1. The difference between compound interest and simple interest on a sum for 2 years at 8% p.a. Is 768. Find the sum.

(D)1,10,000 (C) 1,00,000 (D) 1,70,000 (C)1,20,000 

2. A person has deposited some amount in a bank and becomes 2500 in 3 years and 2540 in 5 years. The rate of interest is 

(A) 4%  (B) 5%  (C) 4 6/11%  (D)4 7/11%  

3. A loan was repaid in two annual installments of 3.630 each. if the rate of interest be 10% per annum compounded annually, then find the sum that was borrowed. 

(D)5,200 (C)6,100 (C) 6,300 (D) 5.600 

4. A loan amount %11,000 is to be paid in two equal annual installments. If the rate of interest be 20% compounded annually, then the value of each installment is

(A) 7,000 (B)7,200 (C)7,100 (D) 7,500

5. A certain amount of money is kept for 2 years at certain simple interest. If the interest rate is 3% higher; then it will bring €300 more. The amount of money is

(A) 3,500 (B) 5,ooo (C)2,000 (D)2,500

6. The 8% simple interest on a certain amount of money for 3 years is half the 10% compound interest on 28,000 for 2 years. The amount on which simple interest is calculated 

(A) 3,800 (B) 4,000 (C)3,500 (D)3,600

7. The difference between compound interest and simple interest for 2 years on 222,500 at 6% p.a. is 

(A) 81 (B) 220 (C)225 (D)181

8. A certain sum of money amounts to €756 in 2 years and to %873 in 3 and half years at a certain rate of simple interest. The rate of interest p.a. is

(A) 12% (B) 13% (C)10% (D)11%

9. In what time will simple interest be 34 of the principal at 8% p.a.?

(A)7 years (B) 5 years (C) 6 years (D)8 years

10. What sum of money will amount to %520 in 5 years and to $568 in 7 years at simple interest?

(C) 510 (D) 220 (D)400 (C)120

11. In 4 years 26,000 amounts to 18,000. In what time at the same rate of interest will 1525 amount to !700? 

(A) 2 years (B) 5 years (C)4 years (D)3 years 

12. A peon has a salary of 21,000 per month and a carpenter earns 230 per day, but he is idle for 65 days in the year. The ratio of their income is 

(A) 4 : 3 (B) 3 : 4 (C)4 : 5 (D)5 : 6 

13. Computers depreciate at a rate of 25% p.a. If it was worth 26,000 new, how many full years must pass, before it worth less than half of its original value?

(A) 4 years (B) 1 year (C)2 years (D)3 years

 14. A sum of money is borrowed and paid back in two annual installments of 21,764 each allowing 5% compound interest. What was the sum borrowed? 

(A)4,000 (B) 3.000 (C) 3,280 (D)3,340 


1.A sum of money placed at compound interest doubles itself in 5 years. In how many years it would be 8 times of itself at the same rate of interest? (A) 10 years (B) 15 years (C) 20 years (D) 7 years

2.A sum of money at compound interest amounts to Rs.650 at the end of the first year and Rs.676 at the end of the second year. The sum of money is (A) Rs.600 (B) Rs 620 (C) Rs.580 (D) Rs.625

3.The time in which Rs.80,000 amounts to Rs.92,610 at 10% per annum compound interest, interest being compounded semi-annually, is (A) 1.5 years (B) 2 years (C) 3 years (D) 2.5 years

4.A man borrowed Rs.16,000 from two persons. He paid 6% interest per annum to one and 10% interest per annum to the other. In the first year he paid a total interest of Rs.1,120. How much did he borrow from the first and second person respectively?

(A) Rs.12.500: Rs.3.500 (8) Rs.11.000: Rs.S.000 (C) Rs.12,000; Rs.4,000 (D) Rs.10.000: Rs.6.000

5.A certain sum of money amounts to Rs.1,680 in 3 years and to Rs.1,800 in 5 years. Find the sum and rate of simple interest. (A) Rs 1.200 4% (B) Rs.1,500 ; 4% (C) Rs.1.800 : 5% (D) Rs.1.600 : 5%

6.The compound interest on Rs.2,000 in 2 years, if the rate of interest is 4% per annum for the first year and 3% per annum for the second year, will be

(A) Rs 143.40 (8) Rs.141.40 (C) Rs.140.40 (D) Rs.142.40

7.The compound interest on Rs.30,000 at 7% per annum is Rs.4,347. The period (in years) is

(A) 2 (8) 2.5 (C) 3 (0) 4

8.Find the compound interest on Rs.14,000 for 2 years at 5%, interest being payable annually

(A) 15,435 (B) 1.435 (C) 1,235 (D) 1,535

9.How much time will it take for an amount of Rs.450 to yield Rs.81 as interest at 4.5% per annum of simple interest? (A) 3.5 years (B) 4 years (C) 4.5 years (D) 5 years

10.The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest at the same rate of interest, for the amount Rs.5,000 in 2 years, is Rs.32. The rate of interest is

(A) 5% (B) 10% (C) 12% (D) 8%


1.A man invests Rs. 5000 at a rate of 6% per annum. How much more should he invest at a rate of 9%, so that he can earn a total of 7% per annum ?

(A) Rs.5000       (B) Rs.2500               (C) Rs.3000     (D) Rs.4500

2.A sum of money compounded annually becomes Rs. 500 in two years and Rs. 550 in three years. The rate of interest per annum is

(A) 8%       (B) 10%       (C) 12%       (D) 15%

3.If the rate of compound interest for the first year is 4% and second year is 5%, then the compound interest on Rs. 25,000 for 2 years is

(A) Rs. 2000      (B) Rs. 2300              (C) Rs. 2400   (D) Rs. 2500

4.The difference between simple interest and compound interest on a sum for 3 years at 10% when the interest is compounded annually is Rs. 155. Then the principal value is

(A) Rs. 4000      (B) Rs. 5000              (C) Rs. 5500   (D) Rs. 6000

5.If a sum of money doubles itself at compound interest in 12 yeas. In how many years will it become four times ?

(A) 26 years       (B) 24 years              (C) 20 years   (D) 18 years

6.The compound interest on Rs. 10,000 in 2 and half years at 10% per annum is

(A) Rs. 2010    (B) Rs. 2250       (C) Rs. 2705             (D) Rs. 2833

7.A man gets a simple interest of Rs. 3500 on a certain principal at the rate of 10% per annum in 5 years. What compound interest will the man get on twice the principal in two years at the same rate ?

(A) Rs. 2520    (B) Rs. 1750    (C) Rs. 2100      (D) Rs. 2940

8.The simple interest and compound interest of a certain sum of money for two years are Rs. 400 and Rs. 410 respectively. Then the rate of interest per annum is

(A) 5%     (B) 6%        (C) 5.5%        (D) 6.5%

9.A sum of money lent by Jadu at simple interest becomes double of itself in 8 years. Then the sum will, triple itself in

(A) 16 years    (B) 15 years     (C) 20 years    (D) 24 years

1.At the same rate of simple interest per annum, if a principal becomes the amount of Rs.7100 in 7 years and of Rs.6200 in 4 years, let us determine the principal amount.

(A) Rs.4000      (B) Rs.7000    (C) Rs.6000      (D) Rs.5000

2.If the total interest becomes Rs..x for a principal having the rate of simple interest of x% per annum for x years then, principal will be

(A) Rs..x          (B) Rs.100x       (C) Rs. 100/x   (D) Rs. 100/x2

3.If a principal becomes twice of its amount in 10 years, the rate of simple interest per annum is

(A) 5%       (B) 10%     (C) 15%           (D) 20%

4.Calculate the principal whose monthly interest is Rs.1 having the rate of simple interest of 5% per annum.

(A) Rs.300       (B) Rs.120       (C) Rs.240       (D) Rs.480

5.Find the rate of compound interest per annum, so that the amount on Rs.400 for 2 years becomes Rs.441.

(A) 6      (B) 7      (C) 5       (D) 9

6.If a sum of money doubles itself at the fixed rate of compound interest per annum in n years, find in how many years it will become four times.

(A) 3n        (B) n2       (C) 2n       (D) 3n2

7.Determine the principal amount that at the rate of 5% compound interest per annum becomes Rs.615 after two years.

(A) Rs.6000       (B) Rs.8000               (C) Rs.5000       (D) Rs.9000

8.A invested Rs.6000 for 5 months and B Rs.5000 for x months in a business. If the profit of A and B be equal, find the value of x.

(A) 10 months              (B) 8 months      (C) 6 months            (D) 7 months

9.A sum of money double itself in 8 years at some rate of interest. In how many years would it treble itself ?

(A) 16 years   .(B) 12 years   (C) 15 years   (D) 14 years

10.A sum of amounts will be doubled in 7 and 1/2 years. What is the rate per cent ?

11.A sum amounts to Rs.1180 in 3 years and to Rs.1300 in 5 years. Find the rate of interest.

(A) 5%             (B) 6%       (C) 4%       (D) 8%

12.A certain sum amounts to Rs.17,200 at 12% simple interest per annum in a period in which Rs.22,080 amounts to Rs.37,536 at 14% simple interest per annum. Find the sum.

(A) Rs.11,250       (B) Rs. 12,750        (C) Rs.12,250      (D) Rs.10,750

13.Ten copies of the book can be bought for a certain sum of money payable at the end of 2 years. 12 copies of the same book can be bought for the same sum in ready cash. What is the rate of interest per annum ?

(A) 12%           (B) 15%      (C) 10%   (D) 8%

14.Sita deposited some money in a bank at the rate of simple interest of 5.25% per annum. After 2 years, she has got Rs. 840 as interest. Let us write by calculating, the money she has deposited into the bank.

(A) Rs.8,000       (B) Rs.10,000           (C) Rs.10,000              (D) Rs.9,000

15.Write the number of years in which the amount becomes twice of the principal having the rate of simple interest 6 and 1/4 % per annum.

(A) 15              (B) 12              (C) 18      (D) 16

16.The ratio of the principal and the amount (principal along with interest) in 1 year is 8 : 9, the rate of simple interest per annum is

1.How much time will it take for an amount of Rs. 450 to yield Rs. 81 as interest at 4.5% per annum of simple interest ?

(A) 3.5 years      (B) 4 years   (C) 4.5 years   (D) 5 years

2.The compound interest on Rs. 30000 at 7% per annum is Rs. 4347. The period (in years) is

(A) 2    (B) 2 ½   (C) 3              (D) 4

3.What is the difference between the compound interests on Rs. 5000 for 1 1/2

112 years at 4% per annum compounded yearly and half-yearly ?

(A) Rs. 2.04     (B) Rs. 3.06     (C) Rs. 4.08     (D) Rs. 8.30

4.Ankur invested a sum of Rs.16,800 for four years in a scheme. The rate of interest in the scheme is 8% per annum compounded yearly for the first two years and 10% for the 3rd and 4th years compounded yearly. What will be the compound interest at the end of 4 years ?

(A) Rs. 6810      (B) Rs. 6910              (C) Rs. 6540    (D) Rs. 6210

5.Ramen deposits Rs. 100 on the first day of every month in a monthly savings scheme. In this way, he has deposited money for 1 year. If the rate of simple interest is 6% per annum ; then the amount he will get at the end of the year is

(A) Rs. 1236      (B) Rs. 1239              (C) Rs. 1272   (D) Rs. 1260

1.In what time will a sum of money double itself at 6 ¼ % p.a. simple interest ?

(A) 5 years       (B) 12 years     (C) 8 years      (D) 16 years

2.The simple interest on a sum for 5 years is two-fifth of the sum. The rate per cent per annum is

(A) 8%             (B) 10%           (C) 6%             (D) 12½%

1.Simple interest on Rs. 16,250 at 8% per annum for 73 days is -

(A) Rs. 460        (B) Rs. 260                (C) Rs. 560      (D) Rs. 660

2.The compound interest on Rs. 2,000 for 2 years at 8% per annum is-

(A) Rs.. 222.80        (B) Rs. 232.80         (C) Rs. 332.80        (D) Rs. 532.80

1.If the ratio of principal and amount after 5 years be 4 : 5, rate of interest per annum will be

(A) 4%        (B) 5%      (C) 6%             (D) 8%

2.Sum of money which amounts Rs. 13,310 for 3 years at the rate of 10% compound interest is

(A) Rs. 9,000               (B) Rs. 9,500        (C) Rs. 10,000        (D) Rs. 10,500

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