat of Supreme Court of India?

(A) Kolkata  (B) Mumbai (C) Chennai (D) New Delhi

 2. From which fund the salaries of the Judges of Supreme Court is drawn?

(A) Consolidated Fund (B) Grant-in-Aid (C) Contingency Fund (D) Public Accounts

3.What is the age of retirement of a Judge of Supreme Court?

(A) 65 years (B) 62 years (C) 68 years (D) 60 years

4. Judges of the Supreme Court of India can be removed by

(A) Executive order (B) Impeachment (C) Judicial order (D) Bureaucracy

5. What is the full form of CrPC? (1 April 1974)

(A) Character Procedure Code

(B) Criminal Procedure Code

(C) Criminal Penal Code

(D) Criminal Personal Code

6. Who appoints the Chief Justice and other Judges of the Supreme Court of India?

(A) Prime Minister

(B) The Governor of the concerned State

(C) The Chief Minister of the concerned State

(D) President of India


1. Which among the following is the final authority to interpret the Constitution of India ?

(A) The President       

(B) The Council of Ministers      

(C) The Supreme Court     

(D) The Parliament

2.Which one of the following High Courts has the Territorial Jurisdiction over Andaman and Nicobar Islands ?

(A) Calcutta High Court     

(B) Orissa High Court          

(C) Andhra Pradesh High Court   

(D) Madras High Court

3. Till now how many Judges of the Supreme Court of India have been removed from office through impeachment ?

(A) 1  

(B) 2   

(C) 3     

(D) None

4. If a High Court judgement is issued in a state's official language a translation in which language must also be made available ?

(A) Hindi         

(B) Both Hindi and English      

(C) Translation not required     

(D) English

5. Choose the correct statement :

(A) Public Interest Litigation (PIL) refers to litigation undertaken to secure public interest and demonstrates the availability of justice to socially disadvantaged parties and was introduced by Justice P. N. Bhagwati and Justice Krishna Ayer. It is an extra judicious remedy and a part of judicial activism to enforce public interest and a vehicle to enforce rights.

(B) Only Supreme Court in India can entertain Public Interest Litigation (PIL).

(C) Public Interest Litigation (PIL) is enshrined in the Constitution of India.

(D) Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in India has not helped deal with major environmental grievances and has not helped victims who are handicapped by poverty, illiteracy, ignorance who have not benefited by the implementation of the laws enacted by the legislature for the benefits of the have nots.

6. Which of the following statements is not true ?

(A) The Supreme Court in India is the highest court in appeals.

(B) The power of 'Judicial Review' is mentioned in the Constitution of India.

(C) All doubts arising out of or in connection with the election of a President shall be inquired into and decided by the Supreme Court whose decision shall be final under the Constitution of India.

 (D) The Supreme Court shall be a Court of Record and shall have all the powers of such a court including the power to punish for contempt of itself according to the Constitution of India.

7. Which is the oldest High Court established in India in 1862 ?

(A) The Bombay High Court

(B) The Calcutta High Court

(C) The Madras High Court

(D) The Allahabad High Court

8.Sanskrit is the 2nd official language of which state in India ?

(A) Karnataka              

(B) Madhya Pradesh      

(C) Uttarakhand     

(D) Himachal Pradesh

9. Which is the 25th High Court in India ?

(A) Allahabad High Court    

(B) Andhra Pradesh High Court          

(C) Bombay High Court           

(D) Calcutta High Court

1. Disputes between States in India comes to the Supreme Court under its

(A) advisory jurisdiction           

(B) appellate jurisdiction     

(C) original jurisdiction            

(D) None of the above

2.A retired judge of a High Court cannot practise

(A) in any High Court in India

(B) in the High Court from where he has retired

(C) in the Supreme Court

(D) All of the above

3.The salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Court in India

(A) are fixed by the President of India.

(B) can never be reduced under any circumstances.

(C) can be reduced during their term of office.

(D) cannot be reduced during the term of their office except during financial emergency.

4. Disputes between the Government of India and one or more States can be heard by the Supreme Court of India under its

(A) original jurisdiction        

(B) appellate jurisdiction          

(C) writ jurisdiction      

(D) advisory jurisdiction

5. A legislation enacted by a State Legislature falls in the category of —— legislation.

(A) autonomous          

(B) delegated      

(C) subordinate    

(D) supreme

6. A member of a State Public Service Commission can be removed on the ground of misbehaviour only after the enquiry has been held by

(A) Joint Parliamentary Committee

(B) Committee constituted by the Governor of the concerned State

(C) High Court of the concerned State

(D) Supreme Court of India

1. When the Supreme Court sits to determine any question involving a substantial question of law as to the interpretation of the Constitution or for tendering its advice, the minimum number of judges to constitute the Bench should be

  (A) 3      (B) 5      (C) 7      (D) 13

2. Every judge of the Supreme Court of India shall hold office until he attains the age of

(A) 58 years    

(B) 60 years    

(C) 62 years     

(D) 65 years

3. Disputes between States comes to the Supreme Court under

(A) original jurisdiction 

(B) advisory jurisdiction           

(C) appellate jurisdiction         

(D) None of the above

4. In the event of the occurrence of vacancies in the offices of both, the President and Vice-President of India, who among the following shall discharge the functions of the President till the new President is elected ?

(A) Chief Justice of India

(B) Speaker of the Lok Sabha

(C) Seniormost Governor

(D) Leader of the majority party

5. In the performance of his duties in exercise of his powers, the Governor

(A) is answerable to the Vidhan Sabha.

(B) is answerable in the court of law.

(C) is not answerable to the court of law.

(D) can be impeached by the Vidhan Sabha.

1. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It is preserved by

(A) The Cabinet     

(B) The Supreme Court             

(C) The Constituent Assembly            

(D) The Parliament

2. The present strength of the Judges of the Supreme Court was fixed by

(A) The original Constitution     

(B) Parliament in 1958        

(C) Parliament in 1977            

(D) Parliament in 1986

3. Who expressed the view that 'Supreme Court of India has more powers than any other Supreme Court in any part of the world' ?

(A) Justice Khanna      

(B) Dr. B.M. Rao         

(C) K. M. Munshi     

(D) A. Krishna Iyer

4. The Supreme Court struck down a part of the Prevention detention Act in the

(A) Gopalan case            

(B) Golaknath case     

(C) Ramesh Thappar case      

(D) Kochumni case

5. Provision of Article 73 i.e. extent of executive power of the union confers upon the union which of the following phenomenon ?

(A) Power, jurisdiction and authority.

(B) Jurisdiction, constituent authority and power.

(C) Right, authority and jurisdiction.

(D) Inherent power, authority and jurisdiction.

6. High Court judges in India are appointed

(A) exclusively by the Collegium of the Supreme Court of India

(B) by National Judicial Appointment Commission

(C) Prime Minister in consultation with the Supreme Court of India

(D) by Parliament in consultation with the Chief Justice of India

7. A jurist can be appointed in which of the Court below

(A) Supreme Court          

(B) High Court            

(C) In the District Court           

(D) Special Court

8. Who is to decide whether any matter is a matter where the Governor has to act in his discretion ?

(A) The Prime Minister

(B) The Supreme Court of India

(C) The High Court of the concerned state

(D) The Governor

9. In the event of the occurrence of vacancies in the offices of both, the President and Vice President of India, who among the following shall discharge the functions of the President till new President is elected

(A) Speaker of Lok Sabha

(B) Leader of the majority party

(C) Chief Justice of India

(D) Senior most Governor

10. All matters relating to the election of the Vice President including any election petition shall be enquired into by

(A) Election Tribunal specifically constituted the purpose

(B) Supreme Court

(C) A Committee constituted for the purpose by Rajya Sabha

(D) Any High Court where the petition is moved

1. Judicial Review power of the Supreme Court means the power to-

(A) review its own judgement

(B) review the functioning of judiciary in the country

(C) examine the constitutional validity of the laws

(D) undertake periodic review of the constitution.

2. The writ of prohibition issued by Supreme Court or High Court is issued against-

(A) Administrative and Judicial authorities.

(B) Only administrative authorities.

(C) Judicial or quasi judicial authorities.

(D) Government.

3. Which among the following statement is correct ?

(A) There are provisions that a retired judge of Supreme Court only can sit and act as judge of Supreme Court.

(B) There are provisions that a retired judge of Supreme Court and High Courts can sit and act as judge of Supreme Court.

(C) There are provisions that a retired judge of High Courts only can sit and act as judge of Supreme Court.

(D) None of the above.

1.The minimum number of judges to sit on the Constitution Bench or on Bench which gives its advisory opinion on the reference by the President must be

(A) One half of the total strength of the Supreme Court        

(B) Seven

(C) Three        

(D) One-third of the total strength of the Court

2. The Supreme Court of India

(A) Is a Court of record and has a power to punish for its contempt

(B) Is the only highest Court of Appeal

(C) Is like House of Lords on its Judicial side

(D) Is in all respects like Supreme Court of USA

3. The Supreme Court at present consists of

(A) 26 Judges        

(B) 26 Judges including the Chief Justice of India

(C) Chief Justice of India and 20 other Judges           (D) Chief Justice of India and 16 other Judges

4. Currently how many High Courts are there in India ?

(A) 22       

(B) 24       

(C) 25             

(D) 29

5. Who is appointed as the Chief Justice of India ?

(A) The President appoints the Chief Justice of India upon the advice of the Union Cabinet

(B) The senior most judge of the Supreme Court is appointed as the Chief Justice of India

(C) The panel of judges of Supreme Court elect a Chief Justice from among themselves

(D) The Chief Justice of India is elected by the Lok Sabha

6. To be eligible to be a judge of the Supreme Court which among the following is not a criteria for eligibility ?

(A) Judge of one High Court or more continuously for at least 5 years

(B) An advocate of High Court for at least 10 years

(C) Above 40 years of age

(D) A distinguished jurist in the opinion of the President

1.Chief Minister of a State is responsible to

(A) Prime Minister

(B) Rajya Sabha

(C) Legislative Assembly

(D) Governor          

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