W.B.C.S. Preliminary Question Paper

  1. Insert the right preposition in the blank space:
    He died _______dengue.
    (A) with
    (B) from
    (C) of
    (D) by
  1. Fillin the blank with the appropriate option:
    He spends hours the phone everyday.
    (A) at
    (B) on
    (C) with
    (D) in
  1. Fillinthe blank with the appropriate option:
    He works an insurance company.
    (A) for
    (B) at
    (C) in
    (D) with
  1. She has no control __________her temper.
    (A) on ,
    (B) with
    (C) over
    (D) after
  1. Fill in the blank with the appropriate option:
    What are you worrying _______?
    (A) to
    (B) with
    (C) for
    (D) about
  1. He is taller than you
    (A) with
    (B) of
    (C) in
    (D) by two inches.
  1. Fill in the blank with the right option:
    He was offended
    (A) at
    (B) for
    (C) with
    (D) towards me unjustly.
  1. Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition:
    He presided _____the meeting.
    (A) over
    (B) at
    (C) in
    (D) for
  1. He cannot cope ________this pressure.
    (A) up
    (B) With
    C) In
    (D) for
  1. We sat ____ the shade of the tree.
    (A) under
    (B) below
    (C) in
    (D) through
  1. What is the time ____ your watch?
    (A) by

    (B) in
    (C) with
    (D) on
  1. He deals____ cosmetic goods.
    (A) of
    (B) with
    (C) in
    (D) on
  1. Ram made the most ____ his resources.
    (A) at
    (B) of

    (C) from
    (D) with
  1. He preferred classical music_____ popular numbers.
    (A) from
    (B) of  (
    C) over 
    (D) to
  1. Here is the man _____ you asked _____ .
    (A) whom, about         
    (B) that, for             
    (C) for, from               
    (D) this, for
  1. He has a preference ___ tea ___ coffee
    (A) over, for
    (B) for, to
    (C) for, over
    (D) to, over
  1. It is 9'o clock____ my watch
    (A) by
    (B) in
    (C) at
    (D) into
  1. She was running short ____ time.
    (A) at
    (B) of
    (C) with
    (D) for
  1. He was waiting ____ the train.
    (A) in
    (b) at
    (c) for
  1. He saved her ____ certain death.
    (A) from
    (b) with
    (c) of
    (d) in
  1. I prevailed ___ him to join our group
    (A) on
    (b) upon

    (c) beside
    (d) along with.
  1. The crew were ___ the ship for a month.
    (A) on board
    (b) aboard
    (c) on
    (d) off
  1. He hinted ______some loss treasure.
    (A) of
    (b) for
    (c) with
    (d) at
  1. Here is the watch _____ you asked _____.
    (A) which, for
    (b) that, for
    (c) for, from
    (d) this, for
  1. He is ___ the phone right now.
    (A) at
    (B) in
    (C) On
    (D) to

  2. He held his breath ____ several minutes.
    (A) on
    (B) of

    (C) for

  1. I was alarmed —— the news of my brother's illness.
    (A) In      
    (B) At          
    (C) Of              
    (D) On
  1. I am going to Chennai —— Monday —— tour.
    (A) On, of       
    (B) On, with     
    (C) In, with      
    (D) Of, on
  1. He sympathised —— him in his bereavement.
    (A) In               
    (B) For      
    (C) With    
    (D) By
  1. He succeeded by dint —— his hard labour.
    (A) Of             
    (B) By             
    (C) For            
    (D) Because
  1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition :
    I have no desire —— fame
    (A) Of   
    (B) For       
    (C) In  
    (D) To
  1. There is a exception —— every rule
    (A) To             
    (B) For            
    (C) In      
    (D) Up
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