W.B.C.S. Preliminary Question Paper

1.Which state among the 'Sixteen Mahajanapadas' was successful ultimately in founding an empire?

(A) Koshala

(B) Panchala 

(C) Kashi

(D) Magadha

2.Name the Chola king who adopted the title of Gangaikonda:

(A) Raj Raj

(B) Rajadhiraja Chola

(C) Rajendra Chola I

(D) Rajendra Chola II 

3.Which state among the 'Sixteen Mahajanapadas' was successful ultimately in founding an empire?

(A) Koshala

(B) Kashi

(C) Magadha

(D) Panchala

4.Who wrote Kumarasambhavam?

(A) Vishnu Sharma

(B) Somedeb 

(C) Dandin

(D) Kalidasa

5.Who was Mihirkula/Mihirgula?

(A) Pahlava king 

(B) Saka king

(C) Huna king

(D) Kushana king

6.Where was the first Buddhist Council held?

(A) Pataliputra

(B) Rajagriha

(C) Vaishali

(D) Malaya 

7.Where did Chandragupta II establish his second capital?

(A) Malaya

(B) Bidisha

(C) Valabhi

(D) Ujjaini 

8.Where was the capital of Kanishka?

(A) Jalandhar

(B) Kashmir

(C) Purushpur

(D) Pataliputra 

9.Under the rule of which emperor Nalanda University was founded?

(A) Skandagupta

(B) Samudragupta

(C) Kumaragupta I 

(D) Chandragupta II

10.Name the king whose achievements were described in Nanaghat inscription.

(A) Gautamiputra Satakarni

(B) Vashishta Putra Pulamayi

(C) Satakarni I

(D) Yajnasri Satakarni 

11.Who was the first historical emperor of India?

(A) Dhanananda

(B) Bimbisara

(C) Bindusara 

(D) Chandragupta Mourya

12.Name the Chalukya king who defeated Harshavardana.

(A) Pulakeshin II

(B) Mangalesh

(C) Kirtivarmana 

(D) Pulakeshin I

  1. Earliest evidence of settled agriculture in the subcontinent comes from
    (A) Utnur
    (B) Burzahom
    (C) Mehrgarh
    (D) Bagor
  1. Match the following:
    a. Kot Diji 1. Luigi Pio Tessitori
    b. Harappa 2. F.A. Khan, G.S. Ghurye
    c. Kalibangan  3. Daya Ram Sahani
    d. Mohenjodaro 4.Rakhal Das Bandyopadhyay

    (A) (a-2), (b-3), (c-1), (d-4)
    (B) (a-1), (b-3), (c-2), (d-4)
    (C) (a-4), (b-1), (C-2), (4-3)
    (D) (a-3), (b-2), (c-4), (d-1)

  1. Which among the following refers to ‘unpaid labour’?
    (A) Shulka
    (B) Udranga
    (C) Bali
    (D) Bisthi
  1. The first sermon of Gautama Buddha is called
    (A) Mahabhinishkraman
    (B) Dharmachakra Pravartana
    (C) Dhammaghos
    (D) Mahaparinirvana
  1. Whois the composer of Allahabad Prasasti?
    (A) Harishena
    (B) Bishakhdutta
    (C) Kalidasa
    (D) Shudrak
  1. In which of the following inscriptions do we find earliest reference to ‘Sati’?
    (A) Ashokan inscription of Girnar
    (B) Aihole inscription
    (C) Eran Inscription
    (D) Damodarpur inscription
  1. Arrange the list of foreign travellers in chronological order:
    a. Xuanzang (Hieun Tsang)
    b. Itsing
    c. Fa Tsien
    d. Megasthenes

    (A) (a), (b), (c), (d)
    (B) (a), (d), (b), (c)
    (C) (d), (c), (a), (b),
    (D) (d), (c), (b), (a)

  1. Match List-I  with List-II :
           List-I        List-II
    (a) Moriyas    1. Pippalivana
    (b) Videhas    2. Mithila
    (c) Licchavis   3. Vaishali
    (d) Mallas       4. Kapilavastu

    Which of the above is/are not properly matched?
    (A) (a-1), (b-2), (c-3)
    (B) (d-4)
    (C) (c-3). (d-4)
    (D) ALL

  1. Who among the following was the Greek king of Syria mention in Asokan edict?
    (A) Antiochus II Theos.
    (B) Ptolemy Il
    (C) Antigonus
    (D) Alexander
  1. The Gupta King who destroyed Sakas was
    (A) Samudra Gupta
    (B) Chandra Gupta-I
    (C) Kumara Gupta
    (D) Chandra Gupta -II
  1. Who among the following stated that there Was no slayery in India?
    (A) Strabo
    (B) Ptolemy a
    (C) Megasthenes
    (D) Hieun Tsang
  1. Who wrote Ramcharitmanas ?
    (A) Harisena   
    (B) Harshavardhana     
    (C) Tulsidas  
    (D) Joydev
  1. When did Sakabda commence ?
    (A) 78 A.D.     
    (B) 78 B.C.E.   
    (C) 178 B.C.E.
    (D) 178 A.D.
  1. Who is the author of Allahabad Pillar Inscription ?
    (A) Rudradaman     
    (B) Harisena       
    (C) Samudragupta             
    (D) Banabhatta

  2. The Subaltern School of historiography was spearheaded by
    (A) Shahid Amin      
    (B) Ranajit Guha 
    (C) Partha Chatterjee       
    (D) Goutam Bhadra
  1. Which among the following places has given the earliest evidence of agriculture in Indian Subcontinent ?
    (A) Pratapgarh              
    (B) Mehergarh          
    (C) Quetta               
    (D) Kalat
  1. Which of the following is a correct statement about Indus Valley civilization ?
    (A) Both Harappa and Mohenjodaro are located on the banks of river Ravi (Irabati).
    (B) Both Chanhudaro and Kalibangan were located within the boundaries of present day Rajasthan.
    (C) Both Surkotada and Dholavira are located in the Kutchh region of Gujarat.
    (D) Lothal site was located on the bank of Narmada river.

  2. ”Boghazkoi” is important because
    (A) it is known as significant trading centre between Central Asia and Tibet.
    (B) the original text of the Vedas was composed there.
    (C) inscription found here mention the names of Vedic Gods and Goddesses.
    (D) None of the above

  3. What were the two assemblies during the early vedic period ?
    (A) Samiti        
    (B) Sabha       
    (C) Samiti and Sangam      
    (D) Both (A) and (B)
  1. Who wrote ‘Rajatarangini’ ?
    (A) Megasthenes       
    (B) Kalhana       
    (C) Al-beruni              
    (D) Herodotus
  1. Which of the followings clearly define “Mitakshara’ ?
    (A) A work on astronomy.
    (B) A treatise on ancient hindu law of inheritance.
    (C) A text on agriculture.
    (D) A compendium on medicine.
  1. Which among the following places have given the earliest evidence of agriculture in Indian sub-continent ?
    (A) Pratapgarh       
    (B) Mehrgarh       
    (C) Quetta       
    (D) Kalat
  1. Where did Gautama Buddha attain Nirvana (enlightenment) ?
    (A) Lumbini     
    (B) Sarnath     
    (C) Kusinagar       
    (D) Bodh Gaya
  1. Who wrote Mrichhakatikam ?
    (A) Vishakhasdatta      
    (B) Shudrak  
    (C) Banabhatta              
    (D) Bhas
  1. Who among the following succeeded Samudragupta as the next ruler of the Gupta dynasty ?
    (A) Chandragupta II               
    (B) Vishnugupta          
    (C) Chandragupta I      
    (D) Skandagupta
  1. The inscriptions of Ashoka and the Brahmi scripts were deciphered by
    (A) Alexander Cunningham      
    (B) James Princep   
    (C) Max Muller      
    (D) Mortimer Wheeler
  1. Which among the following Harappan sites is not located in Gujrat ?
    (A) Surkotada              
    (B) Lothal        
    (C) Dholavira       
    (D) Banwali
  1. Who was the writer of ‘Buddha Charita’ ?
    (A) Buddhaghosha       
    (B) Ashvaghosha     
    (C) Nagarjuna       
    (D) Panini
  1. Which kingdom covered the modern Patna and Gaya districts of Bihar ?
    (A) Anga         
    (B) Kosala       
    (C) Magadha      
    (D) Avanti
  1. Who came to India during the time of Chandragupta Maurya ?
    (A) Faxian [Fa Hien]    
    (B) Xuanzang [Hiuen Tsang]      
    (C) Megasthenes       
    (D) Strabo
  1. Where did Gautama Buddha deliver his first sermon ?
    (A) Bodh Gaya            
    (B) Shravasti       
    (C) Sarnath              
    (D) Vaishali
  1. Who was referred to as ‘Sandrocottus’ in the writings of the Greeks ?
    (A) Ashoka      
    (B) Bindusara       
    (C) Chandragupta Maurya           
    (D) Dhanananda
  1. Which Gupta ruler repulsed Huna invasion ?
    (A) Samudragupta       
    (B) Chandragupta II      
    (C) Skandagupta             
    (D) Kumaragupta
  1. Who was the author of “Brihatsamhita”
    (A) Aryabhatta      
    (B) Varahamihira              
    (C) Amarasimha    
    (D) Brahmagupta
  1. Which historian is famous for his research on Ancient Indian History ?
    (A) Satish Chandra     
    (B) Bipan Chandra      
    (C) Ram Sharan Sharma          
    (D) Amalesh Tripathi
  1. Which Magadha ruler was known as 'Seniya' ?
    (A) Bimbisara            
    (B) Ajatashatru            
    (C) Mahapadma Nanda             
    (D) Chandragupta Maurya
  1. The Mauryan ruler who used the name 'Piyadasi' in his official declarations was
    (A) Bimbisara       
    (B) Ashoka       
    (C) Chandragupta Maurya            
    (D) Brihaddrata
  1. Which of the following is a Harappan site located in Rajasthan ?
    (A) Mohenjo Daro        
    (B) Suktagen Dor       
    (C) Kalibangan   
    (D) Lothal
  1. The famous physician during Buddha's time was
    (A) Kautilya     
    (B) Nachiketa              
    (C) Charaka       
    (D) Jivaka
  1. The author of 'Kadambari' was
    (A) Kshemendra          
    (B) Kalhana    
    (C) Bhababhuti        
    (D) Banabhatta
  1. Rice cultivation is associated with the Harappan site of :
    (A) Kalibangan       
    (B) Lothal            
    (C) Kot Diji       
    (D) Ropar
  1. The decline of the Nandas at the hands of Kautilya and Chandragapta Maurya has been vividly portrayed in the Sanskrit Play.
    (A) Mrichhakatika        
    (B) Devi Chandragupta           
    (C) Mattavilasa       
    (D) Mudrarakshasa
  1. The most famous Indo-Greek ruler of India was :
    (A) Demetrius              
    (B) Antiochus I       
    (C) Menander       
    (D) None of the above
  1. The Upanishadas were compiled around :
    (A) 600 BC       
    (B) 800 BC    
    (C) 1000 BC   
    (D) 1600-600 BC
  1. Which was the ancient port of Indus Civilization ?
    (A) Harappa       
    (B) Lothal       
    (C) Dholavira            
    (D) Surkotada
  1. Which of the following was a Buddhist genealogical text ?
    (A) Suttapitaka            
    (B) Vinayapitaka         
    (C) Abhidharnmapitaka      
    (D) Dipavansa
  1. The author of Kadambari was
    (A) Khemendra     
    (B) Kalhana           
    (C) Bhababhuti      
    (D) Banabhatta
  1. Which was a major port of the Indus valley ?
    (A) Lothal       
    (B) Kalibangan            
    (C) Chanhudaro          
    (D) Mehargarh
  1. The oldest Veda is
    (A) Atharvaveda        
    (B) Rigveda      
    (C) Yajurveda               
    (D) Samveda
  1. Who is the author of 'Indica' ?
    (A) Herodotus       
    (B) Megastenes   
    (C) Strabo       
    (D) Plutarch
  1. Chandragupta Maurya was succeeded by
    (A) Bindusara            
    (B) Ajatasatru 
    (C) Ashoka      
    (D) Harsha
  1. Which ruler was contemporary of both Buddha and Mahavira ?
    (A) Bimbisara            
    (B) Chandragupta       
    (C) Pradyot     
    (D) Ajatasatru
  1. What was the policy of Samudragupta in the south ?
    (A) Conquest     
    (B) Dharma Vijaya  
    (C) Digvijay     
    (D) None of the above
  1. Alexander fought against Perus on the Banks of the river
    (A) Indus      
    (B) Jhelum        
    (C) Ravi          
    (D) lravati
  1. The great Bath was found in —
    (A) Lothal       
    (B) Harappa      
    (C) Mohen-jo-daro  
    (D) Kalibangan
  1. Who composed 'Ai-hole prasasti' ?
    (A) Kautilya       
    (B) Rabikirti              
    (C) Harisena  
    (D) Nayanikar
  1. Buddha was born in —
    (A) 523 B.C.   
    (B) 563 B.C.    
    (C) 623 B.C.    
    (D) 602 B.C.
  1. Buddha was born in —
    (A) 523 B.C.   
    (B) 563 B.C.    
    (C) 623 B.C.    
    (D) 602 B.C.
  1. The first permanent home of the Aryans in India was —
    (A) Punjab     
    (B) Rajasthan               
    (C) Sindh        
    (D) Gujarat
  1. In his inscriptions, Ashoka calls himself
    (A) Priyadarshi            
    (B) Dhammasoka        
    (C) Daivaputra      
    (D) Devanampriya Priyadarsin
  1. Which of the following Gupta rulers was known as Vikramaditya ?
    (A) Chandragupta-I     
    (B) Samudragupta       
    (C) Chandragupta-II     
    (D) Skandagupta
  1. In which ancient text you will find the earliest reference to the Varna System ?
    (A) Manu Samhita       
    (B) Rigveda    
    (C) Atharva Veda              
    (D) Satapatha Brahmana
  1. Who composed the Allahabad Prasasti of Sumudragupta ?
    (A) Kalhana     
    (B) Bilhana      
    (C) Banabhatta       
    (D) Harisena
  1. Who among the Gupta rulers was known as 'Lichchavidauhitra' ?
    (A) Samudragupta     
    (B) Chandragupta II    
    (C) Kumargupta     
    (D) Skandagupta
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