W.B.C.S. Preliminary English Question Paper-Grammer

1. Choose the correct option to frame a question from the following sentence, using the appropriate punctuation —I asked him why he wasn't in class.

(A) I asked him – "Why you not in class?"

(B) I asked him, "Why you are not in class?"

(C) I asked him: 'Why you are not in class?'

(D) I asked him, "Why are you not in class?"

2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate group of words. He has meticulous in the project, rise to irregularities.

(A) not being; overseen; given; much

(B) not; oversaw; give; more

(C) not been; overseeing; giving; many

(D) not be; oversee; gave; much

3. Select the correct proverb to fill in the blank in the following sentence: It is best not to delay since

(A) beggars can't be choosers

(B) stitch in time saves nine

(C) a bad workman blames his tools

(D) all's fair in love and war

4. Read the following sentences and then select the correct option.

(i) One should not interfere in the personal affairs of others.

(ii) The personal in that company are dissatisfied with their salaries.

(A) Only Sentence (i) is correct.

(B) Only Sentence (ii) is correct.

(C) Sentences (i) and (ii) are both correct.

(D) Sentences (i) and (ii) are both incorrect.

5. Choose the word that can correctly replace both the italicized words in the following sentences. 

Sentence (i) — I appreciate his exuberant nature. Sentence

Sentence (ii) — Everyone at the party was in a festive mood.

(A) excitable

(B) exorbitant

(C) exciting

(D) ebullient

6. Identify the mood in the following sentence — I would surely go there if I could.

(A) Indicative mood

(B) Interrogative mood

(C) Subjunctive mood

(D) Imperative mood

7. Choose the option that correctly changes the following sentence into indirect speech — He said, "I will go there tomorrow."

(A) He said that I will go there tomorrow.

(B) He told that he shall go there tomorrow.

(C) He said that he will go there after today.

(D) He said that he would go there the next day.

8. Pick out the word that is not similar to the others.

(A) Pond

(B) Water body

(C) Lake

(D) Stream

9. What kind of a person is a 'Clairvoyant"? 

(A) An astrologer

(B) An astronomer

(C) An astrophysicist

(D) An astronaut

10. Correctly change the following sentence to the active voice, using the appropriate punctuation — My daughter expressed her preference for History over English.

(A) My daughter says 'I prefer History over English.' 

(B) My daughter said, "I prefer History over English."

(C) My daughter tells — 'I prefer History over English.'

(D) My daughter told, "I prefer History over English."

11. Fill in the blanks with the correct set of words.

She was not interested ___ taking ___ French, but decided  __ opt  __ German instead.

(A) In; up; to; for

(B) to; on; in; with

(C) on; to; for; on

(D) for; to; in; to

12. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.

We need to ___ this matter ___ thoroughly.

(A) look into; more

(B) look in; most

(C) look up; much

(D) look for; may be

13. Select the word that best replaces both the italicized words in the sentences given below:

Sentence (i) — The management did not find him suitable for the job.
Sentence (ii) He was not ableto arrange all his belongings into one suitcase.

(A) good

(B) apt

(C) fit

(D) cram

14.Which of the following is an auxiliary verb?

(A) Look

(B) Can

(C) Take

(D) Do
15. Of which of the phrases below is the term 'Nog' an abbreviation?

(A) per web log

(B) web Nog

(C) web blogger

(D) web blogging

16. select the word that best replaces the italicized word in both ofthe following sentences.
(i) The police are trying to control the crowd.
(ii) Junk food may have high levels of harmful chemicals.

(A) check

(B) blame

(C) contain

(D) incorporate

  1. What parts of speech is the word ‘Adjective’?
    (A) Pronoun
    (B) Noun
    (C) Adjective
    (D) Adverb
  1. Which pn€ is the plural number”
    (A) Index
    (B) Alumni
    (C) Hypothesis
    (D) Analysis
  1. I has been established that
    (P) Einstein was
    (Q) although a great scientist
    (R) weak in arithmetic
    (S) right from his school days
    To form correct and meaningful sentence, the proper sequence should be:
    (A) (Q) (P) (R) (S)
    (B) (P) (R) (S) (Q)
    (C) (P) (S) (Q) (R)
    (D) (Q) (P) (S) (R)
  1. What is the most appropriate passive form of “Who has done the work?
    (A) Who has been done the work?
    (B) By whom has been done the work?
    (C) Whom has done the work by?
    (D) By whom has the work been done?
  1. Fill in the blank with the correct word.
    Ram and his brothers were four in _______
    (A) quantity
    (B) number
    (C) numbers
    (D) totality
  1. Find the correctly spelt word.
    (A) Reharsal
    (B) Rehersal
    (C) Rehearsal
    (D) Rehearsel
  1. Convert the given sentence into an interrogative sentence:
    I will meet you tomorrow.
    (A) Where will you meet me ?
    (B) How will you meet me ?
    (C) Will you meet me ?
    (D) When will you meet me ?
  1. Add a suitable prefix to form the opposite of the word 'capable'.
    (A) Uncapable      
    (B) Noncapable   
    (C) Ill-capable     
    (D) Incapable
  1. Select the correct answer to fill in the blank.
    The ship, with its crew, —— lost.
    (A) were    
    (B) was     
    (C) were getting          
    (D) was being
  1. La Gioconda' (Mona Lisa) is —— unique work of art.
    Fill in the blank with the suitable article.
    (A) the             
    (B) an     
    (C) a            
    (D) this
  1. Fill in the blank with the suitable option:
    She —— from the bus and walked to the back-gate
    (A) boarded     
    (B) stepped     
    (C) moved      
    (D) alighted
  1. Select the correct spelling:
    (A) Accommodition      
    (B) Accommodation             
    (C) Accomodation             
    D) Acommodation
  1. Which is the correct sentence ?
    (A) An one-eyed person was seen roaming about the streets.
    (B) A one-eyed person was seen roaming about the streets.
    (C) The one eyed person was seen roaming about the streets.
    (D) One-eyed person was seen roaming about the streets.
  1. The past tense of rewind is
    (A) rewinded  
    (B) rewounded      
    (C) rewound         
    (D) None of the above
  1. Which complex form is correct for the following sentence ?
    “Everyone is happy during Christmas celebration”
    (A) When Christmas celebrations occur everyone is happy.
    (B) During Christmas celebration everyone is happy.(C) Everyone during Christmas celebration is happy.
    (D) Happy is everyone when Christmas celebration occur.
  1. Select the correct option :
    I need a —— note.
    (A) Five hundred rupees     
    (B) Five hundred rupee 
    (C) Five hundreds rupees            
    (D) Five hundreds rupee

  2. Use the correct expression :
    I —— the patient will die.
    (A) hope          
    (B) think          
    (C) see      
    (D) am afraid

  3. Select the correct option :
    I was sure I —— meet him.
    (A) would             
    (B) will             
    (C) shall          
    (D) should

  4. Choose the correct indirect statement.
    He said, “Grass is green.”
    (A) He told that grass is green
    (B) He told that grass was green
    (C) He told that grass had been green
    (D) He told that grass will always be green

  5. Correct passive form of the following sentence 'Orange tastes sour' is :
    (A) Orange is tested sour.
    (B) Orange is sour after testing.
    (C) Orange is sour when tested.
    (D) Orange is tested as sour.
  6. Tick the correct option :
    _____ are still tortured in remote villages.
    (A) Daughter-in-laws   
    (B) Daughters-in-Laws      
    (C) Daughters-in-law     
    (D) Daughter-in-law
  7. Add a suitable prefix to ‘Embark’.
    (A) Disembark     
    (B) Unembark              
    (C) Imembark              
    (D) Inembark

  8. Convert the given sentence into an interrogative sentence and see below for the correct option :“Honesty is the best policy”
    (A) is honesty the best policy ?
    (B) is not honesty the best policy ?
    (C) Is honesty not the best policy ?
    (D) Why is honesty the best policy?

  9. He will reach home _____ at evening
    (A) lately        
    (B) late        
    (C) later  
    (D) latest

  10. He solved the _____ problem.
    (A) hardly       
    (B) hard       
    (C) hardier          
    (D) Hardist
  1. Select the right answer: My watch is five minutes —— .
    (A) slow     
    (B) lately         
    (C) past           
    (D) late
  1. Fill in with suitable conjunction: He advanced —— he could.
    (A) until           
    (B) while      
    (C) as far as       
    (D) as
  1. Which is the correct form of the given sentence: They discussed about the matter.
    (A) They had discussed about the matter.
    (B) They should have discussed about the matter.
    (C) They discussed the matter.
    (D) The given sentence is correct.
  1. Change the voice of the verb and select the correct answer: 'The script is being written.'
    (A) The script will have to be written.
    (B) Write the script.
    (C) They are writing the script.
    (D) They have been writing the script.
  1. Convert the given sentence into an interrogative sentence: I will meet you at the train station.
    (A) When will you meet me ?
    (B) How will you meet me ?
    (C) Where will you meet me ?
    (D) Can't you meet me ?
  1. She wanted to go on vacation, so she saved money. Convert this to a simple sentence.
    (A) As she wanted to go on vacation she saved money.
    (B) She saved money for vacation.
    (C) She wanted to go on vacation and saved her money.
    (D) Although she saved her money, she wanted to go on vacation.
  1. Convert the given sentence into a simple sentence:
    Pancakes are delicious but not without syrup.
    (A) Pancakes are delicious when served with syrup.
    (B) Pancakes are delicious only with syrup.
    (C) If served with syrup, pancakes are delicious.
    (D) None of the above
  1. Add a suitable prefix to form the opposite of the word 'Balance'.
    (A) Nonbalance           
    (B) Unbalance             
    (C) Disbalance     
    (D) Imbalance
  1. Fill in the blank with the suitable option :
    Let's meet —— next week.
    (A) sometimes       
    (B) sometime       
    (C) some time             
    (D) some times
  1. He.entered the hall in the —— part of the show.
    Which is the right answer ?
    (A) Latter      
    (B) Later           
    (C) Late      
    (D) Lately
  2. A ____ bow was seen in the sky.
    (A) multicoloured     
    (B) shooting        
    (C) staring     
    (D) melodious
  1. Fill in the blank with the correct word :
    ____ his humiliation, he attended the function.
    (A) Inspite
    (B) Not withstanding  
    (C) Nevertheless  
    (D) As of                               
  2. She liked the ____ plan better
    (A) latter       
    (B) later           
    (C) fast            
    (D) early
  3. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word underlined below :
    Mary’s patience and serenity won the admiration of all who saw her
    (A) holiness   
    (B) placidity      
    (C) agitation       
    (D) equanimity
  4. Marble may be used with
    (A) Painting  
    (B) Music        
    (C) Rocks        
    (D) Sculpture

Insert correct word in the blank space :

  1. Finish your task in a ______
    (A) swift         
    (B) competent             
    (C) silent         
    (D) lazy
  2. You _____ catch the train at once.
    (A) will         
    (B) can            
    (C) shall       
    (D) must
  3. _____ he was late, he come home by nine.
    (A) Even
    (B) Although   
    (C) Because   
    (D) Despite
  4. The river was _______ the bank.
    (A) overflowing      (B) dry             
    (C) full             
    (D) deep
  1. A _____ jewel was in the locker.
    (A) browning
    (B) filling       
    (C) shining        
    (D) moving
  2. Sorrow may be expressed by the following interjections :
    (A) Hurrah !  
    (B) Bravo !       
    (C) Oh !       
    (D) Alas !
  3. Fill in, with relative pronoun, the blank space below :
    The man _______ briefcase was lost, reported to the police.
    (A) that
    (B) whose          
    (C) which        
    (D) whom
  4. 'Cinema' may be used with
    (A) Cooking  
    (B) Selling       
    (C) Sleeping       
    (D) Theater
  5. Put in a correct participle in the blank space :
    The car was _______ down the slope.
    (A) rolling       
    (B) breaking   
    (C) lost            
    (D) having arrived

Insert correct word in the blank space :

  1. He is here, _____ is fortunate.
    (A) Who       
    (B) Whose        
    (C) Which      
    (D) That
  2. This is the ____ Post Office to my house.
    (A) Farthest  
    (B) Next       
    (C) Nearest        
    (D) Closest
  3. I can't walk any______
    (A) Farther
    (B) Further     
    (C) Distance       
    (D) Far
  4. 'Surprise' may be expressed by the following interjection :
    (A) Hush !    
    (B) Alas !        
    (C) Ha !            
    (D) Bravo !
  5. He talked to his horse ____ the horse could understand his grief.
    (A) As though            
    (B) With a feeling that              
    (C) Feeling that     
    (D) Assuming
  1. ——— his illness, he attended the function.
    (A) Inspite    
    (B) Due           
    (C) As of      
    (D) Despite

  2. 'Book' may be used with
    (A) Trousers   
    (B) Insects       
    (C) Ticket       
    (D) Painting
  1. Fill in with relative pronoun the blank space below:
    Who —— saw her did not pity her ?
    (A) What      
    (B) Which       
    (C) That           
    (D) Such

  2. Fill in with relative pronoun the blank space below :
    The sun, —— rays give life to the earth, was regaided by the ancients as a god.
    (A) That
    (B) Whose         
    (C) Which        
    (D) Whom

  3. 'Approval' may be expressed by the following Interjection :
    (A) Ha !        
    (B) Hush !       
    (C) Bravo !      
    (D) Hurrah !

Insert correct word in the blank space :

  1. He would always —— the police.
    (A) elude        
    (B) illude         
    (C) allude        
    (D) delude
  1. The last —— will be performed by member of the family only.
    (A) wright      
    (B) right       
    (C) rite    
    (D) write
  2. The word 'Pride' is also used to describe a group of
    (A) Tigers      
    (B) Elephants       
    (C) Lions  
    (D) Hyenas
  3. 'Cricket' is also a kind of a/an
    (A) Bird
    (B) Insect            
    (C) Food         
    (D) Flower
  4. You should —— her case as a precedent.
    (A) site
    (B) cite   
    (C) sight          
    (D) side
  5. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct meaning from the options provided:
    A person suffering from an uncontrollable desire to steal is known as a/an —— .
    (A) Kleptomaniac   
    (B) Necromaniac         
    (C) Necrophobic               
    (D) Introvert

3. Insert correct word in the blank space :

  1. The child proved himself —— by his behaviour and was expelled from the school.
    (A) Ill-bred      
    (B) Ill-advised              
    (C) Ill-treated  
    (D) Illogical
  1. The banquet-hall is —— decorated to celebrate the occasion.
    (A) Slovenly     
    (B) Simply     
    (C) Lavishly     
    (D) Poorly
  1. He came of his own —
    (A) Impulse      
    (B) Instinct      
    (C) Accord     
    (D) Indifference
  1. The patient needed an anodyne for his strained nerves.
    (A) Alcohol      
    (B) Opium      
    (C) Medicine     
    (D) Painkilling balm
  1. He is such a good Samaritan. It means :
    (A) He is very clever     
    (B) He is a fool    
    (C) Someone who tries to help people       
    (D) He is a bad man

Insert correct word in the blank space :

  1. He Changed his job and was, out of frying pan to fire.
    (A) Happy with the job             
    (B) Misfit      
    (C) In a condition from bad to worse            
    (D) Lucky in the choice
  1. A clever man sweeps his family scandals under the
    (A) Ground      
    (B) Floor      
    (C) Carpet      
    (D) Grave-stone
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