1.In a certain code language

1 2 3 means 'sober nice lady'

3 5 6 means 'nice sunny day'

5 8 9 means 'a rainy day'

Which of the following numeral stands for 'sunny' ?

(A) 3    (B) 5      (C) 6  (D) 9

Choose out the odd one. 

1.(A) Phi (B) Gamma (C) Peso       (D) Beta

2.(A) Autocracy (B) Bureaucracy      (C) Diplomacy     (D) Theocracy

3.Choose the word different from the rest.

(A) Tibia          (B) Cortex        (C) Cranium     (D) Cerebellum

4.If GOLD is coded as HOME, COME is coded as DONE and CORD is coded as DOSE, how would you code SONS ?

(A) TPOT       (B) TOOT       (C) TOOS            (D) TONT

5.If in a certain language, CHARCOAL is coded as 45164913 and MORALE is coded as 296137, how is the word ALLOCHRE coded in that language ?

(A) 13396875              (B) 16693985       (C) 13394567          (D) 19943785

6.If 'air' is called 'green', 'green' is called 'blue', 'blue' is called 'sky', 'sky' is called 'yellow', 'yellow' is called 'water' and 'water' is called 'pink', then what is the colour of clear sky ?

(A) Blue       (B) Sky     (C) Yellow      (D) Pink

7.In a certain code language, 'si po re' means 'book is thick', 'ti na re' means 'bag is heavy', 'ka si' means 'interesting book' and 'de ti' means 'that bag'. What should stand for 'that is interesting' in that code language ?

(A) ka de re     (B) ti po ka       (C) ka re na        (D) de si re

8.(i) 'kemp lamp tems' means 'speak the truth';

(ii) 'bis tim nak' means 'always seek knowledge';

(iii) 'tim tems sik' means 'knowledge is truth';

(iv) 'lik bis zap' means 'never seek violence'.

Which letter code stands for 'always' ?

(A) nak            (B) tim              (C) bis              (D) zap

9.If P denotes +, Q denotes -, R denotes x and S denotes ÷ , which of the following statements is correct ?

(A) 36 R 4 S 8 Q 7 P 4 = 10

(B) 16 R 12 P 49 S 7 Q 9 = 200

(C) 32 S 8 R 9 = 160 Q 12 R 12

(D) 8 R 8 P 8 S 8 Q 8 = 57

10.In a certain code 'BASKET' is written as m '5 $ 3 % # 1' and 'TRIED' is written as '14 * # 2'. How is 'SKIRT' written in that code ?

(A) 3 % * 41     (B) 3 * % 41     (C) 3 % # 41       (D) 3 # 4 % 1

11.In a certain code BREAKTHROUGH is written as EAOUHRBRGHKT. How is DISTRIBUTION written in that code ?


12.If 'ski rps tri' stands for 'nice Sunday morning', 'tel sti rps' stands for 'every Tuesday morning' and 'ski ptr qlm' stands for 'nice market place', which word stands for 'Sunday' ?

(A) ski              (B) rps       (C) tri         (D) qlm

13.In a certain language, MIRACLE is coded as NKUEHRL, then how is GAMBLE coded in that language ?

(A) JDOCMF   (B) CLEMNK        (C) HCPFQK           (D) AELGMN

14.In a certain code language, STRING is written as % = * - $ ÷ and PRAISE as ? * @ - % x. How will the word GRAPES be written in that code language ?

(A) ÷ * @ x ? %            (B) ÷ @ * ? x %       (C) ÷ * @ ? x %        (D) None of the above

15.If + means x, x means -, ÷ means + and - means ÷, then which of the following gives the result of

175 - 25 ÷ 5 + 20 x 3 + 10 ?

(A) 77      (B) 160         (C) 240            (D) 2370

16. Find the odd one.

(A) CALORIC               (B) DRUID       (C) ELOPE      (D) FRETFUL

1.CIRCLE is related to RICELC in the same way as SQUARE is related to

(A) QSUERA                (B) QUSERA   (C) UQSAER      (D) UQSERA

2.Choose out the odd one:

(A) Skull       (B) Spine             (C) Femur      (D) Tendons

3.In a certain code language, RUSTICATE is written as QTTUIDBSD. How would STATISTIC be written in that code ?

(A) RSBUJTUHB       (B) RSBUITUHB            (C) RSBUIRSJD          (D) TUBUITUMB

4.In a code language, TUTORIAL is written as DODNGLCF and DANCE is written as YCJMZ, how can EDUCATION be written in that code ?


5.In a certain code, RAIN is written as 8$%6 and MORE is written as 7#8@. How is REMAIN written in that code ?

(A) #@7%6       (C) 7@#$%6       (D) 8@7$%6

6.If 'white' is called 'blue', 'blue' is called 'red', 'red' is called 'yellow', 'yellow' is called 'green', 'green' is called 'black', 'black' is called 'violet' and 'violet' is called 'orange', what would be the colour of human blood ?

(A) Red            (B) Green      (C) Yellow         (D) Violet

7.In a certain code language '617' means 'sweet and hot', '735' means 'coffee is sweet' and '263' means 'tea is hot'. Which of the following would mean 'coffee is hot' ?

(A) 731      (B) 536       (C) 367            (D) 753

8.If 20 -10 means 200, 8 ÷ 4 means 12, 6 x 2 means 4, then

100 - 10 x 1000 ÷ 1000 + 100 x 10 = ?

(A) 0   (B) 20       (C) 1090      (D) 1900

9.It is seen that children of successful and well-to-do parents do not perform well in studies. Which one, the following alternatives is the reason behind it ?

(A) Parents are unable to give enough time and attention to their children.

(B) For ample scope of enjoying electronics media for time passing.

(C) For attending of and on social parties.

(D) For their good financial position.

10.If Byron is 74, then Shelly is

(A) 81        (B) 80         (C) 78              (D) 79

11.The missing term in the following series 1, 5, 11, 19, 29, —, 55 is

(A) 41              (B) 31              (C) 40              (D) 51

1.If '+' stands for 'x', '_' for '÷', 'x' for '-'  and '÷' for '+', find the value of 26 + 74 - 4 x 5 ÷ 2.

(A) 220            (B) 376      (C) 478       (D) 488

2.If L denotes ÷ , M denotes x, P denotes +, Q denotes - , then which of the following statements is true ?

(A) 32 P 8 L 16 Q 4 = - 3/2

(B) 6 M 18 Q 26 L 13 P 7 = 173/13

(C) 11 M 34 L 17 Q 8 L 3 = 38/3

(D) 9 P 9 L 9 Q 9 M 9 = - 71

3.If 'MEAT' is written as 'TEAM', then 'BALE'; is written as

(A) ELAB       (B) EALB           (C) EBAL         (D) EALB

4.If 'EAT' is coded as '318' and 'CHAIR' is coded as '24156' , then how can 'TEACHER' be coded ?

(A) 8312436    (B) 8312346    (C) 8321463    (D) 8321364

5.If DARE is coded as 1083 and FATE is coded as 2093, then FARE is coded as

(A) 2038      (B) 2083  (C) 2803          (D) 3082

1.BACON is coded as 2131514, hence DARING is coded as-

(A) 4116947    (B) 41619147              (C) 419146         (D) 41189147

1.If clouds is to black, black is to rain, rain is to pink, pink is to air, air is lavender, where do birds fly in ?

(A) Pink         (B) Levender    (C) Rain              (D) Clouds

2.In a certain code language '1 2 3' means 'very beautiful lady', '3 5 6' 'fair young lady' and '5 8 3' means 'young bright lady'. The numeral stand for 'bright' is

(A) 8   (B) 6   (C) 1   (D) 3

3.BACON is coded as 2131514, hence DARING is coded as

(A) 4116947   (B) 41619147              (C) 419146       (D) 41189147

4.If BOY is coded as ZPC, then GIRL is coded as

(A) HJSM         (B) HJMS        (C) MSJH        (D) MSHJ

5.If Byron is 74, then Shelly is

(A) 81              (B) 80              (C) 78  (D) 79

6.MASON is as NBTPO, then WORLD is coded as

(A) XPSME      (B) XBSME      (C) YQSME      (D) EMSPX

7.If KEATS is coded as 12345, then TEASE is coded as

(A) 22435            (B) 43522   (C) 24352           (D) 42352

8.JORDAN is coded as SOCIAL, hence LIASON is coded as

(A) LIASOL      (B) LIAJON        (C) NDAJOL              (D) NAAJOL

9.If A ∩ B is coded as 1 2 3, C ∩ A is 4 2 1, then ∩ is coded as

(A) 2       (B) 1              (C) 4   (D) None of the above

10.If INDIA is coded as 914491, then JAPAK is coded as

(A) 1000111    (B) 1011411   (C) 10116119        (D) 10116114

1.If KITE = 45. What is WiLD ?

(A) 72       (B) 40       (C) 48        (D) 29

2.If WOMAN = 69. What is MAN ?

(A) 53       (B) 28       (C) 50      (D) 29

3.If JAPAN is coded as QZKZM then AMERICA is ?

(A) ZYQPQRZ              (B) ZPQYLTM              (C) MPOYQZ       (D) ZNVIRXZ

4.If EAGLE is coded as FBHMF then VULTURE is ?

(A) TSFRJP         (B) WVMUVSF        (C) RPFTJE     (D) TSFJGF

5.If 'Parrot' is known as 'Eagle',  'Eagle' is known as 'Peacock', 'Peacock' is known as 'Swallow', 'Swallow' is known, as 'Sparrow', then India's National Bird is known as -

(A) Sparrow     (B) Peacock        (C) Swallow             (D) None of the above

6.If 'LINGER' is 123456 and 'FORCE' is 56789 then 'FIERCE' will be-

(A) 345667      (B) 456678      (C) 556789        (D) None of the above

7.If 'MACHINE' is coded as 13-1-3-8-9-14-5' then 'DANGER' is to be coded as -

(A) 6-1-13-14-6-8           (B) 5-1-14-13-5-8        (C) 4-1-14-7-5-18       (D) 4-1-14-8-6-18

8.'Zebra' is written as 2652181 then how will 'Cobra' be written ?

(A) 3252181       (B) 3152181       (C) 3352281       (D) 3352181


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